Contingency Approach

Section (2)
Chapter (2) Management yesterday and today
Firstly:-Mark (True) or (False):
1) TQM focus on customers' needs and expectations(true)
2) Poor quality results in higher productivity(false)
Correction: - lower
3) Intranet is a web-based external communication system accessible only by
organizational employees(false)
4) E-commerce is the sales and marketing of e-business (true)
5) Customer service and innovation changed the manager’s jobs(true)
6) Globalization is working with people with the same cultures(false)
7) Globalization is movement to countries with high-cost labor(false)
8) Contingency approach says that organizations are different face different
situations and require same ways of managing(false)
Correction:- different
9) Quantitative Approach is used to improve decision making process(true)
10) Henri Fayol focused on the four management functions and the activities of all
11) Fredrick Taylor focused on the first line managers(true)
12) The management functions have existed thousands years ago(true)
13) Studying management history isn’t important(false)
Correction:- Looking at management history help us understand management in
theory and practice also it can Help us see what did work and what did not.
14) The pyramids and the arsenal of Venice are two important modern events (false)
15) Scientific management is using the method of one (best way) to do a job(true)
16) Frederick Taylor and Lillian Gilbreth are two important contributors of scientific
17) General administrative theory focuses on using quantitative techniques to
improve decision making (false)
Correction: - General administrative theory focuses on what managers do and
what is good management practice.
18) General administrative theory involves statistics, information models, and
computer simulation(false)
Correction: - Quantitative approach
19) Max Weber and Fayol are important contributors of general administrative
20) Behavioral approach is the study of managers at their work (true)
21) Behavioral approach emphasis on human behavior factor in management(true)
22) All management approaches are still used till now(true)
Secondly: - Mention some current trends and issues impacting today’s history
and explain only two of them
Workforce Diversity
Knowledge Management
Learning Organizations
Quality Management
a. Ethics : principles ,values, and beliefs that define what is right and what is
b. Knowledge management: is creating a learning culture where
organizational members gather knowledge and share it with others in the
organization to achieve better performance.
Thirdly: - Write short note about:
System approach- Scientific approach- TQM
The Systems Approach
• System Defined
- A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner
that produces a unified whole.
• Basic Types of Systems
- Closed systems
• Are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment
(all system input and output is internal).
- Open systems
• Dynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and
transforming them into outputs that are distributed into their
Scientific approach
• Fredrick Winslow Taylor
– The “father” of scientific management
– Published Principles of Scientific Management (1911)
• The theory of scientific management
– Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be
» Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.
» Having a standardized method of doing the job.
» Providing an economic incentive to the worker.
» He focused on the first line managers
• Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
– Focused on increasing worker productivity through the reduction of
wasted motion
– Developed the micro chronometer to time worker motions and
optimize work performance
Focus on the customer needs whether outside or inside and also means
continual improvement
• Quality Management
A philosophy of management driven by continual improvement in the quality
of work processes and responding to customer needs and expectations
Inspired by the total quality management (TQM) ideas of Deming and Juran
Quality is not directly related to cost
Poor quality results in lower productivity
Fourthly:-Mention the different management approaches and explain two of them
Scientific Management
General Administrative Theory
Quantitative Management
Organizational Behavior
Systems Approach
Contingency Approach
a. General Administrative Theory
- A theory focused on what managers do and what is the good
management practice
- Henri Fayol focused on the four management functions and the
activities of all managers
- He believed that management was a common activity to all businesses
so he developed principles of management to be taught in all schools
and organizations as well.
- Max Weber , studied organizations and described an ideal type of
organization called bureaucracy
- Bureaucracy is a form of organization characterized by division of labor,
detailed rules, and impersonal relationships
- He realized that it didn’t exist in reality
- Today’s managers use this type to ensure that resources are used in an
efficient and effective way
b. Contingency Approach
Also sometimes called the situational approach.
There is no one universally applicable set of management principles
(rules) by which to manage organizations.
Organizations are individually different, face different situations
(contingency variables), and require different ways of managing.
Contingency approach says that organizations are different face
different situations and require different ways of managing
It can be described as if then
It stresses that there is no universal rules for managers to follow.
Contingency approach is appropriate for studying management.