Technological Educational Institute Of Crete Department Of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Intelligent Systems Laboratory Digital Signal Processing Prof. George Papadourakis, Ph.D. Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Discrete time signals are number sequences x is a sequence x(n) is a sample of the sequence at time n Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Creation of a sequence 1. Number creation and place them in a sequence 1,2,3,…,{N-1} x(n) = n 1<n<N 2. Iterative process x(n) = x(n-1)/2, x(0) = 1 3. Sampling of analog signal. Signal value create a sequence A/D converter 1,2 time independent, 3 time dependent Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Discrete function delta δ(n) It has one non-zero element • Very important input sequence in a digital system. The output sequence is called impulse response and contains important information concearning the behavior of the system. • Discrete function delta delayed δ(n-k) Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Unit step u(n) • u(n) is related to δ(n) u(n) – u(n-1) = δ(n) Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Exponential Sequences : x(n) = Aasn = Aa(σ + jw0)n • s is a complex number s = (σ + jw0) • If s is a real number and a=e then the sequence is called real exponential x(n) = Ae-|σ|n Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Geometric Sequence : real exponential sequence defined as : Discrete Signals and Systems Sequences • Sinusoidal Sequence : Discrete Signals and Systems Properties of Sequences • Sum of two signals : w=x+y w(k) = x(k) + y(k) • Multiplication of two signals : w = xy w(k) = x(k)y(k) • Multiplication of signal by a scalar : w = cx w(k) = cx(k) • Energy of the signal : • If a signal is delayed by m time units then x(k) becomes x(k-m) • Sequence : Sum of scaled, delayed unit samples : Discrete Signals and Systems Properties of Sequences Example : Discrete Signals and Systems Signal Measures • The signal norm is defined : • Some properties of the signal norm are: Discrete Signals and Systems Linear • Norm 1 : Sum of the magnitudes of each signal sample Used to determine system stability. • Norm 2 : Provides a measure of the signal power. It is the most frequent used measure. • Norm infinity : Gives the peak magnitude of the signal. Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems Discrete-time system : Converting input sequence x = x(n) into output sequence y=y(n) through transformation φ[.] A linear system is defined by the principle of superposition. If, Then a system is linear if and only if, Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems Example 1 : Is the following system linear? y(n) = 10x(n) – 5y(n-1) Solution : αφ[x1(n)] = α10x1(n) – α5y1(n-1) bφ[x2(n)] = b10x2(n) – b5y2(n-1) αφ[x1(n)] + bφ[x2(n)] = α10x1(n) – α5y1(n-1) + b10x2(n) – b5y2(n-1) φ[αx1(n) + b x2(n)] = 10[αx1(n) + bx2(n)] – 5[ αy1(n-1) + by2(n-1)] Yes, the system is linear! Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems Example 2 : Is the following system linear? y(n) = [x(n)]2 Solution : αφ[x1(n)] = α[x1(n) ] 2 bφ[x2(n)] = b[x2(n) ] 2 αφ[x1(n)] + bφ[x2(n)] = α[x1(n) ] 2 + b[x2(n) ] 2 φ[αx1(n) + b x2(n)] = = [αx1(n) + bx2(n)] 2 = α2[x1(n)] 2 + b 2[x2(n) ] 2 +2αbx1(n)x2(n) No, the system is not linear! Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems A system is time-invariant or shift-invariant if, y(n) is response to x(n) then y(n-k) is response to x(n - k) ,z-k : a signal delay of k samples Example 1 : Is the following system shift-invariant? y(n) = 10x(n) - 5y(n-1) Solution: Yes, the system is shift-invariant! Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems Example 2 : Is the following system shift-invariant? y(n) = nx(n) Solution : No, the system is not shift-invariant! We said that we can express : The system output response is : Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Shift-Invariant Systems If the system is linear, the response of the system to a sum of inputs is the same as the sum of the system’s responses to each of the individual inputs : By definition : If the system is shift-invariant : φ[δ(k)] = h(k) φ[δ(n-k)] = h(n-k) If a system is linear and shift-invariant, the convolution sum applies y(n) = x(n) * h(n) Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Convolution The graph method of computing the Convolution Sum • Folding one of the sequences x(n) or h(n) over the horizontal axis and getting x(-k) or h(-k) • Shifting the folded sequence creating x(n-k) or h(n-k) • The addition of the product of the two sequences at time n yields the output y(n) Example : What is the response y(n) if h(n) = {1,2,3} and x(n) = {3,1,2,1} Discrete Signals and Systems Linear Convolution As a result, y(n) = {3,7,13,8,8,3} • If x(n) : N samples, h(n) : M samples, y(n) : N + M – 1 samples Discrete Signals and Systems Stability and Causality • A system is stable if a bounded input produces a bounded output. • Necessary and sufficient condition • This is the norm as defined in a previous session Example : Is the following system stable : y(n) = x(n) + by(n-1) Calculating the norm we have : The system is stable! Discrete Signals and Systems Stability and Causality • A causal system is a system that at the time m produces a system output that is dependent only on current and past inputs, that is n<m • This is always true for a unit impulse response, it is zero for n<0 • A discrete-time, linear, shift-invariant system is causal if and only if h(n) = 0 for n<0 Example : Is the following system causal: y(n) = x(n) + by(n-1) Since the unit-sample response is zero for n<0.. The system is causal! Discrete Signals and Systems Digital Filters • A broad class of digital filters are described by linear, constant coefficient and difference equations {ai} {bi} characterize the system , • Given initial conditions x(i), y(i), I = -1,-2,…,-M input sequence x(n) output sequence y(n) , • The system is causal. • The system is Mth-order. • Two main classes of digital filters : Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Discrete Signals and Systems Digital Filters • Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) : Current and past input samples and past output samples Example : Determine impulse response for the first-order IIR filter y(n) = x(n) + by(n-1) Assume : x(n) = 0, y(n) = 0 for n<0 x(n) = δ(n) h(n) = δ(n) + bh(n-1) h(n)=0 n<0 h(0)=1 + b 0 = 1 h(2)=0 + b b = b2 …….. h(1)=0 + b 1 = b h(3)=0 + b b2 = b3 h(n)= bn u(n) Discrete Signals and Systems Digital Filters • Finite Impulse Response (FIR) : Current and past input samples. • The coefficients of the FIR filter are equivalent to the filter’s impulse response. Why? Remember convolution? h(k) = bk h(k) = 0 k = 0,1,2,…,M otherwise Technological Educational Institute Of Crete Department Of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Intelligent Systems Laboratory