Northwest ISD The best and most sought after school district where every student is future ready: • Ready for college • Ready for the global workplace • Ready for personal success College & Career Readiness with Advanced Academics Leadership NISD February 25, 2015 Northwest ISD In Northwest ISD, the College & Career Readiness and the Advanced Academics Departments provide systemic support so that all students may realize their personal and academic goals in order to be: • Ready for College • Ready for the Global Workplace • Ready for Personal Success Advanced Academics Gifted and Talented Education Services (GATES) Academic UIL Destination Imagination (DI) Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) Pre-Advanced Placement (PreAP) Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Credit Opportunities College Readiness Measures and Opportunities Credit by Examination for Acceleration (CBE) Program Description GATES Grades K-12 The GATES program provides curriculum differentiation for students who perform at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age GATES cont. Student Referral Student assessment • cognitive reasoning ability • academic achievement • parent and teacher checklists A committee of 3 people review the data and make academic recommendations (All kindergarteners and 2nd graders are automatically screened.) GATES Enrollment 1,906 students – 9.6% of student population Academic UIL Grades 2-12 Academic UIL - Extra-curricular competitions that provide students an opportunity to excel in activities beyond the classroom. UIL Events Language Arts • • • • • • • Dictionary Listening Oral Reading Ready Writing Spelling Editorial Writing Speaking Problem Solving • Chess Social Studies • Maps, Charts & Graphs • Social Studies Fine Arts • Art • Music Math • Calculator • Number Sense • Mathematics Destination Imagination (DI) Grades K-12 DI is a competitive program that helps young people develop skills in time management, teamwork, creative and critical thinking, as well as problem solving. Duke University Talent Identification Program Identification in Grades 4, 5, and 7 A program sponsored by Duke University that recognizes students who demonstrated high performance in TAKS. College and Career Readiness Measures SAT / ACT – College Admissions Exams (11 th and 12 th grade students) Exams are givens several times throughout the school year – including during the School Day. PSAT (Preliminary SAT) – Assesses critical reading, mathematics and writing skills (8 th ,9 th , 10 th , and 11 th grade students) Exam is given once a year in October Previously, the PSAT 8 th Grade was “Readistep” 11 th grade PSAT is the National Merit Qualifying Scholarship Test A system of three Pathway Benchmarks (ReadiStep™, PSAT/ NMSQT® and SAT) helps secondary school educators monitor academic progress and better prepare students to achieve their college and career goals. College and Career Readiness Benchmarks from the College Board College Readiness Exam Preparation SAT/ACT Preparatory Course • Grade Levels 11 and 12 • One semester elective course Summer PSAT Academy • Grade Levels 9 and 10 • 13 day course offered in the summer Pre-AP Algebra II/Pre-AP English II PSAT Preparation KD College Prep Support Program PreAdvanced Placement (PreAP) Available to all students in Grades 6-11 Pre-AP courses are academically advanced classes designed to challenge motivated students to experience rigorous content. Pre-AP middle school courses are designed to prepare students for high school Pre-AP and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are college-level courses taught in a high school setting. At the end of each AP course an AP Exam is given. PRE-AP COURSES-MIDDLE SCHOOL English Language Arts 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade Mathematics 6 th Grade 7 th Grade PreAP Algebra 1 PreAP Geometry Social Sciences (Social Studies) 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade Science 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade PERCENTAGE OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PRE-AP COURSES PreAP Courses-Middle School 4 Pre-AP Core Areas Language Arts Math Science Social Studies 2,178 2,156 2,865 2,214 PRE-AP COURSES- HIGH SCHOOL English Language Arts English I English II Mathematics Algebra I Algebra II Geometry PreCalculus Computer Sciences Computer Science Social Sciences (Social Studies) World Geography World History Science Biology Chemistry World Languages French II & III German II & III Spanish II, III & IV AP and College Success Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. Source: Camara, Wayne (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No AP 1 AP 2+ AP Advanced Placement (AP) AP Courses are available at all High School campuses to any student wishing to enroll. The AP program, created by College Board in 1955, provides students with the opportunity to engage college-level curricula while in high school. At the conclusion of each course, there is an AP exam, in which students may earn college credit based on their scores, and awarded from their applied and accepted college or university. Ar ts AP Ar t Histor y AP Music Theor y AP Studio Ar t: 2 -D Design AP Studio Ar t: 3 -D Design AP Studio Ar t: Drawing English AP English Language and Composition (English 3) AP English Literature and Composition (English 4) Histor y & Social Science AP European Histor y AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP Psychology AP United States Government and Politics AP United States Histor y AP World Histor y Math & Computer Science AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Computer Science A AP Statistics Sciences AP Biology AP Chemistr y AP Environmental Science AP Physics C: Mechanics AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism AP Physics 1: Algebra -Based World Languages & Cultures AP French Language and Culture AP German Language and Culture AP Spanish Language and Culture AP COURSE OFFERINGS Inclusion on the 5th Annual AP District Honor Roll is based on the examination of three years of AP data, from 2012 to 2014, for the following criteria: Increased participation/access to AP by at least 4 percent in large districts, at least 6 percent in medium districts, and at least 11 percent in small districts; Increased or maintained the percentage of exams taken by African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian/Alaska Native students, and; Improved performance levels when comparing the percentage of students in 2014 scoring a 3 or higher to those in 2012, unless the district has already attained a performance level at which more than 70 percent of its AP students are scoring a 3 or higher. E n glis h C o m po s it io n a n d L i te ra t ure ( C o mmun icatio n ) English 1301 (Comp I) English 1302 (Comp II) L a n gua ge, P h ilo s o phy a n d C u l t ure English English English English 2332 2333 2322 2323 (World Lit I) (World Lit II) (Brit Lit I) (Brit Lit II) M a t hemat ic s Math Math Math Math Math Math 1314 1316 1342 2412 2412 2413 (College Alg.) (Trigonometr y) (Elm. Statistics) (PreCalculus) (PreCalculus OnRAMPS) (Calculus I) C r e a t ive A r t s **Arts 1301 (Art Appreciation) G overnmen t Government 2305 (Federal Government) **Government 2306 (TX Govt) S o c ial a n d B e h avio ra l S c ie nc es Economics 2301 (Macroeconomics) Psychology 2301 (General Psychology) Sociology 1301 (Intro to Sociology) C o m p o nent A r e a O p t io n Speech 1315 (Public Speaking) Speech 1321 (Business and Professional Communication) **Education 1300 (Learning Frameworks) L i fe S c ie nc es Biology 2401 ( Human Anatomy and Physiology I) Biology 2402 (Human Anatomy and Physiology II) College Physics 1401 (Physics I) College Physics 1402 (Physics II) General Chemistr y 1411 (Gen Chem I) General Chemistr y 1412 (Gen Chem II) **Biology 2406 (Environmental Biology) CORE DUAL CREDIT COURSES OFFERED AT NISD CTE, Aviation Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Regulations) Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance 1205 (Weight and Balance) 1208 (Federal Aviation 1303 1310 1314 1315 1344 1456 (Shop Practices) (Ground Operations) (Basic Electricity) (Aviation Science) (Reciprocating Engines) (Powerplant Electricity) DUAL CREDIT COURSES OFFERED AT NISD, CONTINUED Additional Opportunities for Advancement Credit by Examination for Acceleration Grades K-12 An exam to earn credit for an academic course for which the student has no prior instruction. (See Student Handbook p. 29 for additional information or the District web page.) Northwest ISD The Opportunity: Creating the Best Schools in Texas!