BioSTL Powerpoint Presentation

The Foundation: St. Louis’ world-class
bioscience research
◦ St. Louis med schools and non-profit institutions
attract over $600M in bioscience R&D funding
◦ More than 700 companies and ~15,000 jobs
The Opportunity:
◦ St. Louis as a center for solving the world’s
health, food, and fuel challenges
Unique convergence of corporate, university, and
entrepreneurial strengths that place our region
among the world’s great bioscience centers.
Set apart by our culture of straightforward
professionalism, capital efficiency, and a
supportive and collaborative spirit that enables
timely access to the right talent and resources.
This special combination of elements fosters
progress unlike anywhere.
New Company Creation and Entrepreneur Support
(through the BioGenerator)
Company Attraction (U.S. and international)
Improving Access to Investment Capital
Ensuring Appropriate Physical Infrastructure
Government Relations and Public Policy
(public, angel, and venture capital)
(labs, incubators, and research districts)
(federal, state, & local)
Fostering an Inclusive Pipeline of Entrepreneurs
Communicating the Region’s Strengths.
Venture Capital
Facilities/Lab Space/Greenhouses
New Enterprise Creation
Two St. Louis-HQ’d bioscience companies are on
the 2014 Fortune 500: Express Scripts (#20) and
Monsanto (#197)
38 companies based in the St. Louis region made
the Inc. list of America’s 5000 Fastest-Growing
Private Companies in 2014.
Two St. Louis hospitals ranked in nation’s top ten
by U.S. News & World Report: Barnes Jewish and
St. Louis Children’s.
Washington U ranks as the 6th best medical
school in the country and only top 10 medical
school between the coasts.
Princeton Review and Entrepreneur Magazine
ranked Washington University as 16th best
entrepreneurial program and Saint Louis
University at 23rd.
The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is the
world’s largest independent plant science
research institute.
#1 Best Startup City in America by Popular
2nd most favorable city for starting a business
according to U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
274 bioscience startups in St. Louis.
St. Louis has over $1 billion in bioscience
venture capital under local management.
Germany's KWS recently selected St. Louis for
North American research headquarters over
San Francisco, Boston, and Research Triangle
Park North Carolina.
Kaiima Agri-Biotech selected St. Louis for its
U.S. headquarters.
St. Louis’ Cortex Innovation District and the
BioGenerator are cited as examples for other
cities to emulate by Brookings Institute
Attend Venture Café
◦ Every Thursday from 3-8pm at CIC-St. Louis
 (4240 Duncan Ave.)
Attend Bio Meetup
MO Career Center
◦ Many bio jobs are posted there…working to get
more startups posting
Accelerate St. Louis