
Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Mitosis 1
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) Do these organisms have different size cells?
2) How do organisms get bigger?
3) Why do cells divide rather than grow in size?
4) How does surface area affect the rate of exchange of materials across the cell membrane?
5) Which has a greater surface area?
6) What is cell division?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
7) What happens to the chromosomes before a cell divides?
8) What does replicate mean?
9) Why is it beneficial for daughter cells to be smaller?
10) What are chromosomes made up of?
11) Label chromosome, chromatid, and centromere.
12) What tissues in our body need to undergo a lot of cell division?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Mitosis 2
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) What is mitosis?
2) What are the phases of the Cell Cycle?
a) G1 Phase--
b) S Phase-
c) G2 Phase-
3) G1, S, and G2 Phases are collectively known as _____________.
4) What is the M Phase?
5) Stages of Mitosis:
a) Prophase-
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b) Metaphase-
c) Anaphase-
6) What is cytokinesis?
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7) What is the end result of mitosis?
Daughter Cell
8) Which phases are these cells in?
9) Animal Cell vs. Plant Cell Mitosis:
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Daughter Cell
Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Cancer
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) Healthy Cells-
2) Abnormal cell division-
3) What happens if cells are unable to regulate the cell cycle?
4) What are tumors?
5) What is the word used to describe the spreading of cancer cells to other parts of the body?
6) How does cancer spread?
7) What causes cancer?
8) What are some treatments?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Types of Reproduction
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) What is the definition of reproduction?
2) What are chromosomes?
Asexual Reproduction:
Is the creation of a new individual from only ______ parent.
Genetic information of offspring is _______________ to the parent.
4) When do the cells of our body undergo asexual reproduction?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
5) Types of Asexual Reproduction:
Binary Fission
Vegetative Propagation
Natural Vegetative Propagation
6) What is sexual reproduction?
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Artificial Vegetative Propagation
7) Identify the gametes below.
8) The joining of a perm with an egg cell is called ______________.
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
Topic: Meiosis 1
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) How many chromosomes do we have in our cells?
2) Why do we have two of each chromosome?
3) Each pair of chromosomes is called ______________.
4) Label the diagram below:
5) How are chromatids different than homologous chromosomes?
6) How many chromosomes do the offspring have after mitosis?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
7) Do our sex cells (gametes) have 46 chromosomes?
8) What would happen if our sex cells did have 46 chromosomes?
9) Sexual Reproduction:
10) Characteristics of sexual reproduction:
a) Is the creation of a new individual from __________ parents.
b) Offspring are not genetically __________ to the parents.
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
11) Sex cells should have _______ the normal number of chromosomes.
12) Define:
a) Diploid-
b) Haploid-
13) Define meiosis.
14) What is the end result of meiosis in humans?
15) Where doe meiosis occur?
16) Why is meiosis so important?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Meiosis 2
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) How many cell divisions take place during meiosis?
2) ______ Diploid Cell
 ______ Haploid Cells
3) Prior to cell division (mitosis or meiosis) the cell’s chromosomes
must _______________________.
4) Stages of Meiosis:
5) Define:
a) Synapsis-
b) Crossing Over-
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
6) What is Gametogenesis?
7) What is Oogenesis
8) How many eggs are produced during oogenesis?
9) What is Spermatogenesis?
10) How many sperm are produced by spermatogenesis?
11) What is essential for sexual reproduction?
12) What is the difference between sex cells and body cells?
13) Which of the two cell divisions leads to variation?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Variation
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) Variation between organisms is due to:
2) Meiosis Review:
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3) Crossing Over:
4) Genetic Recombination:
5) What is Independent Assortment?
What is the end result of Independent Assortment?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
7) Fertilization:
Label the diagram below:
Let’s Review:
a) What type of cell division leads to variation?
b) How?
c) How does fertilization lead to genetic variation?
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Fertilization and Development
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) What are the two types of fertilization?
2) What are characteristics of external fertilization?
3) What are characteristics of internal fertilization?
4) What is parthenogenesis?
5) What are the two types of development?
a. external development in water:
b. external development on land:
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6) How are bird embryos adapted for external development on land?
7) What is internal development?
a. internal placental development:
b. internal nonplacental development:
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Name________________________________________ Date_________________ Period______________
Topic: Embryonic Development
Aim # _______: ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) What happens to the zygote after it is formed?
2) What is an embryo?
3) Label the diagram below:
4) Define cleavage:
5) What is a morula?
6) What is a blastocyst?
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7) What is a gastrula?
8) Cellular Differentiation:
9) Gene Expression:
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10) What makes some cells turn “on” some genes while other genes are “off”?
11) What is the end result of differentiation?
12) What are stem cells?
13) How can stem cells help people?
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