Grant-Writing and Review Process at NIH Slides

The Grant Writing and
Review Process at NIH
Joshua Smyth
Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Medicine; Associate Director, SSRI
Rhonda BeLue
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Administration
Jenae Neiderhiser
Professor of Psychology
Danielle Downs
Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Obstetrics & Gynecology
Thanks to:
Lori Francis, Associate Professor of
Biobehavioral Health
Brittany Frost, Social Science Research
Workshop Outline
NIH Organization
NIH Funding Mechanisms
The Grant Writing Process
 Focus on the R01
The NIH Review Process
Overview of Review Meeting
The Scoring Process
A Penn State example
Workshop Evaluation
I. The NIH
Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
25 Awarding Institutes/Centers aka ICs
e.g., NICHD, NIMH, NIDA, NIA, etc.
Center for Scientific Review
Office of the Director
The NIH Extramural Team
A. Program
B. Grants
C. Review
A. The Program/Institute Staff
Program Administrator
Maintains knowledge of scientific area
Attends study section meetings
Makes funding recommendations
Monitors scientific progress
Identifies scientific area of importance
Reports to senior staff
Development of programs and initiatives
B. Grants Management
Interprets Federal regulations and policies
Assures compliance with Federal regulations
and policies
Monitors financial aspects of projects
Interprets regulations and policy
C. Review:
Scientific Review Group (1st Level)
Center for Scientific Review (CSR) or NIH
Institute & Center (IC)
Scientific Review Group (SRG)
Non-federal scientists with relevant expertise
Led by a Scientific Review Officer (SRO)
C. Review:
Advisory Council or Board (2nd Level)
The potential awarding IC performs the second level of
NIH program staff examine applications for impact
(formerly “priority”) scores, percentile rankings, &
summary statements against the IC’s needs
Program staff provide grant funding plan to Advisory
Council or Board
Advisory Council or Board advises the IC director
Director makes final decision
NIH Grant Application Cycle
Initiates Research
Peer Review
Submits Application
Allocates Funds
Conducts Research
Grant Application:
It’s a process, not an event
1. Communicate with Program Officer
Introducing ideas, getting feedback, pre-review
2. Get your proposal to the right review committee
Review the rosters and talk to colleagues
Effectively wording the abstract
Make a written request
3. Seek feedback from colleagues and consultants on
drafts of the grant (prepare ahead!)
4. Consider who is likely to review your grant (review
the rosters) and make sure to know and cite their
work when relevant
5. Recognize that funding on first submission is rare
II. NIH Grant Mechanisms
Ks: NIH Career Development Awards (K01, K02, K05,
K07, K08, K22 [K99/R00])
P01: Research Program Project Grant
P30: Center Core Grants
R01: NIH Research Project Grant Program
R03: NIH Small Grant Program
R13: NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific
Meetings (R13, U13)
R15: NIH Academic Research Enhancement Award
NIH Grant Mechanisms
R21: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant
R34: NIH Clinical Trial Planning Grant
T series: NRSA Training Grants (T32, T34, T35, T90,
U series: Research Project Cooperative Agreement
Diversity Supplements: Research Supplements to
Promote Diversity in Health-related Research
Roadmap: NIH Roadmap Initiatives (Director’s
Pioneer Award; Director’s New Innovative Program)
R01 (primary focus today)
Used to support a discrete, specified,
circumscribed research project
NIH’s most commonly used grant program
Body of the grant (Research Strategy) is 12
pages (mostly single spaced)
Generally awarded for 3 to 5 years
Up to $500,000/year without exceptions needed
Advance permission required for $500,000 or more
(direct costs) in any year
New and Early Stage Investigators:
A Competitive Edge
New Investigator has not previously served
as a PI for an R01; may have been an
investigator or received other smaller,
developmental or research training awards
Early Stage Investigator (ESI) is within 10
years of completing her/his terminal research
degree, or completing medical residency
III. The Grant Writing Process
Grant writing is:
A skill like any other…
But not the same skill as article writing
Instead, more of a problem-based writing
activity (theory and practice problem)
A few preliminary tips
Start early, make a timeline and STICK TO IT
Should allow time for serious pre-submission review
and subsequent revision
Develop a relationship with project officers
It is not possible to overdo clarity
Let your passion come through in your proposal
Take advantage of early stage and new
investigator opportunities
Getting ready to write
Know what has been done
Know what has been funded
NIH website RePORTER (formerly CRISP)
Decide on the problem
Important enough to get funded but simple enough
to explain as clean design
in 12 pp for the R01; less for some other mechanisms
Assemble team
Complementary skills; Seniority/competence/other
by association; People you can count on
Getting ready to write
Communicate with program officer
Establish a relationship and trust (funding
Acquire information on mechanism and
Obtain input on aims/proposal
Main Sections of the NIH Application
(see Francis et al. for some examples)
Face Page
Table of Contents
Performance Sites
Other information
Project Summary (Description)
Public Health Relevance Statement
Facilities & Resources
More Sections
Key Personnel
Budgets (for each study year)
Biosketches -- with personal statements
Budget Justification
Other sections (not discussed today);
for example:
Clinical Trial and Human Embryonic Stem
Cell (HESC)
List of Research Plan Attachments
Main Sections of the R01:
Specific Research Plan
[Introduction – revisions only]
Specific Aims: The basis for the proposal’s organization
Research Strategy
Significance and Innovation
 Preliminary studies
 Design
 Sample/recruitment/power analyses
 Procedures & measures
 Analyses
Page Limit Guide: Plan your
proposal with these limits in mind
Section of Application
Introduction (for resubmission application only)
Specific Aims
Research Approach: R03, R13/U13, R21, R36, R41,
R43, Fellowships (F), SC2, SC3
Research Approach: R01, single project U01, R10, R15,
R18, U18, R33, R24, R34, U34, R42, R44, DP3, G08, G11,
G13, UH2, UH3, SC1
Biographical Sketch
Page limits may vary for other funding mechanisms.
Check Funding Opportunity Announcement:
And More Sections
Protection of Human Subjects
Women and Minorities
Planned Enrollment Table
References Cited
Letters of Support
Resource Sharing Plan
General themes of success
Clarity is key – each point follows
Tell a (scientific) story
Everything that needs to be there, is;
nothing extra
Communicate your excitement
Get feedback early on
And often
General themes to R01 Success
Impact and Significance
Practice (2-3 sentences)
 Prevalence of problem in population
 Important social concern/public health problem
Theory (model)
Building, testing, using
New directions, value added
Compelling Preliminary Research
Keys to Success – Specific Aims
Specific Aims may be only part read by some
No more than one page
Tell the entire story
Functions as an abstract would in a manuscript
End with (actual) specific aims
Hypotheses and aims must align
Keys to Success – Background
Background and significance
This is where you ‘hook’ the reader on
your story
Used to be an explicit section; no longer
Functions as the ‘introduction’ does in a
Likely no more than 2-3 pages
Preliminary Studies
Research team collaboration no longer
required to be documented
Still very helpful
Preliminary study ‘types’ – document:
Relevant previous research
Research that demonstrates competence in
requisite domains
Capacity to recruit in specific populations
and/or contexts
Pilot data specific to proposal
Keys to Success - Methods
Methods are very important
Overall -- clarity and detail
May include a table that traces aims to hypotheses
to constructs to measures (table/s)
Is the design feasible?
Are there gaps in the methods (e.g., fidelity for
Statistics are essential – product must match aims
Consider a methodologist team member
Include a detailed timeline
And More Methods: The Sample
Preference for representative samples
Generalizability from a single entity
(university, clinic, state)
Students only if relevant to age/situation
(e.g., college drinking)
Justified exclusions
Unit of assignment is unit of analysis
Sample size/power analysis
For each outcome/planned test
Direct Costs
Senior Personnel (PI, co-Is, project director) (PSU
fringe at 36.5%)
Other Personnel (full time staff, RAs, part time
wages) (PSU fringe 36.5% for full time staff, 13.2%
for Grad Assts AY; 7.9% for part time wages and
Participant/Trainee Support Costs
Budgets, cont.
Materials and supplies
Publication costs
Consultant services
Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Fees
Indirect Costs (~50% at PSU, but does not
include all expenses)
Budget justification
Receiving the Summary
Statements: The Hardest Part!
1. Reviews critical, even harsh
2. Reviewers usually find grant’s weaknesses,
while recognizing strengths
3. Summary statements spend much more time
on critique than praise
4. Many investigators experience a mixture of
rage and depression when they read their
summary statements and easily lose
5. Take a day or two (or more!) and then read
again with a cooler head
Receiving the Summary
Statements: Bouncing Back!
1. Ask experienced colleagues to read reviews
2. Don’t interpret criticism as hopeless
3. Program Officer may be helpful in clarifying
4. If “discussed” (rather than triaged), you
have a chance of funding in next round
5. The lower the initial score, the fewer
problems and more likely to be successful
after revision
Resilience and Flexibility!
1. Persistence pays off in the grant
2. Second submission must respond to the
critiques through revision or clearly
defending reasoning
3. Same reviewers may or may not review
resubmission, but will see critique
Most Common Reasons for a
Poor Score (in priority order)
Lack of impact or significance
Lack of new or original ideas
Hypotheses ill-defined, superficial, lacking, unfocused, or
unsupported by preliminary data
Methods unsuitable, not feasible, not rigorous or not likely to yield
results; methods don’t clearly link to aims
Design not logical, inappropriate instrumentation, poor timing or
conditions; doesn’t link well to aims
Data management and analysis vague, not rigorous; analyses don’t
clearly link to aims
Inadequate expertise or knowledge of field for PI; too little time to
devote to the work
Poor resources or facilities; limited access to appropriate population
When to Revise
Basic idea was significant and
innovative or these can be bolstered
problems can be clarified (more
information) or fixed
Need preliminary data
Problem is poor writing
IV. The NIH Review Process
A. The Review Meeting
B. Review Discussion
C. The Scoring Process
D. A Penn State Example
A. The Review Meeting:
The SRO’s Role Prior to Meeting
Point of contact until review group meets (then
project officer)
Analyze submissions for completeness and conflicts
Recruit ad hoc reviewers as needed
Schedule 1-2 day meeting
Assign applications to reviewers (at least 3)
Primary, secondary, discussant
Create review order based on preliminary impact
scores from best to worst within categories
Reviewers’ Role Prior to Meeting
Familiarize self with criteria, mechanisms, and scoring
Review assigned applications
Assign scores to each criteria and other areas
Write bulleted strengths and weaknesses for each criteria
Reviews are advice to institutes for funding decisions, not
advice to PI
Post scores and comments on NIH Commons
Read other reviews of assigned applications
Prepare presentation of reviews
Skim/read non-assigned applications
Format of the Review Meeting
SRO opening remarks
Chair orientation
New investigator R01 grants
Other R01 grants
Other grant types (R03, R15, R21, R34)
Applications discussed in order of Impact
Score; bottom 50% are not discussed
SRO Opening Remarks
Review order
Proposals below median within each
category may not be discussed
Chair Orientation
Start with reviewer impact scores
May differ from posted scores
Goal of discussion is to clarify not reach
If scores are similar, shorter discussion
If scores are dissimilar, longer discussion
Recommended time
Primary – 5 minutes
Secondary – 3 minutes
Discussant – 2 minutes
B. Review Discussion
Identify proposal
Members in conflict leave
Reviewers provide preliminary impact scores
Impact, Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach,
Stress main points, do not repeat previous points
Non-reviewers typically ask questions to clarify
Human Subjects issues affecting scoring
Open discussion to entire committee
Review Discussion (continued)
Ask for reviewers impact scores again
Identify the reviewers’ recommended range
Ask if anyone wants to score outside the
Entire committee records impact score
Discuss budget and other issues
C. The Scoring Process
1. Overall Impact Score: likelihood project will “exert a
sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s)
involved (1-9 scale)
2. A separate 1-9 score for each of 5 core criteria
(Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach,
3. Additional review criteria help determine scientific and
technical merit BUT are not scored separately
4. Additional review considerations are addressed by
reviewers, but are not scored & are discussed after
group scores
Score Criteria
Overall Impact: will project exert a sustained, powerful
influence on the research field(s) as indexed by 5 core
review criteria
1. Significance: important problem addressed; how will this
improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or
clinical practice
What is the Difference Between
Impact and Significance ?
Impact Addresses:
Probability of whether the research will exert a
sustained, powerful influence on the research field
Significance Addresses:
Does the project address an important problem or a
critical barrier to progress in the field?
If the aims are achieved, how will scientific
knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical
practice be improved?
Score Criteria (continued)
2. Investigators: PI & other researchers well suited to the
project; appropriate experience & training; ongoing record
of accomplishments; complementary & integrated
experience; leadership approach, governance, and
organizational structure appropriate for project
3. Innovation: the work challenges and seeks to shift
current research or practice paradigms; utilizing novel
theory, approaches or methods, instrumentation, or
interventions; the work is novel
(Be innovative, but maybe not too innovative…)
Score Criteria (continued)
4. Approach: strategy, methodology, analyses are wellreasoned and appropriate; potential problems & alternative
strategies thought through; benchmarks set; risk is
Most common reviewer complaint is lack of detail here
Typically the longest section
5. Environment: the environment will contribute to the
project’s success; institutional support, equipment, & other
resources sufficient; unique features of the environment,
subject population, collaborative arrangements
Additional Review Criteria (not scored)
Human Subjects:
Protection of human subjects
Data safety monitoring plan (clinical trials only)
Inclusion of women, minorities, children
Vertebrate animals
Additional Review Considerations
Budget and period of support
Select agent research (infectious agents)
Applications from foreign organizations
Resource sharing plans
Exceptional: Exceptionally strong with essentially no weaknesses
Outstanding: Extremely strong with negligible weaknesses
Excellent: Very strong with only some minor weaknesses
Very Good: Strong but with numerous minor weaknesses
Good: Strong but with at least one moderate weakness
Satisfactory: Some strengths but also some moderate
Fair: Some strengths but with at least one major weakness
Marginal: A few strengths and a few major weaknesses
Poor: Very few strengths and numerous major weaknesses
Minor Weakness: An easily addressable
weakness that does not substantially
lessen impact
Moderate Weakness: A weakness that
lessens impact
Major Weakness: A weakness that
severely limits impact
Final Overall Impact Score:
Mean of all reviewers’ final impact scores X 10
Range = 10 (high impact) -- 90 (low impact)
NOTE: Scoring likely to produce applications with
identical scores (“ties”).
Thus, other factors (e.g., mission relevance, portfolio
balance) will be considered when all other things are
essentially equal
Key Sections in R01 Proposal Format
Research Plan Components
Specific Aims
Research Strategy
 Includes Background & Significance; Preliminary
Studies/Progress Report; Research Design & Methods
Facilities and Equipment
Reflects the Environment criterion
For ESIs should describe the institutional investment in the success of the
Biographical Sketch [NEW! as of Jan 25th, 2015]
Personal statement – why well-suited for project, 4 pubs
Contribution to science - you describe up to 5 of your most
significant scientific contributions (<=1/2 page each); up to 4
pubs or other products for each contribution area
D. A Penn State Example
Mock NIH Study Section
Chair: Joshua Smyth, Associate Director, SSRI
Reviewer #1: Rhonda BeLue, Associate Professor
of Health Policy and Administration
Reviewer #2: Jenae Neiderhiser, Professor of
Reviewer #3: Danielle Downs, Associate Professor
of Kinesiology and Obstetrics & Gynecology
Review group members: Workshop attendees
Links of Interest
Enhancing Peer Review Criteria:
Page Limits:
Human Subjects:
SF424 guidelines for submission:
General Resources
NIH RePorter (formerly CRISP)
Revised Applications
NIH Grant Writing Tip Sheets
Getting an RO1
More general resources
NSF Proposal Writing
Other Proposal Writing Guides
Reasons Proposals Fail
New and Early Stage Investigator
New and Early Stage Investigators
NIH Websites (forms,
grant search, etc.)
SSRI Listserv
New subscribers can join the SSRI
listserv by sending mail to: