CSU, STANISLAUS B.S.N. CLINICAL PLAN OF CARE Student: Jillian Rohde Date of Care: 12/5/14 Room Number: Patient Data Admitting Diagnosis Right total knee arthroplasty Age 60 years old Spiritual Focus Not specified Culture Caucasian; married Patient Initials ME Gender Male Height 170.1 cm Weight 74.8 kg Admitting Date 12/4/12 Vital Signs T 36.6 (98) P 80 R 19 B/P 122/71 O2Sat 96 on room air Pain Scale 2/10 Past Medical History MRSA; HTN Surgical History Right total knee arthoplasty Diet: Regular Activity: Crutches, cane, walker, passive ROM q2h, trapeze bed Foley: NG/Feeding Tube: None Advance Directives: Yes. Clear yellow urine output Yes- wife Code Status: Full code VS Freq: Q4h TEDs/SCDs: Compression stockings bilateral Drains/ Tubes: Glucose Monitoring: Foley catheter Right knee hemovac Q4h PCA/Epidural: None Telemetry Continuous cardiac monitoring Vascular Access: IV Site: Safety Considerations: Fall precaution; MRSA Dressing Changes: Surgical dressing change at 48 hours post op- not color, size, exudate, odor, temperature Labs to be Drawn: CBC w Differential Scheduled Procedures: Notes on Pathophysiology: Left forearm IV Solution: Sodium Chloride 0.9% 1000mL continuous infusion Total knee arthroplasty is better known as total knee replacement. It is used as a last resort to relieve pain and restore function in severely damaged knee joints. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage from the knee, thigh bone, kneecap, and shin bone and replaces it with an artificial joint made often of high grade plastic or polymers. This patient was experiencing arthritic pain in his knee prior to the surgery that was caused by the wearing away of the cartilage in his knee. This caused the bones to rub together as he put pressure on the knee-walking, jogging, climbing, etc. which caused him pain. All Lab values WNL except.. Lab and Diagnostic Test Data Test type (date) Blood Hgb Normal Range 13-16 Pt Results 11.1 Trends ↑ L Rationale (specific to pt) Nursing implications related to patient care & teaching Could be due to anemia or dietary deficiency. There was no hemorrhaging Test type (date) Normal Range Pt Results Hct 37-49 32.0 Platelets 130-400 184 Medication Allergies: Trends ↑ Rationale (specific to pt) L Nursing implications related to patient care & teaching during the surgery. Implications would be to watch for dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, and headache and lab results for all RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and liver enzymes. Could be due to anemia or dietary deficiency. There was no hemorrhaging during the surgery. Implications would be to watch for dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, and headache and lab results for all RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and liver enzymes. WNL None Medications Generic & Trade Name Drug Classification Dose/Route Frequency (Therapeutic &Pharmacologic) Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 1 mg IV push prn for pain 1-3 q4h Lipitor (Atorvastatin) Drug class: Statin 80 mg PO at bedtime Action of drug and Rationale (specific to Pt) This medication is used to treat pain in this patient as related to knee pain from surgery Significant Side Effects Nursing implications related to patient care & teaching Peripheral edema, pruritis, abdominal pain, xerostomia, dizziness, UTI, upper respiratory infection, fatigue Monitor pt for respiratory depression, monitor for nausea, fatigue, constipation, avoid sudden discontinuation of drug Ensure pain is being controlled with medication by assessing pain on a 0/10 scale Administer slowly Monitor this patient’s blood pressure and ensure they take it every night before bed This medication is used May cause fever or muscle to lower high cholesterol weakness and triglyceride levels for this patient due to his hyperlipidemia Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Drug class: Analgesic 650 mg q6h PO prn for pain (1-3) or temperature >101 maximum daily dose of 4000 mg per day This drug treats minor aches and pains and reduces fever. This patient currently has pain due to the wounds on his legs Pruritis, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting, Headache, Insomnia, Agitation, Atelectasis Temazepam Drug class: Benzodiazepine 7.5 mg (I cap) po prn at bedtime for insomnia This medication is used to induce sleep as needed for the patient while they are in the hospital Somnolence, dizziness Zofran (Ondansetron) Drug class: Antiemetic 4 mg IV q6h prn for nausea and vomiting This medication is used as needed in the case that the patient is Tachypnea, Tachycardia, fever, headache, SOB Ensure the patient’s cholesterol levels are within normal range Ensure patient’s blood pressure is within normal range (90-120)/(6080) Have patient rate pain 1-10 to determine whether Tylenol is appropriate. Record patient’s temperature q4h or as needed when patient’s skin feels warm, wet, or consciousness is altered. Monitor patient’s pain level or temperature thereafter and for any adverse effects Patient must state that they need the medication for the induction of sleep. Advise that pt will be sleepy and might be altered or dizzy upon standing so pt should remain in bed Monitor respiration level and o2 saturation Monitor the pt for nausea and vomiting and administer as needed Monitor the patient’s vitals Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 2 mg IV push prn for pain 4-7 q4h This medication is used to treat pain in this patient as related to knee pain from surgery Peripheral edema, pruritis, abdominal pain, xerostomia, dizziness, UTI, upper respiratory infection, fatigue Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 4 mg IV push prn for pain 8-10 q4h Peripheral edema, pruritis, abdominal pain, xerostomia, dizziness, UTI, upper respiratory infection, fatigue Docusate Sodium Drug class: Stool Softener 100 mg/1 Tablet, NG, Daily This medication is used to treat pain in this patient as related to knee pain from surgery nauseous or vomiting to block the chemicals that trigger it This medication is used to treat Constipation Flu-like syndrome, fatigue, pain, edema, hypertension, thrombocytopenic purpura, Monitor pt for respiratory depression, monitor for nausea, fatigue, constipation, avoid sudden discontinuation of drug Ensure pain is being controlled with medication by assessing pain on a 0/10 scale Administer slowly Monitor pt for respiratory depression, monitor for nausea, fatigue, constipation, avoid sudden discontinuation of drug Ensure pain is being controlled with Carefully monitor for and immediately report S&S of GI bleeding. Vancomycin HCl in Sodium Chloride 0.9% Drug class: Antibiotic 250 mL @ 125 mLs/hr IVPB Q12H This medication is used to prevent infection (Antibacterial) dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, hypercholesterolemia, headache, dizziness, depression, URI rash, pruritus, cough, rhinitis Nephrotoxicity leading to uremia, shock-like state, anaphylactoid reaction with vascular collapse, leukopenia – all life-threatening effects Report any unusual bleeding. Avoid omeprazole, esomeprazole, or other over the counter acid reducing drugs. Only take aspirin or NSAID if approved by prescriber. Monitor BP and heart rate continuously during drug administration. Notify prescriber immediately of ringing in ears. The full course of prescribed medication must be completed. Evaluate Effects of Nursing Actions – Patient Response/Outcomes Chief Medical Diagnosis: Priority Assessments: 1. Nursing Care: Risk for infection Nursing Actions: Assess incision wound every shift and document size, color, redness, warmth, and healing stage Maintain sterile dressing for the first 48 hours and then leave open to air while still assessing edges of wound for healing process Assess for signs of infection, redness, swelling, heat Collaborate with dietician to develop meal plan to promote tissue healing Maintain good handwashing technique Patient Response and Outcome: 2. Nursing Care: Pain r/t post operation Nursing Actions: Administer pain medication as indicated Assess pain level frequently Maintain patient in comfortable position in bed Maintain adequate pain medication administration before procedures and activities Apply ice packs as indicated Patient Response and Outcome: Patient’s pain level reduce to 2/10 from 6/10 Patient able to maintain bedrest without excessive pain or discomfort Patient responding well to pain medication-no sideeffects 3. Nursing Care: Decreased mobility r/t total knee arthroplasty Nursing Actions: Maintain affected knee in prescribed position and body in alignment while in bed Support position while in bed with pillows Demonstrate and assist with mobility using trapeze device Inspect skin, observe for reddened areas. Keep linens dry and wrinkle-free. Massage skin and bony prominences routinely. Protect operative heel, elevating whole length of leg with pillow Perform and assist with ROM exercises q2h Ensure foley catheter is in place Patient Response and Outcome: Patient’s right knee is immobilized and cushioned with pillows between the extremity and the bed Patient’s affect leg raised on pillow Patient used trapeze device to assist with mobility Patient has foley in place with clear, yellow urine and adequate output Patient presents with no reddened areas of skin Patient has crutches at bedside to assist with ambulation Patient’s wound clean and dry No evidence of drainage or signs of infection Patient maintaining high protein diet and ingesting >70% for increased tissue healing Patient’s temperature is normal at 36.6