
Wordlist 23
The Power of Branding
1. Revenue (n.)
Definition: the income that a government or company receives
Synonym: income, earnings
Example: Taxes provide most of the government's revenue.
Word Family:
rev·e·nu·al, adjective
rev·e·nued, adjective
non·rev·e·nue, adjective, noun
2. Convert (v.)
Definition: to ( cause something or someone to) change in
form or character
Synonym: change, transform
Example: Could we convert the small bedroom into a
second bathroom?
Word Family:
con·ver·tive, adjective
3. Equate (v.)
Definition: to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to
another thing
Synonym: regard as identical
Example: He complained that there was a tendency to equate
right-wing politics with self-interest.
Word Family:
e·quat·a·bil·i·ty, noun
e·quat·a·ble, adjective
un·e·quat·ed, adjective
4. Prosperity (n.)
Definition: the state of being successful and having a lot of money
Synonym: wealth, success, profitability
Example: The war was followed by a long period of peace and
Word Family:
non·pros·per·i·ty, noun
5. Distinctive (adj.)
Definition: Something that is distinctive is easy to recognize
because it is different from other things
Synonym: distinguishing, differentiating
Example: She's got a very distinctive voice.
Word Family:
dis·tinc·tive·ly, adverb
dis·tinc·tive·ness, noun
sub·dis·tinc·tive, adjective
sub·dis·tinc·tive·ly, adverb
sub·dis·tinc·tive·ness, noun
6. Aristocratic (adj.)
Definition: of or pertaining to government by a class of persons
holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the hereditary
Synonym: noble, elite
Example: He was born in an aristocratic family.
Word Family:
a·ris·to·crat·i·cal·ly, adverb
a·ris·to·crat·i·cal·ness, a·ris·to·crat·ic·ness, noun
an·ti·a·ris·to·crat·ic, adjective
an·ti·a·ris·to·crat·i·cal, adjective
an·ti·a·ris·to·crat·i·cal·ly, adverb
7. Theme (n.)
Definition: the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc.
Synonym: issue, concept,
Example: The theme of loss runs through most of his novels.
Word Family:
theme·less, adjective
sub·theme, noun
8. Integrity (n.)
Definition: the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished
Synonym: unity,totality
Example: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
Word Family:
9. Dependability (n.)
Definition: the state of being depended on; worthy of trust;
Synonym: reliability
Word Family:
10. Enduing (adj.)
Definition: existing for a long time
Synonym: long-lasting, durable
Example: I shall be left with many enduring memories of the
time I spent in India.
Word Family:
en·dur·ing·ly, adverb
en·dur·ing·ness, noun
non·en·dur·ing, adjective
un·en·dur·ing, adjective
un·en·dur·ing·ly, adverb
11. Contradictory (adj.)
Definition: If two or more facts, pieces of advice, etc. are contradictory,
they are very different from each other.
Synonym: opposed, contrary
Example: I keep getting contradictory advice - some people tell me to
keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.
Word Family:
con·tra·dic·to·ri·ly, adverb
con·tra·dic·to·ri·ness, noun
in·ter·con·tra·dic·to·ry, adjective
non·con·tra·dic·to·ry, adjective, noun, plural non·con·tra·dic·to·ries.
un·con·tra·dic·to·ry, adjective
12. Prominent (adj.)
Definition: very well known and important
Synonym: well-known, eminent
Example: The government should be playing a more prominent
role in promoting human rights.
Word Family:
prom·i·nent·ly, adverb
non·prom·i·nent, adjective
non·prom·i·nent·ly, adverb
o·ver·prom·i·nent, adjective
o·ver·prom·i·nent·ly, adverb
13. Appeal (v.)
Definition: to be especially attractive, pleasing, interesting, or
Synonym: attract, interest
Example: The red hat appeals to me.
Word Family:
ap·peal·a·bil·i·ty, noun
ap·peal·a·ble, adjective
ap·peal·er, noun
non·ap·peal·a·bil·i·ty, noun
non·ap·peal·a·ble, adjective
14. Segment (n.)
Definition: any of the parts into which something ( especially a circle
or sphere) can be divided or into which it is naturally divided
Synonym: piece, part
Example: The salad was decorated with segments of orange.
Word Family:
seg·men·tar·y, adjective
seg·men·tate, adjective
in·ter·seg·ment, noun, adjective
mul·ti·seg·ment, adjective
mul·ti·seg·ment·ed, adjective
15. Finance (v.)
Definition: to supply with money or capital; obtain money or credit for
Synonym: fund, sponsor
Example: The project was financed by UN.
Word Family:
fi·nance·a·ble, adjective
pre·fi·nance, verb (used with object), pre·fi·nanced, pre·fi·nanc·ing.
self-fi·nance, verb (used with object), self·-fi·nanced, self·-fi·nanc·ing.
su·per·fi·nance, noun, verb, su·per·fi·nanced, su·per·fi·nanc·ing.
un·der·fi·nance, verb (used with object), un·der·fi·nanced,
16. Promotional (adj.)
Definition: intended to advertise something
Synonym: connected with advertising
Example: The writer recently went on a promotional tour of his
Word Family:
17. Presume (v.)
Definition: to believe something to be true because it is very
likely, although you are not certain
Synonym: assume, suppose
Example: I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't
replied to the invitation.
Word Family:
pre·sum·ed·ly, adverb
pre·sum·er, noun
un·pre·sumed, adjective
18. Patriotism (n.)
Definition: the feeling of loving your country more than any
others and being proud of it
Synonym: nationalism,
Example: The national flag was a sign of patriotism
Word Family:
an·ti·pa·tri·ot·ism, noun
hy·per·pa·tri·ot·ism, noun
o·ver·pa·tri·ot·ism, noun
pro·pa·tri·ot·ism, noun
19. Mainstream (v.)
Definition: cause to join the main force, group, etc.
Example: to mainstream young people into the labor force.
Word Family: