“Mnemonics” en español Clues for remembering the irregular preterite stems. Las clases de Español II Honores Del Señor Blease 2003 IR – to go fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron I go to Fui, the Chinese restaurant. Ir- to go stem-fu My friends and I went to the “fu” fighters concert last night. The baby went fu the tunnel. The man was found innocent of murder and was allowed to go fui. SER – to be fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron Ser/Ir Life stinks to be a fui on a dog. Ser- to be To be or not to fui. (that is the question) Ser – to be The fud was green. DAR – to give di diste dio dimos disteis dieron D gave her cat away. Dar – to give I gave the di to my friend Joe. He gave her a Diamond Dar – to give “Di” The teacher didn’t give me a di! I’ll give you di money. ANDAR – to walk stem – anduv- Andar-to walk • I walked part of the way anduv the rest of the way. ANDAR The dog walked up ANDUVer the obstacle. ANDAR I’ve been running anduv been walking. DECIR – to say, to tell stem – dij- Decir The dije told everyone to dance. We told the dije to play a song. Dij you tell him the secret? DijDecir- to say I told her I broke the dij. Decir-to tell/say Dij - Dijon He told me about the honey dijon mustard. Decir I said, “Do you have any DIJon mustard?” ESTAR – to be stem – estuv- Estar – to be The estuv was hot. EstuvEstar- to be I was cooking on estuv. Estar I was in the estuve playing hide-andgo-seek. To be cool you need to cook on ESTUV. HACER – to do, to make stem – hic- Hacer - to make We made hice using a tray, water, and the cold weather. The hic was good at making “coon soup”. Hacer – to make “Hiz” I made hiz lunch. Hacer – to do/make I did this project and it was not hicy. Hacer HICEd to make it. PODER – to be able to (can) stem – pud- Poder: to be able to stem-pud • The baby was able to eat “pud”ding Poder-to be able Pud - Pudding I was able to have pudding after my surgery. He could have stepped in the PUDdle. Poder – to be able to • I could trim the pudle. PONER – to put stem – pus- Mrs. Armstrong put the pus on the cutting table. Poner-to put • My puso cat put on her helmet by herself. Poner The Indian woman put her baby in the papus. QUERER – to want stem – quis- The boy wanted the quis. Querer – to want “Quis” I want a quis! Querer I want some QUISO dip with my chips. Querer-to want Quis - Quiche I wanted some quis for an appetizer. I love MarQUIS. SABER – to know stem – sup- We wanted to know what was in the sup. Saber-to know Sup - Supper I knew that we were having steak, peas, and potatoes for supper. saber: to know stem-sup The athlete knew not to take any “sup” plements. Saber – to know facts I knew the floor was supe, because my dad spilled the soap. SupI knew you were SUPer. SUPerman knew that his weakness was kryptonite. What’s sup? Who wants to know?! Saber-to know Who knew ‘sup with that wave, dude?! TENER – to have stem – tuv- I have a tuv of toothpaste. I had a tuv, but someone popped it. We had two TUVas in the marching band. TuvTener- to have I have a tuv ache. TRADUCIR – to translate stem – traduj(All verbs ending in -cir work the same way – conducir, producir) Traducir- to translate Will you tra duj translate the Spanish for me? TRADUCIR – to translate The teacher translated the traduje. TRAER – to bring stem – traj- Traer- to bring (stem – traj-) • I am going traj to bring pie to the party. I brought the traje of fruit. tray Traer • The waiter brings the traje. TRAER I brought a traje. VENIR – to come stem – vin- Venir- to come George of the jungle came swinging on a vine to save me. Venir VIN did you come home? I came vin I saw blood. FIN