Making the Conceptual Shift Happen In Social Studies NCDPI K-12 Social Studies Team Section Chief Fay Gore K-12 Consultants: Ann Carlock Justyn Knox Michelle McLaughlin Program Assistant Bernadette Cole Introductions Share the following: You Name Grade level you teach One positive Social Studies experience you had during the 2013-2014 school year What you hope to gain from this session A morning break around 10:00 Lunch at 12:00 noon Afternoon break around 2:15 Session ends around 3:30 Session materials For unanswered questions and additional discussion use the Parking Lot: Ground Rules A few agreements for the day: TRUST THE PROCESS! Ask as many questions as needed to clarity and for deep understanding Interject your thoughts and ideas Participate fully Be flexible Objectives By the end of today’s session, you will better understandi: The three major shifts in the Social Studies Essential Standards. What these shifts mean for revising your current curriculum. How to develop the “Big Ideas” for your grade level or course. Guiding Question How can we use the three shifts in social studies to inform curriculum redesign? GROUP PRE-ASSESSMENT In groups, you will rotate around the room to respond to each of the three questions related to the shifts. Each group will respond to their questions. When time is called, move clockwise to the next questions. Read the responses. Place a check next responses for which you agree. Place a question mark next to something for which you disagree. Add additional info. Do the same for the third round. Then, return back to your original question and be ready to report out. The Shifts Use of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Use of a Conceptual Framework Organization around five broad conceptual strands Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Provides a framework that aligns instruction and assessment to the Essential Standards A system to classify objectives by cognitive type by type of knowledge Activity (RBT) NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: So that all responses are anonymous, login using a fun nickname. The Shifts Use of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Use of a Conceptual Framework Organization around five broad conceptual strands Focus on Concepts and Big Ideas K.G.2.1 Explain how people adapt to weather conditions. Students will understand that: • Weather conditions determine how people live, work, and play in a place. • • • • • • • • • Rain and flood Winter storm North Carolinian Eskimo Paving the highway Snowboarding Thomasville Ahoskie Halifax This is what we are moving to…beginning with the concepts and teaching to the generalizations by using the topics and facts as examples. This is what we’ve been doing…teaching to the topics and facts but, not going beyond. The Structure Of Knowledge PRINCIPLES & GENERALIZATIONS CONCEPT CONCEPT TOPIC: WORLD WAR II F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T The Structure Of Knowledge PRINCIPLES & GENERALIZATIONS CONCEPT CONCEPT TOPIC WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? F A C T Memorizing Facts Alone Does not Help Students See The Big Picture How is this going to help me in life? The Structure Of Knowledge PRINCIPLES & GENERALIZATIONS WAR CHANGE TOPIC F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T The Brain Does Not Automatically See The Big Picture (Concepts) Revolution ? Conflict ? Movement ? Change? Reaction ? Reform ? The Structure Of Knowledge Students will understand that: • War may alter the physical and human geography of a place? • Leadership may change the course of war. The “foundational truths” of a discipline. PRINCIPLES & GENERALIZATIONS CONCEPT CONCEPT • Nations go to war to protect their political and economic interests. F A C T F A C T TOPIC F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T F A C T / Activity (CBCI) NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: So that all responses are anonymous, login using a fun nickname. The Shifts Use of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Use of a Conceptual Framework Organization around five broad conceptual strands The Five Conceptual Strands Geography Place Region Location Movement HumanEnvironment Interaction Physical Environment Landforms Water forms Geographic Patterns Settlement Patterns Civilization Migration Resources Culture Economics/ Personal Financial Literacy Religion Language Ethnicity Society Civilization Culture Diversity Values & Beliefs People Needs/Wants Scarcity Resources Costs Standard of Living Market economy Markets Trade Exchange Supply and Demand Civics and Government Politics Limited Government Citizenship Rule of Law Political Action Political System National Identity Individual Rights Power Freedom People use environmental resources to meet their basic needs and wants. History Change Continuity Patterns Conflict Cooperation Revolution Leadership Invasion Conquest Colonialism War National Identity Imperialism development Activity (5 STRANDS) NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: So that all responses are anonymous, login using a fun nickname. Essential Question How can we use the three shifts in social studies to inform curriculum and instruction? Lunch Design With the end in mind Does my unit: Identify the big ideas (concepts) and essential understandings (generalizations) for each content area in the unit? Integrate the strands of Social Studies? Identify key content & skills? What Is Concept-based Curriculum And Instruction? The Concept-Based Curriculum & Instructional Framework is … •A three-dimensional design model that allows teachers to identify what is important for students to know, understand, and be able to do in an organized, planned unit of instruction that promotes student engagement and thinking. •During the instruction, teachers use concepts as a tool to help students see patterns and connections between facts and related ideas in order to reach a deeper understanding of the content. DEVELOPING UNITS OF INSTRUCTION Step 1: “Unpack” the state standards for the grade level or course for which you will develop curriculum. For Example: 6th Grade ESSENTIAL STANDARDS Students will understand that: War may alter the physical and human geography of a place. Leadership may change the course of war. Nations often go to war to protect their political and economic interests. GENERALIZATION= Enduring Understanding Two or more concepts in a relationship... Concept Concept What do I understand as a result of this study? CONCEPTUAL IDEAS THAT TRANSFER & DEVELOP “DEEP UNDERSTANDING’ Helpful Guidelines To Remember When Writing Generalizations Full sentence statements, describing what, specifically, students should understand about the critical concepts in the lesson Guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No proper or personal nouns or pronouns Use a present tense verb Show a relationship between at least two concepts Transferable idea that is supported by the factual content Sometimes needs the use of a qualifier (often, can, may) Think about the connections between and among concepts in the various strands from your web. Two or more concepts in a relationship... War Resources War may decrease the availability of resources. Two or more concepts in a relationship... Rules Community Rules allow a community to maintain order. Order Two or more concepts in a relationship... Change Culture Continuity Culture exhibits both change and continuity through time. Examples from the group: • Kindergarten: Conflict resolution may help build positive relationships. • 2nd grade: Meeting needs and wants can help and harm the environment. • 6th grade: Migration may spread the values and beliefs of people. • 4th grade: When groups move into an area existing groups may experience change. • 5th grade: – Geographic factors and culture may determine how a nation grow. – Geographic factors may lead to settlement patterns. • World History: – Geographic and environmental factors can impact development of society. – Cultural and political practices often have influence on society. What’s The Big Idea? 1. Watch us model the process. 2. What observations did you make? 3. Select a concept from the middle of the table. 4. Roam the room to find at least one person from whom you can connect to form a generalization. 5. Write your generalization on chart paper. Let’s Write Our Own 1. Review your unit. 2. Select 2-3 clarifying objectives that represent at lest 2 different strands. 3. Identify the key concepts 4. Write/revise at least 3 generalizations from your unit using concepts from multiple strands 5. Post your generalization on the Google Doc. Common Errors 1. Use of past tense verbs or proper nouns which makes them facts instead of generalizations 2. Use of proper nouns or pronouns 3. Only one concept represented 4. Use of value statements 5. Lack of clarity (poor word choice or sentence construction) 6. Use of level 1 verbs: impact, affect, influence, is, are, have (need to scaffold) Let’s Look at our Generalizations Google Document Day One Exit Ticket Complete the Exit Ticket using the 4x6 note card found at your table: 1. What questions or issues do you still have? 2. What is one thing you are taking way from today? Thank You! Making the Conceptual Shift Happen in K-12 Social Studies – DAY 2 YEARLY/SEMESTER PLAN OUTLINES Step 2-4 Unit 1 2 3 Grade level/Course: __________________ Unit Title NCSCOS Clarifying Objectives Conceptual Lens Create an outline of units you may teach for the entire year or semester. Assign Clarifying Objectives to each unit. Identify an appropriate conceptual lens. Write a short description of the unit. 4 5 6 7 8 How Many Units Should We Develop For The Year? • • • 3 to 4 units for grades K-3 4 to 6 units for grades 4-6 5 to 8 units for grades 7-12 1st Grade - SAMPLE YEARLY PLAN OUTLINE Unit Unit Title Clarifying Objectives 1.C&G.1.1, 1.C&G.1.2, 1.C&G.1.3, 1.C.1.1, 1.C.1.2 1 Why do I need rules? 2 How do I know where I am going? 3 Money, Money, Money 1.E.1.1, 1.E.1.2, 1.E.1.3 Wow, my community is larger than I thought. 1.H.1.1, 1.H.1.2, 1.H.1.3, 1.C.1.1, 1.C.1.2, 1.G.2.2, 1.G.2.3, 1.E.1.2, 1.E.1.3, 1.C&G.1.2 4 1.G.1.1, 1.G.1.2, 1.G.1.3, 1.G.2.1, 1.G.2.2, 1.G.2.3 Conceptual Lens(s) 3rd Grade - SAMPLE YEARLY PLAN OUTLINE Clarifying Objectives Unit Unit Title 1 How Do We Meet Our Basic Needs? 3.C&G.2.1, 3.C&G.2.2, 3.G.1.1, 3.G.1.3, 3.E.1.1, 3.E.1.2 2 Where in the World are You? 3.G.1.1, 3.G.1.2, 3.G.1.3, 3.G.1.4, 3.G.1.5, 3.H.1.1, 3.H.1.2, 3.H.1.3, 3.C.1.1, 3.C.1.2 3 Understanding Your Local Government 3.C&G.1.1, 3.C&G.1.2, 3.C&G.1.3, 3.C&G.2.1, 3.H.1.1, 3.H.1.2, 3.H.1.3 Variety Is the Spice of Life 3.H.1.1, 3.H.1.2, 3.H.2.2, 3.H.1.3, 3.H.2.1, 3.C.1.1, 3.C.1.2 4 Conceptual Lens(s) Your Turn Grade level/Course: __________________ Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit Title Clarifying Objectives Conceptual Lens The Conceptual Lens 56 Think About It… Given the example topic the “American Civil War” Can you…? Teach about everything there ever was to teach about the American Civil War in the amount of time you have to teach? NO Teach everything that you want to teach about the American Civil War in the amount of time you have to teach? NO 57 The “Conceptual Lens” (Is USUALLY A Macro-Concept) Looking at a topic through a “conceptual lens”… Provides direction for the thinking. Is a bridge between the factual knowledge and conceptual knowledge. Engages a student’s mind and emotions so they… gain a deeper level of understanding, retain the factual information because it has relevance, and are motivated to take ownership of their learning. DECIDING ON A CONCEPTUAL LENS Supports the unit title Narrows the scope of the unit Provides direction for thinking THE POWER OF A CONCEPTUAL LENS Persuasive Force The American Media Innovation Perspective The American Media The US Civil War U.S. Civil War U.S. Civil War Confederate Leaders African Americans What are some possible Conceptual Lenses for…. WH Topic: The Rise of Transcontinental Empires Conceptual Lens:_________________ Topic: The Rise of Transcontinental Empires Power and Authority Conflict Movement Innovation YOUR TURN… Decide upon a Conceptual Lens for a unit from the selected sample outline be prepared to justify why the lens was chosen. Topic: _____________________ Outlines+Drafts Your Homework YEARLY/SEMESTER PLAN OUTLINES Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit Title NCSCOS Clarifying Objectives Conceptual Lens Step 5 Content/Concept Web 71 Let’s Observe Teachers Briefly Discussing The Webbing Process Step 5 Geography Place Region Location Movement HumanEnvironment Interaction Physical Environment Landforms Water forms Geographic Patterns Settlement Patterns Civilization Migration Culture Economics/ Personal Financial Literacy Religion Language Ethnicity Society Civilization Culture Diversity Values & Beliefs Needs/Wants Scarcity Resources Costs Standard of Living Market economy Markets Trade Exchange Supply and Demand Civics and Government Politics Limited Government Citizenship Rule of Law Political Action Political System National Identity Individual Rights Power Freedom History Change Continuity Patterns Conflict Cooperation Revolution Leadership Invasion Conquest Colonialism War National Identity Imperialism Your Turn Unit Title: ___ Conceptual Lens: ___ Outlines+Drafts