Furman University Teacher Education Program Candidate Unit Work Sample EDU-470/EDU-472/EDU-505 Spring 2013 Description: All candidates in initial certification programs are required to design and implement a Unit Work Sample (UWS). The UWS reflects the effectiveness of the candidate as reflected in the achievement of the students the candidate teaches. The UWS offers detailed evidence of a candidate’s planning, instruction, assessment, and reflection. It also offers a narrative and a quantitative set of data for candidates and faculty to consider the effectiveness of the program. Instructions: Candidates are asked to design and implement a unit of instruction lasting from 1-2 weeks. Use the following template in LiveText to structure your unit, as well as your response to student learning. Please confer with your university supervisor for specific details. Unit Information Candidate Name: District: School: Academic Year: Course: Dates of Unit: Elements of Unit: Lesson Plans (10-12) using proper format/Linked on LiveText Unit Information Alignment to SC, SPA standards (Section I) Sections I-VI (Especially focus on Reflections, statements in bold) Rubrics/ Assessments included/ attached Meaningful use of technology within unit Modifications: Please describe any modifications you made to your lesson plans between the time you turned this in and the time you taught the lesson. (if any) If you would like, you may also attach revised lesson plans: Section I: Major Unit Objectives and Standards Major Unit Objectives (add as many as necessary) How did you craft these objectives so that the students understand both the objectives and their relevance? (address each objective and the overall purpose of this unit): SC Standards: SPA Standards: Section II: Unit Lessons and Contextual Factors Describe your instructional plan--that is, the sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives-including the key activities or strategies and resources (e.g., materials, technology): Reflect on the instructional plan for the unit: How does this instructional plan establish a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities, and developmental levels of individual students?: Contextual Factors 1. Include student information for the class in which you are implementing your UWS. The student data may include the following (discuss data sources with your supervisor and make any adjustments you decide are appropriate): • School report card (SC Department of Education) • Standardized test scores (PACT, EOC, HSAP, SAT, ACT, AP, etc.) • Class demographics (gender, race, etc.) • Learning style, interest, or other appropriate inventory • School information (School Improvement Report, school handbook, web-page data, etc.) • Interviews (teachers, administrators, community members, etc.) • Community tour 2. Reflect on how student information and contextual factors impact your unit work sample: Section III: Unit Assessments Key Unit Assessments (add as many as necessary) Type of Assessment (Check one for each assessment) Teacher-Made Commercial Reflect on the unit assessments: How did you determine that your unit assessments are valid and reliable for all students? Section IV: Analysis of Student Performance Analysis of Student Performance Reflect on the analysis of student performance: How did you analyze your assessment data for formative purposes in order to (1) increase your understanding of individual students' strengths and weaknesses and (2) determine specific aspects of instruction that need to be modified? Include at least one specific example of how you did this: Section V: Response to Formative Analysis Reflection and Self-Assessment Reflect on the findings of the formative analysis: Did you need to adjust your unit plan, or do you foresee the need to make adjustments to future unit plans for these students? Why or why not? (Focus on how you will teach this unit differently in the future (based on evidence from student work.) Section VI: Summative Feedback Reflection Reflect on the summative feedback: How did you determine the relationship between student performance data and the grades (or other performance indicators) that you assigned to the students? (Be sure to include spreadsheets, data tables, grade analysis, etc., for summative assessments.) Unit Work Sample Scoring Guide and Rubric UWS Sections Exceeds Standard (3 pts) Meets Standard (2 pts.) Does Not Meet Standard (1 pt.) I Major Unit Objectives (2A) Clearly describes and reflects upon the major objectives; objectives appropriate; identifies key SC and SPA standards. Generally describes and reflects upon the major objectives; objectives mostly appropriate; identifies most key SC and SPA standards. Description of and reflection upon objectives are vague or insufficient; objectives inappropriate; SC and SPA standards omitted or inaccurately identified. II Unit Plan (2B) Reflection on and description of plan are detailed and insightful; contextual factors are used to convey a detailed portrayal of the classroom environment. Generally reflects on and describes plan; contextual factors convey a general portrayal of the classroom environment (may be missing 1 or 2 items). Reflection on and description of plan are vague or incomplete; contextual factors fail to convey a general portrayal of the classroom environment. III Unit Assessments (3A) Lists and thoroughly describes key assessments; focuses on alignment to objectives and instruction. Lists key assessments and provides a general analysis of them. Limited assessments; lacking scoring guides or rubrics; pre/post-tests inadequate or missing. IV Analysis of Student Performance (3B) Reflection is detailed and insightful; clearly addresses student performance (3B). Reflection is sufficient; adequately addresses student performance (3B). Reflection is vague or inadequate; fails to addresses student performance (3B). V Response to Formative Analysis (2C) Reflection is detailed and insightful; clearly addresses adjustments to the planning process (2C). Reflection is sufficient; adequately addresses adjustments to the planning process (2C). Reflection is vague or inadequate; fails to address adjustments to the planning process (2C). VI Response to summative Feedback (3C) Reflection is detailed and insightful; clearly addresses grading and overall student performance (3C). Reflection is sufficient; adequately addresses grading and overall student performance (3C). Reflection vague or inadequate; fails to address grading and overall student performance (3C). Unit Work Sample Alignment with CF Proficiencies, CF Indicators, ADEPT, and SPA Standards Sections CF Proficiency CF Indicator ADEPT SPA Alignment I Major Unit Objectives #3 1.b, 1.c, 2.b, 2.c, 2.e, 3.a APS-1 APS-2 APS-4 APS-5 APS-6 ACEI, 3.1-3.3 NCTE 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 NCSS 1.A.1.0-1.10, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6 NSTA 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 2.c, 3.b ACTFL 3.a, 3.b, 4.a, 4.b, 4.c NCTM 8.4 II Unit Plan #3 1.b, 1.c, 2.b, 2.c, 2.e, 3.a APS-1 APS-2 APS-4 APS-5 APS-6 ACEI, 3.4 NCTE 2.4, 2.5, 4.1-4.9 NCSS II.2, II.3, II.6 NSTA 1.a, 3.b, 5.b, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b, 7.a, 7.b, 9.b ACTFL 2-4, 5.b NCTM 7.1, 7.2, 8.7 III Unit Assessments #3 1.b, 2.d APS-3 APS-4 ACEI 4.0 NCTE 4.10 NCSS 2.7 NSTA 2.c, 8.a, 8.b ACTFL 5.a-5.c NCTM 7.5, 8.3, 16.3 IV Analysis of Student Performance #4 2.g, 2.h APS-2 APS-3 APS-4 APS-7 ACEI 4.0, 5.1 NCSS 2.6, 2.8 NCTE 3.1-3.7 NSTA 8.b ACTFL 5.b NCTM 7.4, 8.6, 16.3 V Response to Formative Analysis #4 2.g, 2.h, 3.c, 3.d APS-2 APS-3 APS-4 APS-7 ACEI 4.0, 5.1 NCSS 2.6 NSTA 10b ACTFL 5.b NCTM 7.1 VI Response to summative Feedback #4 2.m, 3.c, 3.d APS-2 APS-3 ACEI 4.0, 5.1 NCSS 2.6, 2.8 NCTE 2.3 NSTA 10.c ACTFL 5.c NCTM 7.3