Project 3 -

Life Cycle 0f a Butterfly
-Elementary Grades 3rd and 4th
-Middle Class
-Science class that is learning about butterflies
-Work individually or in pairs
-Needs a computer with sound capabilities, Internet, and
Microsoft PowerPoint
-Given a picture, the students will be able to recognize
what stage the butterfly is in with 100% accuracy.
-Given a picture of the butterfly life cycle chart, children
will be able to identify the cycles from start to end with
100% accuracy.
-Given the name of a cycle, children will be able to
describe it with 100% accuracy.
Hi! I’m Barry the butterfly and
today I’m going to teach
you about the cycles of my
Let’s go!
Here are some
instructions on how to
navigate through this
If you click this button it will take you to the
home screen!
If you click on this butterfly it will take you to
the next screen!
If you click on this butterfly it will take you to
the last screen!
The definitions of the underlined words can
be found under the vocabulary tab!
Click on each Picture to Explore Each Cycle!
2. Caterpillar
1. Egg
• Quiz!
• Vocabulary!
• Video!
4. Adult
3. Pupa
Click on the Quiz after you review each section!
This stage
happened before I
was born!
Lime Butterfly Egg
What are they made of?
The eggs are protected by a hard-ridged
outer layer of the shell, called
Owl Butterfly Eggs
A thin layer of wax coats this. This
prevents the egg from drying out.
Each egg contains a number of tiny funnel-shaped openings at
one end called microplyes.
Where can you find the
Butterflies lay their eggs on
Monarch Butterfly Egg
Each species of butterfly has its own host plant. Some are
restricted to one plant, while others use a variety of different plants.
When are they laid?
The egg stage lasts a few weeks!
If the eggs are laid close to winter the go through a diapause
(resting) stage and hatching may take place only in the Spring.
Others lay their eggs in the Spring and they hatch in the Summer!
Quick Review of the egg stage!
True or false?
The eggs are protected by a hard outer shell.
Awesome Job!
The answer is TRUE!
The hard outer shell is called the CHORION!
Remember, the egg needs some kind of
protection so it does not get damaged!
This stage
happened after my
egg hatched!
Swallowtail Caterpillar
Butterfly larvae, or
caterpillars, consume plant
leaves and spend most of
their time searching for food.
Some larvae communicate with ants using vibrations!
Caterpillars mature in
stages called instars.
At the end of each instar, the
larva molts the old cuticle.
Cuticles, which are a
tough, but flexible covering,
form during the instars
Development of the wing
patterns begins by the last
larval instar.
Norape Caterpillar
Caterpillars have 3 pairs of true legs and up to 6 pairs of prolegs! Prolegs
are used for grips!
Some caterpillars can inflate parts of their head to appear snake-like!
Some have special structures called osmeteria which produce smelly
chemicals for defense!
Quick review of the caterpillar stage!
True or False?
Some caterpillars release a smelly chemical for
Good Job!
The answer is TRUE!
The special structures that release the
chemical are called osmeteria!
Try to think back to how caterpillars protect
In this stage I form a
cocoon to begin my
transformation into a
Euptoieta Claudia Pupa
How does the caterpillar become a pupa?
The larva transforms into a pupa,
or chrysalis by anchoring itself
to a surface and molting for the
last time.
Danaus Plexippus
The pupal transformation into a
butterfly is through
The pupal wings undergo rapid
Quick review of the Pupa stage!
True or False?
The pupal transformation does not go through
Great Job!
The answer is FALSE!
The pupal transformation does undergo
Try to think about the pupal transformation again.
Adult Butterfly
This is the final
stage of my life!
I’m finally an adult!
Blue Morpho Butterfly
Adult Butterfly
The adult, sexually mature, stage of the insect is known as the imago.
Butterflies had four wings that are covered in tiny scales!
Adult Butterfly
An adult butterfly has six legs.
A butterfly can’t fly until its wings
are unfolded.
They need to spend time inflating their wings with blood and letting them
This process can take up to 3 hours!
Quick review of the adult butterfly stage!
True or False?
A butterfly can fly as soon as it emerges from its cocoon.
Awesome Job!
The answer is FALSE!
It may take up to 3 hours for the butterfly to be able
to fly!
Remember, butterflies need time for blood to circulate
to their wings!
Chorion- the hard outer layer that protects the egg.
Microplyes- funnel-shaped openings at the end of an egg.
Host plant- a plant that harbors the egg.
Diapause- resting state of the egg during the winter.
Caterpillars- the larval form of butterflies or moths.
Cuticle- tough, but flexible, non-mineral outer covering of an organism.
Molts- sheds
Prolegs- small fleshy, stub structure used for grip.
Osmeteria- a fleshy organ that emits a smelly chemical for defense.
Chrysalis- pupal stage
Metamorphosis- process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching,
involving abrupt change in the animals body structure.
Imago- last stage of development.
Ready for the quiz?
Review video first?
Home to review the
Here’s a fun story that
talks about a caterpillar
who is trying to find out
how she will become a
Click here for
the QUIZ!
Quiz Time!
Now it’s time to
review what we’ve
What stage is B?
A. Pupa
B. Adult
C. Egg
D. Caterpillar
Great Job!
Answer: D. Caterpillar
Did you know that caterpillars outgrow their skin several
Not quite...
Remember, the second stage of the life cycle starts with a C…
What is the hard outer layer of the egg called?
A. Chorion
B. Microplyes
C. Diapause
D. Shell
Answer: A. Chorion
Did you know that the chorion contains 2 layers? The trophoblast and
the mesoderm.
Think again...
Remember, the name of the shell may start with the
letter C.
The resting stage of an egg during the winter is called
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
Did you know this happens especially in temperate regions!
What stage is this?
A. Adult Butterfly
B. Pupa
C. Egg
D. Caterpillar
Answer: B. Pupa
Did you know that the pupa becomes increasingly transparent
as it progresses!
Think again...
Think about what stage the cocoon is in..
What other insect do caterpillars communicate
A. Worms
B. Spiders
C. Ants
D. Beetles
Answer: C. Ants
Did you know that the ants provide some protection to these
Remember they communicate through
How many legs does an adult butterfly have?
A. Four
B. Six
C. Five
D. Eight
Good Job!
Answer: B. Six
Did you know that in the nymphalids, the first pair of legs is
Not quite...
Remember, butterflies have a set number of legs..
The small fleshy stub structure used for grip is the:
A. Diapause
B. Prolegs
C. Chrysalis
D. Cuticle
Answer: B. Prolegs
Did you know that prolegs are also called false legs!
Think again...
Think about the structures that caterpillars have by their legs.
What is another word for the last stage of the butterfly life
A. imago
B. microplyes
C. chorion
D. osmeteria
Way to go!
Answer: A. imago
Did you know that butterflies go through hibernation!
Oops, try again
Hint: The alternative word for adult butterfly is
similar to the word image!
Thanks for going on this
learning adventure with me!
You did great! Hope to see
you soon!