Matt Goff
Summer 2012
Course: Salesmanship
Grade Level: Community College/adult Learners
Unit Name: Personal Selling
Lesson: Trust-Based Sales Process
Time Allotted: One week (90 minute time estimate)
Students are to review the lesson material and then comprehensively answer two questions about what they learned.
Salesmanship is a basic course being developed to introduce the fundamentals of selling to college students. Areas specifically studied include developing a personal selling philosophy and developing a positive sales image; selling communications, relationship building; customer motivation and the buying process; prospecting, qualifying, presenting, and closing; selling occupations; and sales management. This particular unit is the first in a series of units taught over a 10 week term.
The course is part of a long term goal of optimizing a management degree as well as providing training to meet local business demands.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
Understand the sales process as a series of interrelated steps.
A syllabus will be the most direct means of conveying the goals as they relate to the curriculum. The college instructional council and curriculum committee work with the instructor to create goals and outcomes that align with other colleges in the state. These goals and outcomes must also articulate to upper level colleges in order to meet program requirements. The unit goals are related to the overall outcomes of the course and are meant to fulfill aggregate requirements for each outcome.
The unit is meant to be part of a 10 week course designed to meet the course outcomes.
Lesson Set:
Students are to individually review the lesson material and then comprehensively answer two questions about what they learned. a.
Why is important to have productive and trusting relationships with customers? b.
How does product/service knowledge play into trust-based selling?
Techniques and Activities:
Matt Goff
Summer 2012
Students express their understanding by explaining the importance of trust in selling. b.
Students show comprehension by indicating what they think the main idea is. c.
Students explain why knowledge is important in selling. d.
Students discuss why they feel trust is important in selling.
Lesson Closure:
Feedback will be given by the instructor.
The assignment is worth 100 points. Students will be graded based on fulfillment of assignment expectations. A grading rubric will be used. Feedback will be given by the instructor.
Students will create a document with answers to questions relating to the lesson.