AP Government Preparation

AP Government Preparation: Summer 2015 Assignment
Instructor: Mr. Thomas william.thomas@pgcps.org
Instructor: Ms. Newman tracy.newman@pgcps.org
Prior to the beginning of the Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics
Course, it is imperative that students have a solid foundation in the concept of the three
branch government and the functions of each branch. Students must also be
knowledgeable of political current events and the general distinctions between the two
major political parties. The following assignments are designed to prepare students for
the rigorous undertaking that awaits them in the fall. Assignments will be collected
during the 1st week of school and given the grading weight of a project.
Suggested Summer Reading:
Order and read the following books in the order that they are listed (Both books can
be found on Amazon.com):
1. How the U.S. Government Works by Syl Sobel
2. The Everything American Government Book: From the Constitution to Present-Day
Elections, All you Need to Understand Our Democratic System by Nick Ragone
(Note: These books are merely suggestions. There are numerous others that will also
offer a basic overview of America’s government structure.)
Assignment #1: The Three Branches of Government
Prepare a general outline for the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the federal
government. Follow the outline structure below. Each branch should be at least one-two
typed pages (total of 6 pages). Do not simply do this assignment. Write details that
will enable you to Study and Learn the information!
I. Legislative Branch (Congress)
A. Structure (Organization)
B. Election Process/Term of Office
C. Functions/Responsibilities
II. Executive Branch (The President and the Bureaucracy)
A. Structure (Organization-White House, Executive Cabinets, Agencies)
B. Election Process/Term of Office
C. Functions/Responsibilities
III. Judicial Branch (Federal Courts and the Supreme Court)
A. Structure (Organization)
B. Selection Process/Term of Office
C. Functions/Responsibilities
Assignment #2: Political Events in the News
Start to familiarize yourself with the political issues that are going on now and affect our
nation and individual liberty. You are responsible for watching the television news
(CNN, ABC, FOX, etc) and reading the newspaper or any of the weekly newsmagazines.
Create and maintain journal (electronic or paper).
1. Read two political news articles per week (a total of 16). The articles may come from
a newspaper (ie. The Washington Post or Washington Times) or a magazine (ie. Time or
2. Watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, BBC, CSPAN and Nightly News (ABC, CBS, and
NBC) on a regular basis (at least 30 minutes twice a week for a minimum total of 16).
Keep a log of the channels, times and the political stories covered in that time period.
Watch a variety of networks in order to get multiple perspectives on the same stories.
Format for news articles and television reports
For each entry:
a. Write the date
b. Identify source (name of news article and/or name of network)
c. What did you learn? List three pieces of information that you have learned. Write
three separate complete sentences.
d. What questions do you have about the topic? Create and list two separate
questions that you have about the topic.
e. What is your opinion about the topic? In a complete sentence(s), state and explain
your opinion about the topic.
3. Find and summarize three current event articles (from 2015) related to each of the
national branches of government. (Congress, the President/Bureaucracy and the Supreme
Format for the additional summaries
For each summary:
a. Write the date
b. Identify source (name of news article and/or name of network)
c. Summary the publication with supporting details. Remember to begin the
summary with an introductory sentence and elaborate with supporting details.
*In All you should have a total of 41 summaries (16 from written publications from
news articles, 16 from television reports and an additional 9 (print or television)
specifically for the three branches of government)
*Please site each written source by identifying the publication, the author and the
*Please site each television source by the network, the name of the program and the
date and time of the program.*
*Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 may be typed or handwritten*
*Reminder - the books listed below will assist with preparing and increasing your
knowledge about government.*