Hamlet Quiz - Liza Dolan

Hamlet Quiz
The climax of the play is the turning point. At the climax, events become irreversible. At the
climax, the audience begins to sense the conclusion (or denouement). Identification of the
climax cannot always be settled without dispute. There are three different points within Act
III that may be justifiably explained as the climax of Hamlet.
 Identify two places in Act III that could be the climax and give a rationale for the
scene as climax.
 Is there anything in Act III that could serve as foreshadowing for the events at
the end of the play?
The play within a play device is used as a centerpiece in Hamlet (literally; it is located at the
very center of the play). Explain the main function the play for Hamlet’s purposes. But what
might Shakespeare be saying about plays, and the way people act in real life? Give two
examples of other scenes in the play after Act III, where characters could be said to be
“acting” (performing for the benefit of people they know to be watching) or “spectating”
(watching how another character acts).
Explain how Shakespeare structures Acts IV and V of the play to create a tempo that makes
the events at the end seem inevitable.
Online identify the quote quiz. Go to the following link and take the quiz and print out your
results: http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/Literature/What-Did-Hamlet-Say-355022.html
Script an explanation of the plot of Hamlet that the members of your group can deliver in
under two minutes.