Intelligence and Creativity testing “Player's intelligence”


Intelligence and Creativity

2nd November

Definition of intelligence

The ability to learn from experience

The ability to adjust to the environment

The ability to use metacognition

History of intelligence testing

Francis Galton: differences in brain efficiency (1880)

Binet a Simon: Binet’s Mental Age Scale


William Stern: intelligence quotient - IQ


IQ = MA/ChA x 100

 nowadays we use deviation IQ

Normal distribution of scores on IQ tests.



34 %



55 70











The structure of intelligence

Charles Spearman (1927)

 general factor g special factors s (e.g. arithmetic computing…)

Louis Thurstone (1938)

7 primary mental abilities

Raymond Cattel (1971)

2 subfactors: fluid and crystallized intelligence

Intelligence tests

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

The Wechsler Tests

I-S-T Amthauer’s Intelligence

Structure Test

I-S-T 2000 R

Basic module:

 verbal intelligence

 numeric intelligence figural intelligence memory

 cognitive abilities

Expanded module:

 verbally coded knowledge

 numerically coded knowledge

 knowledge crystallized intelligence fluid intelligence

The core of the intelligence?

 speed and accuracy of information processing

?neuronal speed? like reaction time neuronal efficiency

 during the solving of the hard task, more intelligent people’s brains utilize more glucose

(easy task - less) mental operations like planning

Howard Gardner (1999):

Multidimensional intelligence

 language ability mathematical-logical reasoning spatial-perceptual skills musical ability bodily ability intrapersonal ability interpersonal ability

Culture fair tests

Catell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test

Counterbalance General Intelligence Test

… no general success, agreement…

Race Differences ???

Lynn, R. Race differences in Intelligence:

An Evolutionary Analysis. Washington

Summit Books: Augusta, 2005

Race differences/ average IQ

East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans): 105

Europeans: 100

Inuit or Eskimos: 91

South East Asians: 87

Native American Indians: 87

Pacific Islanders: 85

South Asians and North Africans: 84

Sahara Africans: 67

Australian Aborigines: 62

Bushman of the Kalahari, Pygmies of the Congo rain forest: 54

Correlates with (reliability):

 achievement in math and science national economic development (rich and poor nations) explain how quickly populations made the

Neolithic transition

Causes of the race differences?

50% genetics consistency of racial IQ in different locations nutrition: Black and Whites in America have the same height since the 1st world war

Evolutionary analysis: species have evolved greater intelligence in order to survive in more cognitively demanding environments… cold weather


 the proces of creating of something which is original as well as valuable

 minimum IQ of 120? + motivation!!! + special abilities?

Tests of creativity

Urbanův figurální test tvořivého myšlení

(Urban’s figural test of creative thinking)

Consequence test

Remote Associate Test

Unusual Uses Test

Word Association Test
