
To demonstrate our comprehension of the elements of Transcendentalism, we will each put together a Transcendental
Soundtrack. Everyone must complete 50 points worth of work on this song project, so choose parts that add up to 50 points.
You may select any song-choice option more than once. This will count as your final QUIZ on Transcendentalism.
 Find a poem that relates to Transcendentalism. Turn it in with an Annotated Bibliography that documents it along
with a 1-paragraph explanation that details how the poem demonstrates this specific transcendental concept.
Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the poem (quoted passage with citation).
 Find a song that demonstrates any aspect of Transcendentalism. Email me an MLA formatted Annotated Works
Cited Page that contains documentation of the YouTube link to the song, printed song lyrics (also documented on
the works cited page), as well as a 1-paragraph explanation that details how the song demonstrates this specific
transcendental concept. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted passage with
 Find a song that best defines you and/or your philosophy of life. Email me an MLA formatted Annotated Works
Cited Page that contains documentation of the YouTube link to the song, printed song lyrics (also documented on
the works cited page), as well as a 1-paragraph explanation that details how the song fits you. Paragraph must
contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted passage with citation).
 Write a song which ties in with either the importance of nature, self-reliance, or your own philosophy of life. Hand in
the lyrics with a paragraph explanation. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted
passage with citation).
 Create a poster that creatively represents the songs in your Annotated Works Cited Page/that you will perform and
the Transcendental thoughts expressed within them. Time and effort MUST be apparent.
 Create a CD jacket that best accompanies the songs selected while complimenting the elements of
Transcendentalism. Time and effort MUST be apparent.
 Find and perform a song for the class that demonstrates either any Transcendental theme or your personal
philosophy of life. Email me an MLA formatted Annotated Works Cited Page that contains documentation of the
source of the song, printed song lyrics (also documented on the works cited page), as well as a 1-paragraph
explanation on the meaning of the song. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted
passage with citation).
 Write and perform a song for the class that demonstrates the importance nature plays in your life. Be sure to detail
at least one of the ideas that Emerson included in “Nature” within your song. You must also include a 1-paragraph
explanation on the meaning of the song. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted
passage with citation).
 Write and perform a song for the class that demonstrates the importance self-reliance plays in your life. Be sure to
detail at least one of the ideas that Emerson included in “Self-Reliance” within your song. You must also include a
1-paragraph explanation on the meaning of the song. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the
lyrics (quoted passage with citation).
 Write and perform a song that best defines you and/or your philosophy of life. You must also include a 1-paragraph
explanation on the meaning of the song. Paragraph must contain at least one direct reference to the lyrics (quoted
passage with citation).
**Though you will complete 50 points worth of work, your project will be graded on the attached rubric; therefore, earning the
50 points depends on your attention to the directions and effort put into the project.
Everyone will present their songs to the class whether performing or not. These presentations are worth an additional 10
points; therefore, the project total is actually 60 points. During these presentations, each student must:
 Play/perform a one minute, school-appropriate segment of each of the songs.
 Provide a 2-3 minute verbal justification of this song choice as well as the other selections of the project. This
explanation must make mention of the element of Transcendentalism the chosen songs present.
 Answer any questions asked by Mrs. B or classmates.
MY PROJECT IS DUE: __________________________________________________________________________
5-10 point options
Poem/ Lyrics included
MLA Annotated Works Cited Page
Transcendentalism/Philosophy Clear
Link in Works Cited Page
Textual Evidence
____________/__________ points
15-20 point options
Lyrics included
MLA Annotated Works Cited Page
Transcendentalism/Philosophy Clear
Performance of song
Textual Evidence
Presentation—10 points
One minute song clips
Song clips appropriate
Verbal Justification
Q and A
Presentation Skills
_________/10 points
________/ 60 points