The Creative Side and Message Strategy


The Creative Side & Message Strategy

Advertising… Science and Art

• Effective Advertising is a combination of Science and Art

– Creative Dimension Art

– Strategic Dimension Science

• Ideally an ad

– Needs to contain a persuasive message that convinces people to take action

– Must make a relevant connection with its audience and present a selling idea in an unexpected way

Creative Strategy

• “Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.”

– Stephen Leacock (Canadian Humorist)

• “Creative without strategy is called art; creative with strategy is called advertising.”

– Jeff I. Richards (Advertising Professor)


Effective Ads

Original Impact

Big Idea in Advertising

• Big Idea

– Idea is a new combination of thoughts

– New combinations comes by seeing new relationships

– Metaphors and analogies are great way to create relations

– Taking the creative leap!

– Creative concept that implements the advertising strategy so that the message is both attention grabbing and memorable

– It is expressed visually and verbally to express the complete thought

– Looks at things from a different, unobvious perspective

• Example: Got Milk Campaign

– Big Idea: People drink milk with certain foods and if it is unavailable, then they get frustrated

Creative Advertising

• Creative Idea

– A new combination of thoughts

– A thought that comes from placing 2 previously unrelated concepts together

– No one else has thought of it before

• Copycat Advertising!

– The original sin

• 80% Pakistani ads

• 50% American ads (John Eimy, Advertising Expert)

• Challenge

– Original + Interesting ideas (esp. for boring products)

Starter’s Guide to Better Creativity

To Do Not To Do

• Unexpected Twist

• Unexpected


• Catchy Phrasing

• Play on Words

• Analogy / Metaphor

• Familiar & Strange

• The Common

• The Look-Alike

• Cliches

• The Tasteless

The Creative Leap

• A process of jumping from the strategy statement to an original idea that conveys the strategy in an interesting way

• Moving from the safety of a predictable strategy statement to an unusual idea that hasn’t been tried before

• Also called Creative Risk

• Copy Testing is done to control the risk

Creative Thinking

• Common technique is to use unusual association

– Strategic idea Tire durable and dependable

– Creative leap takes to family protection

– Creative Idea Baby sitting in a tire

• See the problem in a novel and unexpected way


– Free Association

– Divergent Thinking

– Analogies and Metaphors

– Right Brain Thinking

Creative Thinking Continues

• Creative Aerobics

• It’s a thought starter/idea generating process

• Head (Rational) and Heart (Emotional) appeals

• 4 Steps

– Facts

– New names

– Similarities

Left brain

Create names for the products look for similarities between dissimilar objects

– New Definitions Thanda boley to

Creative Roles

• Creative people are high risk takers, original thinkers and creative problem solvers

• Independent, Assertive, Self Sufficient, persistent, Powerful egos, don’t care about opinions, have inborn skepticism and strong curiosity

• Creative Director and Team

• Creative Leap- Idea

• Art Director

• Creative Leap-Execution


• Problem Solving

• The Ability to Visualize

• Openness to new experiences

• Concept thinking

The Creative Process

• How to get an Idea

• It’s a difficult process as requires lot of reading, study, analysis, testing, debates, discussions, traveling, meeting different people, watching movies, TV shows etc by creative people

• Steps:

– Immersion

– Ideation

Dig out everything about problem

Think of all the possible ways and develop as many ideas as possible

– Brainfog

– Incubation

– Illumination

– Evaluation

• Brain storming may give up relax and let subconscious think

Light bulb on and idea comes will it work as per strategy

Creative Strategy

• Creative Art

• Strategy Science

So a big idea must be

– creative (Original. Different, Novel and Unexpected)

– Strategic (right for the product & target, meets the advertising objectives)

• Advertising Creativity is about solving the communication problem

Message Strategy

• Creative Strategy or Message Strategy is what the advertisement says

• Message Objectives

– What you want the message to accomplish

• Facet Model for message/advertisement effectiveness

– Perception Create Attention, Awareness, Interest,

Recognition and recall

– Cognitive

– Affective

– Persuasion

Deliver information and understanding

Touch Emotions and create feelings change attitudes, create conviction and preferences

– Association

– Behavior establish brand identity and associations

Stimulate trail, purchase, re-purchase,

• Head and Heart Strategies

• Hard and Soft Sell Strategies

• Lectures and Drama

Messages that drive Perception

(Awareness Strategy)

• Objective

– Attention & Awareness

– Interest

– Memory




• Not only advertising have to stop (get attention) and pull

(create interest), it also has to stick (in memory)

• Techniques

– Shockvertising

– High Contrast

– Storytelling

– Jingles

– Clever slogans

– Colors, shapes, key visuals & brand characters

Messages that drive Cognition

(Information Strategy)

• Objective  Understanding

• Techniques

– Claims / Straightforward

– PODs & features

– Long copy ads / Infomercials

Messages that Persuade

(Persuasion Strategy)

• Objective  Attitudes; conviction & preference

• Techniques

– Selling premises

– Comparison

– Demonstration

– Problem-Solution/Problem Avoidance

– Slice of life

– Testimonials

– Endorsements

– Interview / audience involvement

Messages that touch Emotions

(Emotion Strategy)

• Objective  emotions, liking

• Techniques

– Humor / Comedy / Satire (Ufone)

– Sex & fear appeals (Motorazr)

– Fantasy & surrealism

– Song & dance

Messages That Transform a Product into a

Brand (Brand Strategy)

• Objective  Associations, brand meaning

• Techniques

– Brand characters

– Image & lifestyle ads

– Simple identity cues

Messages that drive Action

(Action Strategy)

• Objective  Trial, purchase, etc.

• Techniques

– Call-to-action

– Price ads

– Reinforcement / Reminder ads
