K-12 Online Teaching Endorsement Competency Checklist Boise State University Department of Educational Technology Candidate Name: Date: Email: Reviewer: EDTECH Courses taken (check all that apply) EDTECH 504: Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology EDTECH 512 (506): Online Course Design EDTECH 521: Teaching Online in the K-12 Environment EDTECH 523: Advanced Online Teaching EDTECH 543 (597): Social Network Learning EDTECH 524 (597): Field Experience Other courses taken (include the course name and number, title, short description and number of credits if any) Name and Number Title Short Description Credits Standard #1: Knowledge of Online Education - The online teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures in online instruction and creates learning experiences that take advantage of the transformative potential in online learning environments. (Domain #1 Planning and Preparation) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples The online teacher utilizes current EDTECH 523 standards for best practices in online Principles of Effective Online teaching to identify appropriate Instruction instructional processes and strategies. Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples Application of online instructional principles/strategies/guidelines: ● Classroom practice examples ● Synthesis of standards into best practice The online teacher demonstrates application of communication technologies for teaching and learning. Application of online teaching, learning and communication technologies/tools: ● LMS (Learning management system) ● CMS (course management system) ● Email ● Discussion ● Video Conference (Minimum of one tool) EDTECH 512 Online Course Site EDTECH 521 Netiquette Consensus Building Project Adobe Connect Recorded Lesson EDTECH 523 Adobe Connect Live Lesson The online teacher demonstrates EDTECH 523: application of emerging technologies Virtual Icebreaker Project for teaching and learning Development Wiki EDTECH 543 Social Network Mind Map Planning for communication in online course design: ● Checklist of what to do before class begins ● Checklist of activities planned for the first week of class Educational applications of: ● Blogs ● Wikis ● Content creation tools ● Mobile technologies ● Virtual worlds ● Social networks ● Professional networks (active member or participation in such communities/ networks) (Minimum of one tool required) The online teacher demonstrates application of advanced troubleshooting skills. EDTECH 502 502 Website Instruction/direction for Troubleshooting: ● Troubleshooting Guide EDTECH 543 Social Network Wiki: Troubleshooting the PLC Troubleshooting information for students: ● Troubleshooting Checklist, website, paper, etc. ● Digital asset including firewalls management plan/guide The online teacher demonstrates the EDTECH 512 (506) use of design methods and standards Online Course Site, Message in course/document creation and and Visual Design Guidelines delivery. Application of graphic design principles (CARP principles): ● Examples of original digital materials Application of instructional design models (ADDIE): ● Storyboard and prototype The online teacher demonstrates EDTECH 521 knowledge of access, equity (digital Netiquette Lesson divide) and safety concerns in online environments. Netiquette Rules for the Online Classroom EDTECH 502 Accessibility Lesson ● ● ● ● ● Guidelines for collaboration Guidelines for online discussion Discussion on accessible standards Safety website Safety rules Standard #2: Knowledge of Human Development and Learning – The teacher understands how students learn and develop, and provides opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development. (Domain #1 Planning and Preparation) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples The online teacher understands the EDTECH 512 continuum of fully online to blended Online Course Site learning environments and creates unique opportunities and challenges for the learner. Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Multiple forms of delivery of the same content addressing multiple learning styles (text, audio, video, graphic) ● Synchronous and Asynchronous delivery of the content ● Individual and Group Learning ● Digital Communities for extended learning activities ● Application of learning theories and instructional principles to provide multiple learning opportunities The online teacher uses EDTECH 523 communication technologies to alter Lesson Development learning strategies and skills (e.g., Media Literacy, visual literacy). ● EDTECH 504 The online teacher demonstrates knowledge of motivational theories Revised Lesson Plan and how they are applied to online Synthesis paper learning environments. EDTECH 523 Virtual Icebreaker Activity ● Multiple representations of the same content (text, audio, video, graphic) ● Multiple forms of delivery of the same content addressing multiple learning styles (Synchronous and Asynchronous modes) Application of learning theories into online environments to promote motivation ● Behaviorist lesson plan modified to constructivist approach ● Teacher-centered lesson plan modified to studentcentered ● Paper that describes motivational theories The online teacher constructs EDTECH 504 learning experiences that take into Revised Lesson Plan account students’ physical, social, Synthesis paper emotional, moral, and cognitive development to influence learning EDTECH 523 and instructional decisions. Principles of Effective Online {Physical (e.g., Repetitive Use Instruction Injuries, Back and Neck Strain); Sensory Development (e.g.Hearing, EDTECH 543 Vision, Computer Vision Syndrome, Social Network Learning final Ocular Lock); Conceptions of social projects space (e.g.Identity Formation, PLC wiki: Management Community Formation, Autonomy); Emotional (e.g.Isolation, cyberbullying); Moral (i.e Enigmatic communities, Disinhibition effect, Cognitive, Creativity)}. ● Discussion/paper on adaptive or assistive technology ● Lesson/course design taking into account the social needs/sense of community ● Well-being checklist for the students ● Plan for checking the well-being of students (phone call, timer) Standard #3: Modifying Instruction for Individual Needs - The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to learners with diverse needs. (Domain #3 Instruction and Assessment) Performance Indicator The online teacher knows how adaptive/assistive technologies are used to help people who have disabilities gain access to information that might otherwise be inaccessible. Coursework Evidence Examples EDTECH 502 Accessibility Lesson Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Create accessible Web pages for individuals with disabilities ● Develop a page of hot links to essential information about Web accessibility ● Incorporate audio or text captions into multimedia materials ● Create graphics in the appropriate format for Web pages ● Modify images using image editing software ● Develop an activity for mobile devices The online teacher modifies, EDTECH 521 Lessons or courses designed with: customizes and/or personalizes Revised Recorded Asynchronous ● Options for task completion activities to address diverse learning Lesson ● Flexibility in outcomes styles, working strategies and ● Multiple representations of difficult concepts abilities (e.g., provide multiple paths EDTECH 512 ● Multiple means of expression in task completion to learning objectives, differentiate Task Analysis ● Multiple delivery options instruction, strategies for non-native ● Use of formative and summative assessments English speakers). EDTECH 543 ● Student-centered lesson development Social Network Mind Map The online teacher coordinates learning experiences with adult professionals (e.g., parents, local school contacts, mentors). EDTECH 521 Active Listening Interview Tool ● Plans/checklist for communicating with adults who impact/influence student learning. ● Teacher/parent conference ● Interview with parents Standard #4: Multiple Instructional Strategies - The online teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to develop students' critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. (Domain #3 Instruction and Assessment) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples The online teacher evaluates EDTECH 523 methods for achieving learning goals Checklist for Synchronous and chooses various teaching Lessons strategies, materials, and technologies to meet instructional EDTECH 543 purposes and student needs. (e.g., PLC Final Project online teacher-gathered data and student offered feedback). The online teacher uses studentcentered instructional strategies to engage students in learning. EDTECH 523 Adobe Connect Live Lesson Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Evaluation of an online lesson (synchronous or asynchronous) ● Justification or rationale for lesson revision ● Demonstration of data-driven instructional decisions Application of: ● Peer-based learning, coaching ● Inquiry-based, authentic learning activities ● Collaborative learning, small group work ● Discussion groups ● Self-directed learning ● Case studies, guided design (Minimum of one strategy required) The online teacher uses a variety of EDTECH 512 Application of: instructional tools and resources to Online Course Site ● LMS/CMS enhance learning. ● Web conferencing tool, Skype EDTECH 521 ● Google chat, apps Recorded Asynchronous Lesson ● Web 2.0, social network tools ● Digital media, such as Photoshop, Flash EDTECH 523 Adobe Connect Live Lesson Standard #5: Classroom Motivation and Management Skills - The teacher understands individual and group motivation and behavior and creates a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (Domain #2 The Classroom Environment) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples EDTECH 523 Virtual Icebreaker Development The online teacher establishes a positive and safe climate in the classroom and participates in maintaining a healthy environment EDTECH 502 in the school or program as a whole. Netiquette Lesson EDTECH 521 Netiquette Rules for the Online Classroom The online teacher performs management tasks. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site The online teacher uses effective time management strategies. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site EDTECH 523 Communication Plan Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Icebreaker at the beginning of a class ● Policies for email response and correspondence ● Discussion and guidelines for effective online communications and participation ● Netiquette lesson/discussion ● Paper, reflection or discussion on Digital Citizenship ● Use of structured Internet activities ● Has read school Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) ● ● ● ● Tracks student enrollments Tracks student progress Monitors communications Maintains school records (attendance, participation, grades) Understands importance of timely and consistent feedback: ● Demonstrates or illustrates feedback loop ● Demonstrates the use of online tools to improve instructional efficiency Standard #6: Communication Skills, Networking, and Community Building - The online teacher uses a variety of communication techniques including verbal, nonverbal, and media to foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in and beyond the classroom. (Domain #3 Instruction and Assessment) EDTECH Course The online teacher is a thoughtful and responsive communicator. Coursework Evidence Examples EDTECH 521 Interview Tool EDTECH 543 PLC Participation Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Communication and then reflection on the communication process ● Class policies for email response and correspondence ● Participation in professional learning community The online teacher models effective EDTECH 523 communication strategies in Class Discussion Leader conveying ideas and information and in asking questions to stimulate EDTECH 543 discussion and promote higher-order Social Network Participation thinking. publication brief ● ● The online teacher demonstrates the EDTECH 523 ability to communicate effectively Communication Plan using a variety of mediums. EDTECH 543 Summary of PLC Event ● ● ● The online teacher adjusts EDTECH 521 communication in response to Active Listening Interview Tool cultural differences (e.g., wait time and authority). EDTECH 523 Class Discussion Leader ● Discussion board guiding questions and facilitation Evidence of discussion where higher order thinking is being facilitated ● Communication plan with description of tools, uses, schedule, etc. ● Use of a variety of discussion board strategies (role play, lead a discussion, jigsaw) Use of email, chat, IM, web conferencing. Communication plans Participation in online program of study Communication plan and policy on wait time between inquires and responses ● Discussion/reflection on different roles and authority of teachers Standard #7: Instructional Planning Skills - The online teacher plans and prepares instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. (Domain #1 Planning and Preparation) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples The online teacher clearly EDTECH 512 communicates to students stated and Online Course Site measurable objectives, course goals, grading criteria, course organization EDTECH 521 and expectations. Recorded Asynchronous Lesson Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Audio/video message explaining major assignments and due dates ● Lesson plan or syllabus with measurable objectives, course goals, grading criteria and course expectations EDTECH 523 Adobe Connect Live Lesson The online teacher maintains accuracy and currency of course content, incorporates internet resources into course content, and extends lesson activities. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site Internet integration activities: ● Virtual field trip ● WebQuest ● Scavenger Hunt Extension activities: ● Guided instruction through social network tools ● Extra resources/readings ● Access to an expert The online teacher designs and develops subject-specific online content. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site EDTECH 521 Recorded Asynchronous Lesson ● Example of a discipline-based online course or lesson ● Application of an instructional design model (i.e. ADDIE) ● Lesson or unit storyboard and prototype The online teacher uses multiple forms of media to design course content. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site ● Online course or lesson using multiple media (i.e. Text, Audio, Video, Graphics) EDTECH 521 Online Course Site and Recorded Video Lessons The online teacher designs course content to facilitate interaction and discussion. EDTECH 512 Online Course Site EDTECH 523 Adobe Connect Live Lesson The online teacher designs course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use standards. EDTECH 502 Copyright and Fair Use WebQuest Applications of online courses or lessons using interactive learning activities: ● Fish Bowl ● Stone Soup ● Break Out Rooms ● White Board ● Collaboration ● Teamwork ● Jigsaw ● ● ● ● WebQuest on copyright WebQuest on fair use Experience with different licensing agreements Reflection or paper on intellectual property Standard #8: Assessment of Student Learning - The online teacher understands, uses, and interprets formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and advance student performance and to determine program effectiveness. (Domain #3 Instruction and Assessment) Performance Indicator The online teacher selects, constructs, and uses a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques to enhance knowledge of individual students, evaluate student performance and progress, and modify teaching and learning strategies. The online teacher enlists multiple strategies for ensuring security of online student assessments and assessment data. Coursework Evidence Examples EDTECH 521 Recorded Asynchronous Lesson EDTECH 523 Communication Plan EDTECH 512 Online Course Site EDTECH 512 Online Course Site Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Online quiz ● Observations ● Portfolios of student work ● Online teacher-made tests ● Performance tasks ● Projects with rubrics ● Student self-assessment ● Peer assessment ● Standardized tests ● Tests written in primary language ● Data driven instructional decisions ● Discussion/reflection paper on the security of online assessment and assessment data ● Use of local or regional test centers for student assessment ● Password protected LMS Standard #9: Professional Commitment and Responsibility - The online teacher is a reflective practitioner who demonstrates a commitment to professional standards and is continuously engaged in purposeful mastery of the art and science of online teaching. (Domain #4 Professional Responsibilities) Performance Indicator Coursework Evidence Examples The online teacher adheres to local, EDTECH 502 state, and federal laws and policies Copyright and Fair Use (e.g., FERPA, AUP’s). WebQuest Evidence, Artifacts and Performance Assessment Examples ● Reflection or paper on intellectual property ● Course syllabus or policy demonstrating knowledge of FERPA regulations ● Reflection on the application of local, state, and federal laws and policies in one’s teaching The online teacher has participated EDTECH 523 Virtual Icebreaker Project Wiki in an online course and applies experiences as an online student to develop and implement successful EDTECH Program - Online strategies for online teaching environments. ● The online teacher demonstrates alignment of educational standards and curriculum with 21st century technology skills. ● ● ● EDTECH 523 Principles of Effective Online Instruction EDTECH 543 PLC Final Project Application of community building tools and strategies, such as icebreaker project, selfintroduction, online discussion forum, etc. ● Participation in online programs and professional development related to one’s professional practice, such as tweets in Twitter, Google+, etc. Synthesis of standards into best practice Lesson activities aligned to standards Online course includes essential elements (i.e. contact info, office hours, where to get tech support, clear and measureable learning objectives) ● Applications of 21st century tools like blogs, wikis, twitter, etc. Standard #10: Partnerships - The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students' learning and well-being. (Domain #4 Professional Responsibilities) There are no performance indicators for this standard. EDTECH Course Titles and Descriptions EDTECH 502**: Internet for Educators (3 credits) Locate, retrieve, and evaluate information found on the Internet. Design and produce instructional Web pages using a combination of software and HTML/XHTML/CSS code. Apply appropriate instructional strategies and models to the design of digital curriculum. EDTECH 504: Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology (3 credits) An overview of classic and contemporary theories of learning along with their applications in the field of educational technology and emerging orientations; Implications for practice. EDTECH 512*: Online Course Design (3 credits) Emphasizes web-based instructional design for the development of online courses. Consideration is given to various models of online delivery, content organization and presentation, and graphic design. Course participants create a fully-developed online course. EDTECH 521*: Teaching Online in the K-12 Environment (3 credits) Examines research-supported practices in online teaching and learning in the K-12 environment. Emphasizes online teaching tools, caseload management, learner engagement, and individualized instruction. Project required. EDTECH 523*: Advanced Online Teaching (3 credits) Emphasizes content-specific instructional strategies, methods, data analysis, and improved communication in online instruction. Experience with web-based video/audio communication tools recommended. EDTECH 543 (597): Social Network Learning (3 credits) This graduate level course will explore collaborative and emergent pedagogies, tools, and theory related to the use of social networks in learning environments. Participants will gain hands-on experience with a variety social networking tools, create a community-based resource, and have an opportunity to develop a global professional network for educational technologists. EDTECH 524 (597): Internship (2 credits) Eight week online teaching internship in a Pre-K-12 online school or program. Students will participate in a hands-on field experience for the purpose of observing the effective management and instruction of learning in a fully online environment. *Indicates required courses for the previously approved 12-credit Online Teaching Certificate offered through the Department of Educational Technology. **Recommended course for the Online Teaching Certificate for students who are not enrolled in the Master’s of Educational Technology graduate program.