Unit 7- Sectionalism, Civil War, and Reconstruction

Essential Questions (The Big Ideas)
What causes conflict among former
 How does our past affect our present?
 How is war both a beginning and an
Content Specific Questions
(Possible Essay Questions)
1. What were the political, social and economic differences that led the United
States to enter into a Civil War?
2. What were the reasons that the North and South entered this conflict?
3. By 1860, why were the nation’s leaders unable to keep the Union together?
4. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the North and South during this
5. What were its political, social, and economic ramifications of the Civil War?
6. What events led to a Union victory?
7. How did the Union rebuild a cohesive nation following the end of the US Civil
8. What social, economic, and political problems did African Americans face
during Reconstruction?
9. What rights were gained and what restrictions were placed on freed African
10. What amendments were passed to protect the rights of emancipated
11. What were the successes and failures of Reconstruction?
12. How did the Civil War and Reconstruction affect the lives of future
generations of America?
Wednesday, 3/4/15
Write down your homework:
 Four squares for 10 of the vocabulary words. You
must include the following:
○ word in the middle of the page
○ it’s definition
○ a picture of the word
○ your definition
○ 3 synonyms.
Log-on to Quizlet.com when you are finished
writing down your homework, but do not begin
Discussion Questions
What are some words or phrases that you
have heard friends, older family members,
or teachers use that is unfamiliar to words
you normally use? ****Stay away from
swear words.****
 Ex: Pop = Soda
Why would we need to know words that are
used in different areas of the country, or
during different time periods?
Today we will
Identify key terms that will be used
throughout the 1850s through the 1880s
in society.
 Apply our new knowledge of vocabulary
through the use of four squares.
Wednesday, 3/5/15
Please turn in your four squares from
last night.
 Write down your homework:
 On Achieve 3000
○ “Remembering Dred Scott”
○ “May 1861: War Begins”
 Missing Work
Log-on to Quizlet.com
Complete your guided notes on your
 Quizlet yourself on all 24 terms, test can
be any format you want. Record your
score on side board.
 Achieve 3000 or missing work when you
are done.
Today we will…..
Examine the causes of the Civil War. We will
later use this knowledge to complete a
Friday, 3/6/15
Log-in to Achieve 3000 and complete
the following articles:
 Remembering Dred Scott
 May 1861: War Begins
 The Return of the Unicorn (from Mrs.
Shuey in your mailbox)
Raise your hand if you get a 75% or
higher on the 1st try for a piece of candy.
Monday, 3/9/15
Turn in your Vocab Homework (4 squares for
10 words)
 Homework on Achieve 3000:
 September 1861: Another Win for the South
 April 1861: First Shots are Fired!
Today we are going to examine the causes
of the Civil War. Keep in mind these issues
are occurring during the time of Westward
Movie Expectations
Our Eyes and Ears are open, and mouths are
Our heads are up off of the tables.
We are completing the movie guide as we go
along, as it is for a grade.
If we are spoken to more than twice during the
movie, we will be uninvited, given a textbook
assignment, and will receive a 4x4 square.
Turn in your movie guide before you leave
today, so we may finish up with it tomorrow.
Social Studies Back to School Night
is TOMORROW from 5:30-7pm!!!
Do not forget to come out and vote for the
King and Queen of the 8th Grade Dance!!!!
This will be your only opportunity to do so.
 There will also be food, Latin dancing, crafts,
talk to a current enlisted Army personnel, get
a henna tattoo, play trivia, and MORE!!!!
Tuesday, 3/10/15
Homework on Achieve 3000:
 September 1861: Another Win for the South
 April 1861: First Shots are Fired!
 Come out to Curriculum Night to vote for the
8th grade King and Queen between 5:30 and
Today we are going to examine the
causes of the Civil War. Keep in mind
these issues are occurring during the
time of Westward Expansion.
Wednesday, 3/11/15
Write down your homework:
 On Achieve 3000:
○ September 1861: Another Win for the South
○ April 1861: First Shots are Fired!
 Summary to our class notes “Road to Civil War”
 Weekly 5 tomorrow on our vocab, notes, and
movie guide.
 If you are going on the AVID trip on Friday, you
need to complete 90mins on Achieve 3000,
which equals out to about 5 articles.
Get out a pen/pencil.
Today, and tomorrow we will be
Outlining the similarities and differences
of the North and South
 Investigating the causes of the Civil War.
Essential Questions of the Day (possible
unit test questions):
 What were the causes of the Civil War?
 Was the Civil War preventable? Why or Why
Notes- Compare
Using our Movie Guide from Monday
and Tuesday, you will compare the
North and the South in the realms of
economics, social norms, and politics.
You will get to work with a partner for
15minutes, before we review.
Thursday, 3/12/15
Write down your homework:
 On Achieve 3000:
○ September 1861: Another Win for the South
○ April 1861: First Shots are Fired!
 Summary to our class notes “Road to Civil War”
 If you are going on the AVID trip on Friday, you
need to complete 90mins on Achieve 3000, which
equals out to about 5 articles.
Log-on to edmodo for your weekly5.
Weekly 5
Log-on to edmodo.com and complete the
Weekly5 for 3/12. You can use your notes.
When you are done, begin working on your
“Steps Towards Civil War” notes on your
own. Once everyone is done their Weekly
5 we will be able to work with a partner.
Steps Toward Civil War
Using the interactive map on
ar.html you will be analyzing the events that
led to the Civil War.
 You will be using this to answer the Essential
Question- Was War preventable? Why/Why
 Complete your summary section on your
notes IF you complete this before class ends.
The Summary Section is a grade!
Friday, 3/13/15
Log-on to Achieve 3000 and complete the
following articles:
September 1861: Another Win for the South
○ April 1861: First Shots are Fired!
○ Ocean Floor Surprises (in mailbox- Grade for Miss.
 Complete articles of your choice AFTER these
are complete.
Monday, 3/16/15
Write down your homework:
 Summary on today’s notes (Steps Towards Civil
War) due tomorrow
 Due Friday on Achieve 3000:
○ Civil War and Reconstruction: The Words of the
○ Reconstruction to the Present: The Lives They
○ Reconstruction to the Present: Women Fought the
War, Too
Please get out your Road to Civil War
Notes (Venn diagram on one side, steps on
the other).
Steps Toward Civil War
Using the interactive map on
ar.html you will be analyzing the events that
led to the Civil War.
 You will be using this to answer the Essential
Question- Was War preventable? Why/Why
 Complete your summary section on your
notes IF you complete this before class ends.
The Summary Section is a grade!
Tuesday, 3/17/15
Prior to the Civil War, many people did not
speak out against slavery, but were against it.
Why do you think they would NOT speak out
against slavery? Why should they have
spoken out? Must answer in 4-5 sentences.
 Write down your homework:
 Due Friday on Achieve 3000:
○ Civil War and Reconstruction: The Words of the War
○ Reconstruction to the Present: The Lives They Lived
○ Reconstruction to the Present: Women Fought the
War, Too
Today we will….
- Review Steps Towards Civil War
- Expand our critical thinking skills in
written expression.
- Investigate slave life on a plantation.
Mission US- Slave Life
What was is like on the plantations?
 What were the choices you could have
 Why did slaves want slavery to end?
 Think outside of the box- Why would
some slaves not want slavery to end?
Wednesday, 3/18/15
Write down your homework:
 Complete Mission US packet due tomorrow
 Due Friday on Achieve 3000:
○ Civil War and Reconstruction: The Words of the
○ Reconstruction to the Present: The Lives They
○ Reconstruction to the Present: Women Fought the
War, Too
Get out your Mission US packet, and logon to Mission US.
Today we will….
- Review Steps Towards Civil War
- Expand our critical thinking skills in
written expression.
- Investigate slave life on a plantation.
Mission US- Slave Life
What was is like on the plantations?
 What were the choices you could have
 Why did slaves want slavery to end?
 Think outside of the box- Why would
some slaves not want slavery to end?
Thursday, 3/19/15
Log-on to Edmodo.com and take your
Weekly 5: 3/19. This is on your movie
guide from last week, “Steps Towards
Civil War,” and “ Mission US” notes
 After your Weekly 5, we will begin our
Underground Railroad Journal Mini
Project due Monday 3/23/15 (first major
grade for Quarter 4.) Log-on to Achieve
to complete readings as we wait. Thank
Friday, 3/20/15
Log-on to Achieve 3000 and complete
the following articles:
Civil War and Reconstruction: The Words of
the War
○ Reconstruction to the Present: The Lives They
○ Reconstruction to the Present: Women Fought
the War, Too
 Pink Sheets are due at the end of class
along with ALL missing work!!!!
Monday, 3/23/15
Turn in Your Underground Railroad
Journals into the orange bin
 Write down homework:
 Summary to Who has the Upper Hand Notes?
(Graded for Q4)
 On Achieve 3000:
○ Let’s Talk Money
○ Hard Times
○ The Magic of Oz
 Permission Slips due 4/6/15 to homeroom
Confederate Troops
 Defending their
 Did not want to lose
their property,
country, freedom
 Good soldiersexcellent shooters
 Former officers in the
U.S. Army
 Few factories to
produce weapons
Few railroads to
move troops/supplies
Few supplies
Small population (9
More than 1/3 of the
population was
Poor navy
Union Troops
 Population of 22
Many people to grow
food and work in
Factories to make
supplies for the Union
Strong navy
 Had to conquer a
large area
 Did not have well
trained generals.
 Invading unfamiliar
Tuesday, 3/24/15
Science Benchmarks
 Code: 00M- U09
Achieve 3000 when your benchmark is
 Articles due this week:
○ The Magic of Oz
○ Hard Times
○ Let’s talk Money
○ How We Count America
Wednesday, 3/25/15
Come in and turn in your Summary for the
notes from Monday, as well as, missing
Underground Railroad Journals
 Write down your homework:
 Summary answered for Important Leaders Notes
from today
 Articles due this Friday:
The Magic of Oz
○ Hard Times
○ Let’s talk Money
○ How We Count America
Over the next few days we will…..
Identify key leaders of the Civil War.
 Examine the significance of major Civil
War Battles and how the war brought
about new technologies using multiple
sources both in print and electronically.
In order to identify key people….
We need to log-on to edmodo.com.
 On here I have placed two resources that you will
use to complete your Cornell Notes on the most
important leaders of the Civil War. Your Weekly 5 on
Friday will be on these notes and are expected to be
done before you leave.
You may work with ONE person to complete your
Be sure to complete each section in it’s entirety.
I will be walking around to help you.
If we cannot handle partner work, we will have to
work independently.
Thursday, 3.26.15
Please log-on to edmodo.com and find our
assignment for today: “Civil War Battles.”
 Write down your homework:
 Complete Civil War Battles notes through the year
 Achieve 3000 Articles due Friday
Friday 3/27/15
Please log-on to edmodo.com and complete
Weekly 5: 3/27. You may use your notes.
 Turn in your Summary for Civil War Leaders
 Write down Homework:
 Summary for Civil War Battles Notes
 Missing work and Achieve 3000 articles
Finish your Civil War Battles Notes independently
and silently after you are done your Weekly 5.
 Achieve or Freerice.com if ALL items are done and
shown to Ms. Farley
Monday, 4/6/15
Come in and sit down silently.
 Log-on to edmodo.com and take “Civil War
Notes Quiz”.
 Silently Complete Civil War Battles Crossword
or Missing Work After
 Homework:
Civil War Battles Crossword
Progress Report due Friday
Missing Work
Achieve 3000- Global upheavals: A war’s last soldier,
and Remembering World War I.
 Field-trip and Permission slip due Friday
Tuesday, 4/7/15
The sooner we are seated and silent,
the sooner we can begin America the
Story of Us: Civil War
 Homework:
 Progress Report due Friday
 Missing Work
 Achieve 3000- Global upheavals: A war’s
last soldier, and Remembering World War I.
 Field-trip and Permission slip due Friday
Benchmark Testing from 8-10am
Click Class scape.
 Log-in. If you don’t have a computer
read AR until one becomes available.
 Code: 10D- 401 (the 0 are zeros)
 AR, Achieve, or IXLs until all are
finished. When all are finished, we will
watch a movie.
Wednesday, 4/8/15
The sooner we are seated and silent, the
sooner we can begin America the Story of Us:
Civil War.
After movie review Monday’s test, and
Reconstruction Reading Guide
 Make test corrections and Reconstruction Reading
due tomorrow
Progress Report due Friday
Missing Work
Achieve 3000- Global upheavals: A war’s last soldier,
and Remembering World War I.
Field-trip and Permission slip due Friday
Thursday, 4.9.15
Reconstruction- What happens after the War?
Turn in Reconstruction Reading Homework
Log-on to edmodo.com and find the
assignment “Reconstruction”. You will use the
link and reading provided to answer the three
main questions provided. Please answer each
question with at least 3 bullets of information.
4. Homework:
Summary to Reconstruction Notes due tomorrow
Study Guide due Monday
Achieve 3000 due tomorrow
Progress Reports due tomorrow
Fieldtrip Money and Permission Slips due tomorrow
Achieve 3000- Friday 4/10/15
Global Upheavals
 Remembering WWI
Complete ALL missing work for ANY
class when you have finished. Do not
tell me you have nothing to work on.
That is a lie.
Monday 4/13
Get out your Study Guide. You were
given this last Thursday and it was due
 Trade with someone near you.
 Homework: Study For tomorrow’s test.
Achieve articles due Friday- Bonus
Lesson: They were Americans, The
Code Breakers, and A Place in History
Tuesday 4/14
Please log-on to edmodo and click on
“Civil War and Reconstruction Unit Test.”
You cannot use your notes. Good Luck!
 If you do not have a laptop, silently raise
your hand and wait until I can get you
one. Do not raise your hand if you have
a laptop.
 Achieve, IXLs, or AR when your are
done. Grades have been updated!
Wednesday 4/15/15
Please log-on to Achieve 3000 and do the
following articles:
 Global Upheavals: A War’s Last Soldier
 Remembering World War I
 The Code Breakers
 Bonus Lesson: They Were Americans
 A Place in History
 After these…. Articles of your choice
Candy if you get a 75% or higher the 1st try.
Thursday 4/16/15
Field day (if no rain)
 Rain = normal classes
 Write down homework:
 On Achieve 3000:
○ The Code Breakers
○ Bonus Lesson: They Were Americans
○ A Place in History
 Vocabulary Check on Monday
 Bring lunches from home, if you signed up for to
bring a bagged lunch tomorrow.
Unit 8- The Progressive Era,
Imperialism, and WWI
Today we will identify key vocabulary for our
new unit.
 Go to quizlet.com
 Search C_Farley
 Click Unit 8- The Progressive Era, Imperialism,
and WWI
 Complete the vocabulary handout, and study the
words either with Learn, Space Race, Spelling, or
 Monday we will have a vocabulary check.
Friday, 4.17.15
Field trip to the Museum of History