Annah Peterson - Department of Environmental Science, Policy

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Annah Lake Zhu (Peterson)
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Expected May 2017
Concentration: Society and Environment
Duke University
Master of Environmental Management
May 2008
Concentration: Environmental Economics and Policy
Certificates: Graduate Certificate in International Development Policy
Reed College
Bachelor of Science in Biology
May 2006
Minor Concentration: Resource Economics
Honors and Awards
Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study
Spring 2013 – Spring 2016
Three years of financial support awarded to the top 4% of admitted doctoral students.
Center for African Studies Dissertation Research Fellowship
Summer 2015
Financial support for dissertation research in Madagascar.
Center for African Studies Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship
Summer 2014
Financial support for pre-dissertation research in Madagascar.
Duke Nicholas School Fellowship for Masters Study
Fall 2006 – Spring 2008
Two years of financial support awarded to masters students demonstrating outstanding
academic ability and a high degree of professional promise.
Reed College Commendation for Excellence in Scholarship
Spring 2006
Divisional achievement awarded for outstanding academic performance.
Professional Experience
Expert Consultant, ICF International, Berkeley, CA
1/13 – present
Providing part-time high level technical review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for Phase II of the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Program. My reviews
focus on the energy, air quality, and climate impacts of the new proposed U.S. fuel efficiency
standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Manager, ICF International, Los Angeles, CA
2/11 – 12/12
Managed the production of Environmental Impact Statements for major U.S. climate change
policies, such as the Model Year 2017-2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)
Standards for passenger cars and light trucks and Phase I of the Medium- and Heavy-Duty
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Program for medium and heavy duty trucks.
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Protected Areas Volunteer, US Peace Corps, Madagascar
1/10 – 2/11
Coordinated the management of a 10-hectare protected forest area in northeastern
Madagascar. Worked in a team of 3 protected-area employees to plant over 5,000 tree
saplings, promote ecotourism through trail creation and communications development, and
catalogue all on-site plants (~600 species). Traveled to neighboring villages to give
demonstrations on improved cook-stoves, green charcoal, reforestation, and gardening.
Senior Associate, ICF International, Fairfax, VA
7/08 – 1/10
Prepared environmental review documents for US Federal actions, including the DOT
rulemakings to increase CAFE Standards, Model Years 2011-2015 and 2012-2016; the DOE
proposed expansion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the southeast US; the DOE
Advanced Car Manufacturing Loans for high fuel efficiency vehicles; the DOE Energy Efficiency
and Conservation Block Grant Program; and the DOT Northern Rail Extension in Alaska.
Offsets Consultant, UNEP, Geneva, Switzerland (from Durham, NC)
10/07 – 4/08
Produced a policy report discussing a global mechanism for offsetting international resource
extraction impacts to biodiversity at either end of the supply chain (at point of extraction or as
refined commodity import). Presented research at various meetings and events. Report was
used as a background paper for a Netherlands Ministry/UNEP side event to the Convention on
Biological Diversity COP 9, Bonn, Germany, May 19-30, 2008.
Payments for Ecosystem Services Intern, UNEP, Geneva, Switzerland
5/07 – 8/07
Co-authored a research paper on the opportunity to bundle payments for biodiversity
conservation and carbon sequestration through avoided deforestation (REDD+) initiatives.
Organized a UNEP-hosted event with area experts to present and workshop the paper.
Liu, S., Y. Yin, X. Liu, F. Cheng, J. Yang, J. Li, S. Dong, A. Zhu. 2016. Evaluation of changes in
ecosystem services related to landscape pattern and connectivity after plantation expansion
in a tropical rainforest region in Southwest China. Ecological Modeling, Forthcoming.
Liu, X., Z. Li, C. Liao, Q. Wang, A. Zhu, D. Li, Y. Li, and Z. Tang. 2015. The Development of
Ecological Impact Assessment in China. Environment International 85:46-53.
Peterson, A., L. Gallagher, D. Huberman, and I. Mulder. 2012. Seeing REDD: Conserving
Biodiversity and Reducing Emissions by Avoiding Deforestation. Journal of Sustainable
Forestry 31(1-2): 29-58.
Peterson, A., C. Hill, and L. Gallagher. 2011. International Biodiversity Offsets. In: Ecosystem
Services and Global Trade of Natural Resources: Ecology, Economics and Policies, edited by
T. Koellner. London: Routledge.
Peterson, A. 2008. Review of Africa's Silk Road: China and India's New Economic Frontier, by
Harry Broadman. Africa Today 54(4): 91-93.
Zhu, A., Chinese Investment in Africa: An Environmental Perspective. Research presented at the
Panel Discussion of the University of California – Berkeley, Center for Chinese Studies,
Berkeley, CA, November 10, 2015.
Peterson, A., A Cultural Fix: Social Space According to Capital. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Lake Tahoe, CA,
September 25-28, 2013.
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Peterson, A., Biodiversity and REDD in the Private Sector. Research presented at the REDD and
Biodiversity Benefits Workshop, hosted by Conservation International and UNEP World
Conservation Monitoring Centre, Washington, DC, August 6-8, 2008.
Peterson, A., L. Gallagher, D. Huberman, and I. Mulder. Seeing REDD: Conserving Biodiversity
and Reducing Emissions by Avoiding Deforestation. Paper presented at the 15th Annual
Conference of the International Society for Tropical Foresters, Yale School of Forestry and
Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT, March 28-29, 2008.
Peterson, A., C. Hill, and L. Gallagher. Balancing Biodiversity: A Global Instrument for Meeting
the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Paper presented at the International Advisory Committee
Meeting of the Business and Biodiversity Offset Program (BBOP), Rome, Italy, February 2022, 2008.
Peterson, A., L. Gallagher, D. Huberman, and I. Mulder. Seeing REDD: Conserving Biodiversity
and Reducing Emissions by Avoiding Deforestation. Paper presented at the 9th Annual
Biodiversity in Economics (BIOECON) Conference, Kings College, Cambridge, UK, September
19-21, 2007.
Peterson, A., L. Gallagher, D. Huberman, and I. Mulder. Seeing REDD: Conserving Biodiversity
and Reducing Emissions by Avoiding Deforestation. Paper presented at the UNEP-IUCN side
event at the Working Group on Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity,
UNESCO, Paris, France, July 9-13, 2007.
Reviewing Activities
Biological Conservation
Journal of Environment and Development
Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Association of American Geographers
French, proficient spoken and written
Malagasy, proficient spoken