A Chapter Advisor

2009 Tau Beta Pi National Convention
Advisor Information Session
Presented by:
Advisor Recruitment &
Development Committee
Midge Hill
TBP Websites
National Website
Advisor Website
On-line reporting
Headquarters contact information
TBP Website: http://www.tbp.org
Advisor Website
Advisor Website cont’d
Reporting: On-Line
Email: password@tbp.org
Member Lookup
look up any Tau Bate
Chapter Statistics: Number members
Member Statistics: Membership information
Online Reporting: Sign-in page
Within first 5 weeks
At least 2 weeks before initiation
Keys require 3-4 weeks
Due 2 weeks after initiation
Membership: Eligibility
Excel Spreadsheet
submit report
Other Reports
Other reports
Communication with National Office
tbp@tbp.org – General National Office
Rebecca@tbp.org - Handles chapter related
Normal hours are 8am-4pm Eastern Standard
Extended hours on Thurs/Fri noon-8pm EST
during initiation “season”
Dylan Lane
7,700 registered Tau Bates
4,000 new registrants this year
350 participants a month
10 content creators a month
A group exists for each chapter. We need help
getting chapters to take ‘charge’ of groups and
use them as communication tool.
inCircle is similar to other social network
You can report glitches/bugs and you can
direct support issues to me as well.
inCircle only makes ‘large scale’ changes and
many requests will not be processed but worth
Can we increase activity?
Other Communication Tools
Linked-In - targets ‘professional’ members,
verification of membership, good discussions,
and frequent job opportunities.
AlumNet - mentoring program
Tau Beta Pi website;
Average of approx. 30,000 hits/week
Chapter website, Officials website, and main
web site
nuResume - Alerts and contests for internships
Benefits Old/New
Hobsons GradView Widget - free resource to
search for graduate schools.
Women for Hire - free online membership
Kaplan - Discount on test materials
Long Term Financial Care Partners - long-term
care education and insurance carriers.
GIECO - additional discount for members in
most states.
Chapter Image materials free from HQ:
Posters, brochures, and more
Updated chapter website to come
Sally Steadman
Secretary’s Commendation
 $100/$200/$300
 Can ask Dean to match this. Request can come from
Project Awards
 $500 -- 3 consecutive years
National Awards: Outstanding Chapter & Most
 HQ screening / Sec-Treas & Asst. Sec-Treas
 (Most Improved) 3 year history
Award Criteria
Reports: accuracy, completeness, promptness
 17 Graded Reports
 Constitutional Ratification Ballot (if needed)
Projects: extent, quality
Chapter Survey
Financial Status
Award Criteria: Chapter Projects
Extensive activity in five diverse areas
Community / Liberal Culture
University / College
Profession / Engineering
Chapter / Social
Education / Professional Development
Number of projects
Significant , Appropriate, Separate
Does not include “required” projects (meetings)
Parts of larger projects are combined
Total points / Number of projects : Project average
Project Points
Awarded for quality, time & effort, success
Hosting Convention
Normalized for size of chapter
Total points / Number of eligible students
Chapter Survey Book
Table of Contents
Report Template – Download
Photographs / project documentation
Presentation – Awards Committee
Can include chapter documentation: minutes
(not included in evaluation)
Paper-Only Reports
Forms are downloadable
Officer Signatures
Voting Delegate Expense ($0.00)
Convention Credentials – 2 part
Ratification Ballot – if necessary
Most often missing, along with Officer Fall Address
Not updated: Advisors / terms
Report Status Page
Bob Efimba
Chapter’s Financial Needs
Sources of Funding
Good Accounting Practices
Chapter Financial Management
Timely Reporting & Audit
Travel Expenses for Advisors
Chapter’s Financial Needs
Need to develop a Budget to include Basic Expenses
such as:
 Dues to be paid to TBP/HQ for each new initiate.
 Cost of Initiation Activities
 Cost of Initiation Banquet
 Cost of refreshments at Chapter meetings
 Cost of transportation (to be reimbursed by DD) for
Chapter Delegation to attend TBP Regional
 Expenses for Voting Delegate to travel to the Annual
Convention (to be reimbursed by TBP)
Chapter’s Financial Needs cont’d
The Budget should also include additional optional
Expenses such as:
 Cost of Certificates and Awards made by the
 Expenses for an Alternate Delegate to travel to
the Annual Convention, with TBP reimbursing
only part (20%) of the airfare.
 Cost executing community projects.
Sources of Funding
The Chapter should tap these usual sources of funding:
 One-time Initiation fees by new initiates
 Annual Chapter dues (if any) paid by each active
Chapter member
 Reimbursement from the DD for the Chapter’s
Delegation to travel to the Regional Conference
 Reimbursement in full from TBP HQ for the Voting
Delegate’s travel expenses to the Annual Convention.
 The 20 % partial reimbursement for the airfare of the
Alternate delegate’s travel to the Convention
Sources of Funding cont’d
The Chapter should also aggressively pursue some
usually overlooked sources:
 Allotments for each bona fide registered student
activity available from the College of
Engineering and from the University-wide
Student Council
 Donations from each Engineering Dept in the
 Fundraising activities such as sale of study guides
and review sessions for the FE (available at a
discount from NCEES).
Sources of Funding cont’d
The Chapter should also work hard to earn
these “freebie” awards from TBP:
 Sec-Treasurer’s Commendation
 Outstanding Projects
 Greater Interest in Government (GIG)
Other sources can be tapped with the help of
the Director of Development – Individual
Alumni and Engineering Companies
Sources of Funding concluded
The Chapter should also encourage its members
to apply for these sources of individual funding
from TBP:
 Scholarship for Juniors to use in their senior
 Fellowship for seniors to use in Graduate
 The Laureate Program
 Student Loans from TBP (6% per annum)
Good Accounting Practices
A typical Chapter would have three accounts
 The University Comptroller
 A local Bank
Chapter Financial Management
The key Financial Personnel of Some Chapters are:
The Treasurer
Receives, keeps, and disburses Chapter Funds
The President
Oversees financial operations, authorizes
expenditures, and is co-signer of Chapter checks
A Chapter Advisor
Provides advice
Serves as a resource on Chapter financial operations
Chairs the Audit Committee
Timely Reporting & Audit
The following financial Reports should be prepared
and filed:
Bank signatures form
IRS form 990N
Chapter annual financial report to TBP/HQ
Financial report at meetings of the Membership
and Advisory Board, stating expenses, receipts,
and balances in all three accounts
Annual Chapter Audit
Travel Expenses for Advisors
Every effort should be made NOT to burden a
Chapter with any expenses incurred by Advisors.
Some Districts cover the full expense for room and
board and travel for each Advisor who attends a
Regional Conference.
TBP/HQ provides room and board for each Advisor
at the Annual Convention, and pays for travel for
only a few (usually new) Advisors who are selected
by their DD.
Travel Expenses for Advisors
Some other possible sources of funding for Advisor travel to
the Annual Convention:
 Travel allocation from a research or training grant, where
 Departmental or Engineering College discretionary travel
In the future, we hope to be able to convince
Engineering Companies within a three to five hundred mile
radius of a Convention site to each sponsor and pay for all the
expenses of one Chapter Advisor to attend the Convention.
This way, we could perhaps increase Advisor attendance at the
Conventions by some 50 to 100 %.
Yu-Han Chen
Chapter is a learning experience
It is a microcosm of what students will face
after graduation.
Provides a “safe” place to develop leadership
Advisors play a part in this “safety net”.
Help student officers recognize, manage, and
mitigate risks associated with trying new things.
Everything in Balance
Be aware of how the chapter is being run by
the students.
Sit in on officer meetings.
Mandatory once-per-semester advisory board
meeting is not enough.
Different Chapter/Advisor Types
Role of an advisor varies with chapter type
and advisor type.
Track A Chapters
Track B Chapters
Track C Chapters
Academic (on-campus) Advisor
Industry (off-campus) Advisor
Track A Chapter
Struggling to initiate new members and elect new
Officer continuity is a problem.
Trouble attracting new members.
Track B Chapter
Initiation of new members and election of officers is
going smoothly.
Much of the work is being done by a few officers.
Puts on one or two events.
Track C Chapter
Initiation of new members going smoothly.
Officer continuity is self sustaining.
Has a set of “traditional” events and is developing
new events/programs.
What do you see as your role as an Advisor?
Risk Management
Example: Career Fair
Name some of the risks involved.
How does the chapter reduce or eliminate
these risks?
Be familiar with how your chapter is run.
Encourage the officers in their leadership roles.
Explore new ideas and take on new responsibilities.
Develop these new ideas to their end product.
Support the officers by providing contacts oncampus and in industry.
Help manage and mitigate the risks to prevent
serious damage to the chapter.
As a last resort, step in and help them resolve