2014 WU 1-Month Day 14 Quiz #3

Name: _______________________
Date: ______________________
Quiz #3
_______/28 points
Part 1: Identification
Directions: Choose which poetic device is used in the line of poetry given in the table. You may use a term
more than once. (1 point each)
Word Bank (you can use each word more than once!)
Poem lines
Love is destruction
Love is power
Love is mother
The teachers are freaking irritating
They sound like wop-wop-wop.
Poetic Device used
The girls around my way bumble
Like bees.
Tip-tap-tip-tap Ms. Freedom types in her office
Knock-knock “Can I talk to you Ms. Freedom?”
Love is as deadly as a lion.
DC cries for every lost child
SE cries out for the litter on the streets.
Baby boy Bobby bounces back and across the room. 7)
The walls are giving out blues clues
The streets are listening.
_______/8 points
Part 1: Poem Analysis
Directions: Read the 2 poems and answer the analysis questions that follow.
Dream Variations
by Langston Hughes
To fling my arms wide
In some place of the sun,
To whirl and to dance ___
Till the white day is done.
Then rest at cool evening
Beneath a tall tree
While night comes on gently,
Dark like me-That is my dream!
To fling my arms wide
In the face of the sun,
Dance! Whirl! Whirl! ___
Till the quick day is done.
Rest at pale evening . . .
A tall, slim tree . . .
Night coming tenderly
Black like me.
1. Write the rhyme scheme of the poem on the lines next
to each line. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? (2
In Dream Variations, identify 2 poetic devices and give the
example from the poem (2 points each):
Device used
Example from poem
2. ____________________: _________________________
3. ____________________: _________________________
4. What do you think “dark” and “black” symbolize? (2 pts)
_______/8 points
Ode to My Mother
by Reggie
Ode to my mother
She is as nice as summer weather
She is life
Supports me through my trials and tribulations
Gives me advice when I need it
Raise me to shine like the sun
And to never play with guns
But what happen to me?
Locked up for 9 to 10 months like a hoodlum or
To have a baby at 16 like Maya Angelou
Oh no my mother did not raise me like dat
What happen to me…
I apologize dear mamma.
Poem Analysis! Remember to use complete sentences!
1. Topic sentence: (The title of the poem, the author, and a
short description of the meaning of the poem) (2 points)
2. What is one poetic device that the author uses? (2
3. Give an example of this poetic device in the poem (cite
the line): (2 points)
4. What does this line mean? (2 points)
5. What type of poem is this? (ode, elegy, concrete poem) 1 pt
6. What is the mood of the poem? (1 points)
Extra credit!! (1 point!!)
What is the difference between an
elegy and an ode?
7. Conclusion sentence: (Wrap up your thoughts! Re-state
the meaning) 2 points
_______/12 points