Evangelism Explosion - Prestonwood on Mission

Evangelism Explosion
Lesson 1: Overview, first look at the EE outline; teach and have them fill in
blanks; testimony dos and don’ts, diagnostic questions. Homework:
Testimony and Grace/Man.
Class Overview
I. Setting the Record Straight
A. Proverbs 11:30 –“He who wins souls is wise”
B. Understand the warfare (evangelism and prayer)
C. You CAN memorize
D. If you don’t, who will?
E. Not my gift (2 Timothy 4:5)
F. “Canned” presentation
II. The Goal
A. A lifestyle—you have to share your faith for it to become
natural. Six weeks is not enough—come back and train
B. For you to actually share this gospel presentation with
someone lost during this six weeks class. Trainers share
with those that are saved.
Evangelism Explosion
Lesson 1: The Presentation
Heaven is a ______________________________________.
(Romans 6:23)
It is not ___________________ or ____________________.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)
Man is a ________________. (Romans 3:23)
He cannot ________________________ himself. (Matthew
God is ________________ (loving) and doesn’t want to
punish us. (I John 4:8b)
God is ____________________________ and must punish
our sin. (Exodus 34:7b)
(Who He is and what He did)
Christ is both ________________ and _________________.
(John 1:1, 14)
He ____________on the cross ________________ our sin
debt and ________________ for us a place in Heaven.
(I Peter 3:8; Isaiah 53:6)
(Faith—what it is not and what it is)
Faith is not ________________ ___________________.
(James 2:19)
Nor is it ___________________ .
Eternal faith is ________________________ in Jesus Christ
alone for our salvation (eternal life). (Romans 10:9;
Acts 16:31)
Lesson 1
I. Testimony Dos and Don’ts:
A. Don’t talk down to the person you are witnessing to
B. Don’t use “church” terms (salvation, walk with Jesus, sanctified)
C. Do emphasize life—since accepting Christ is positives of faith
D. Do minimize your story of life and its excessive negatives before Christ
E. Don’t be vague—share situations that people can visualize
F. If asking about their relationship to Christ, don’t “give away” the answers to a
diagnostic question.
G. Don’t speak negatively of other denominations
H. Don’t cut down church
I. Share and be relaxed
I Peter 3:15 – “Always be prepared to give an answer for your hope.”
(On the next page, have them write out their testimony)
II. After sharing your story, you need to determine where the person you are sharing with is
in their spiritual life. (If it is a close friend, neighbor or relative you may know this.) We
do this by asking them two “diagnostic” questions.
A. “May I ask you a question?”
1. “Have you come to a place in your spiritual life where you know that you would
go to heaven or are you still working on this?”
2. Any indication of not knowing or not having assurance, share with them 1 John
5:13, “These things are written to you in order that you may know that you have
eternal life.” The Bible indicates we can know this.
B. “May I share with you how I came to know I have eternal life and how you can
1. “Let me ask you another question so I can be more clear with you about this.”
“Imagine you were to stand before God and He would ask, ‘Why should I let
you into heaven?’ What would you say to Him?”
C. Four responses:
1. “Yes” answer to question A—“Trust Christ” answer to question B, have them
share testimony.
2. “No” answer to question A –“Works and trusting self” answer to question B,
share EE.
3. “Yes” answer to question A – “Works and trusting self” answer to question B,
share EE.
4. “No” answer to question A – “Trusting Christ” answer to question B, ask them
why they don’t know they are going to heaven and share EE. (This may be
for assurance only.)
Homework Week 1: Your Testimony
I. When writing your testimony, break it into three sections:
A. My life before I knew I had eternal life:
B. How I received Eternal Life:
C. Now, my life is:
***When sharing your testimony, if you plan to ask the second diagnostic question after you
share, it is best not to use statements like “before I was a Christian” or “once I trusted Christ”
because the listener may “parrot” this answer back to you when you ask, “What would you say to
God, if he asks why should I let you into Heaven?”
II. Also, memorize Grace and Man and the four associated verses (Page 2)
Lesson 2: Sharing the testimony, overcoming fear, the illustrations, review of
Grace and Man
I. Have people share their testimony in their group. Review the Grace and Man
portion of the outline which was the homework (p. 7).
II. Develop Confidence
A. What hinders people from sharing Christ? The most common fear of
sharing Christ is fear itself!
Fear of rejection: What if they don’t accept me?
John 1:12 –they are not rejecting you, but Him.
B. Fear of failure: What if I can’t answer a question or forget a scripture?
The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts and convinces—share as best
as you can; defer questions you can’t answer.
C. Fear of unworthiness: Who am I to tell someone else about Christ?
1 Peter 1:9—You are a Royal Priest – don’t allow Satan to convince
you of any less.
D. Conquer Fear!
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and
self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
III. Illustrations – Descriptive aids to help in presenting the Good News. Share
these illustrations.
Gift (used with Grace)
Three Sins a day (used with Man)
The Chair (used with Faith)
The Record Book of Life (used with Christ)
Evangelism Explosion
Lesson 2: Review—Grace and Man
I. Grace
A. Heaven (Eternal Life) is a free gift – Romans 6:23
1. Americans think independently—need no one’s help, they believe
they are good enough to earn their way into heaven.
2. Christianity is different from any other religion. We get to heaven
based on what Christ did for us; on Him having paid our sin debt,
not on what we have done—this sets Christianity apart.
3. We are saved by what Christ did.
B. God’s gift (heaven—eternal life) is not earned or deserved
(Ephesians 2:8-9). Share the “gift” illustration.
II. Man
A. Man is a sinner (sin is the breaking of any of God’s laws -3 sins a day
illustration) –Romans 3:23
B. He cannot save himself. (Matt. 5:48)
III. Have people practice Grace and Man in groups.
IV. Review the diagnostic questions from Page 3.
V. Home work assignment – memorize the God and Christ portion of the outline,
including the five verses – refer to page 2.
Evangelism Explosion
Lesson 2: The Presentation – Complete for Review
free gift
Heaven is a
It is not earned
Man is a
. (Romans 6:23)
or deserved
. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
. (Romans 3:23)
He cannot save
himself. (Matthew 5:48)
God is merciful
(I John 4:8b)
(loving) and doesn’t want to punish us.
God is
(Exodus 34:7b)
and must punish our sin.
(Who He is and what He did)
Christ is both God’s Son
(John 1:1, 14)
He died on the cross to pay
our sin debt and
purchase for us a place in Heaven. (I Peter 3:8; Isaiah 53:6)
(Faith—what it is not and what it is)
Faith is not intellectual
(James 2:19)
Nor is it
Eternal faith is ________________________ in Jesus Christ
alone for our salvation (eternal life). (Romans 10:9;
Acts 16:31)
Lesson 3: Review God and Christ and share in their groups; review
diagnostic questions. Homework: “Faith,” How to Get Into Gospel.
I. God and Christ
GOD – (Trainers go over this part of the outline)
A. God is merciful and loving –“I (God) have loved you with an
everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3b
B. God is also just. So, He must punish our sin. What truly makes us
loving parents is our justness. “He will in no wise clear the
guilty.” (Exodus 34:7)
C. Who He is – 90% (or more) of America says, “Jesus is God’s son,”
but 90% are not saved. He is MORE – He IS God. (John 1:1, 14)
D. What He did – died on the cross to pay for our sin and purchase for
us a place in heaven. (John 14:6). (Demonstrate the “Record Book”
II. Review the diagnostic questions (Pg. 3).
III. Review all of outline through Christ – Trainers demonstrate.
IV. Homework—Learn “Faith” with the three verses.
(Faith—what it is not and what it is)
Faith is not intellectual
assent .
(James 2:19) Nor is it
Eternal faith is
in Jesus Christ alone for
our salvation (eternal life). (Romans 10:9)
Acts 16:31)
How to get into a gospel presentation
Lesson 3: Turning a conversation into the Good News
Focus on the other person. Be attentive, non-judgmental and engage yourself in their feelings. Can you
relate to them in any way? Ask lots of questions.
Body Language & Tone
Sometimes gestures, body posture and tone overshadow the things you say!
People may not understand the language of the Bible or biblical terms. Consider using plain words in
order to communicate clearly.
Make It Fun
Having a conversation hardly requires preparation. It is okay to laugh, to ask or answer meaningful
questions or to pray for them on the spot. However the Spirit leads…..follow!
Are you talking to someone you just met, an acquaintance, friend or family member? It will depend on
your setting and who you are talking to, as to how you will turn a casual conversation into a GRACE
On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your life? If it is not a 10, what would it take to make
it a 10? Do you think having Christ in your life would make it better?
What gives your life meaning?
When facing a problem, how do you get through it?
Wouldn’t you rather have something or someone to rely on, especially if you knew they would
not fail you?
Has God ever done anything for you?
Do you feel as if you have a plan or purpose in life?
Where does your inspiration come from?
What do you think happens when we die?
Will you go to Heaven and what do you think it takes to go to Heaven?
“Tell me what is most important in your life?”
Practice in the session as well as at home breaking the ice with those with whom you share Christ. Later,
you’ll build on this….incorporating the gospel presentation.
Just be yourself. People recognize and are repulsed by phoniness. Be authentic and genuinely interested
in others. Love them as yourself and put their interest ahead of yours.
Lesson 4: Leading them to a commitment: Review “God,” “Christ,” and “Faith”; share “3 Sins a
Day” and “The Record Book” illustrations. Homework: Learn/practice “3 Sins,” “Record Book”
and “The Chair.”
Standing on the edge of eternity—All hell can break loose
A. After going through the presentation, it can be difficult to ask for a commitment. This is
the last thing Satan wants. Push through, be clear, concise and ask for a commitment.
B. Ask “does what I have shared make sense to you?” You will typically get one of three
1. “No, it does not” - though this will usually not happen, if it does, simply review each
point quickly. Reiterate with each point, “You do understand that God offers eternal life
as a free gift that you cannot earn or deserve?” “You do understand that you are a sinner,
that you need to repent and that you can’t save yourself?...”
2. Hesitation - review each point quickly. Reiterate with each point “you do understand
that God offers eternal life as a free gift that you can earn or deserve?...”
3. “Yes, it does.”
4. Follow up all responses with steps in point “C” below.
C. Follow up with “Let me show you how and what to say to God in a prayer where you ask
for and receive the gift of eternal life. This is what I will pray and ask you to repeat a phrase
at a time.” Then say the whole prayer:
“Dear God, I thank you that heaven and eternal life are free gifts and I know I don’t
deserve them. I admit I have sinned and I know I must repent. I can’t save myself,
forgive me of my sins. I know you love me but know you are just and must punish sin. I
realize that Jesus is your son and that he died on the cross and was resurrected to pay my
sin debt. I accept this by faith. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.”
Ask the two diagnostic questions again for review and assurance.
A. Help the new believer if they answer incorrectly.
B. Assure them of their salvation (John 6:47)
C. Welcome them to the family of God and Jesus’ team.
D. A plan for follow-up and discipleship will need to be implemented with the new believer.
Invite (take) them to church and help them be baptized,
E. Help them learn to pray, encourage them to read and study God’s Word (individually and
in a small group) and to learn to share their faith.
A. Trainers have trainee share their homework – God and Christ with verses from the
B. Go over the chair illustration that will be used with “Faith” (in the outline)
C. Faith – (Saving Faith)
1. What it is not –
a. Intellectual assent – Knowing about Christ is not the same as knowing Him
personally. The Bible says even the demons believe about Christ. (James 2:19)
b. Temporal Faith – Praying for financial help or traveling mercies is good, but this is
not eternal faith.
2. What it is – Trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)
Homework – Learn and practice the 3 other illustrations:
1. “Three Sins a Day”
2. “The Record Book of Life”
3. “The Chair”
Evangelism Explosion
Lesson 5 – Review Testimony, diagnostic questions and all illustrations. Homework:
say all of outline and share it. (Do this in all groups)
Review – Have one trainee in each group share their testimony and ask
diagnostic questions.
Review – have the other trainee share the close, ask for the commitment, and
say the prayer.
Review – Say all four illustrations
A. Say complete outline (with illustration and verses) with diagnostic questions
and close
B. Share the outline with a family member or friend who is a Christian for
practice – without notes
C. Share the outline with a work associate or acquaintance, telling them you are
taking a class where you have memorized a presentation and you want them
to listen to help you review (best if they are not a believer).
Lesson 5 – Review outline using the hand.
1. Is merciful and loving
(Jeremiah 31:3b)
2. Is just (Exodus 34:7)
1. Who He is – God &
God’s Son (John 1:1, 14)
(God and man)
2. What He did – (Isaiah
53:6) – He died on the cross,
rose from the dead the pay
the penalty for your sin and
purchased a place for you in
1. What it is not –
Not intellectual
assent (James 2:19).
Not temporal faith.
2. What it is –
Trusting in Christ
alone for
(Romans 10:9-10)
1. Man is a sinner
(Romans 3:23).
2. Man cannot save
himself (Matthew
1. Heaven is a free gift
(Romans 6:23)
2. It cannot be earned or
deserved (Ephesians 2:8-9).