Computer Technology W ord Processing All files for this unit are located at: KEYBOARD SHORT CUTS Ctrl + Letter Function A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Select All Bold Copy Font Dialog Box Center Find & Replace Go To Italics Full Justification Hyperlink Left Justify/Align Indent New Open Print Left Align/Justify Right Align/Justify Save Tabs Stop Underline Paste Close Cut Ctrl + Home Ctrl + End Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + 0 Ctrl + 1 Go to beginning of document Go to end of document New Page (Page Break) Add/Remove one line above paragraph Single Space Ctrl + 2 Ctrl + 5 Ctrl + T Double Space 1.5 Spacing Hanging Indent Ctrl + Shift + T Remove hanging indent Ctrl + M Increase paragraph indent Shift + F3 Change case (toggle 3 times) Shift + F7 Alt + Shift + D Opens thesaurus Insert Date D1 LEARNING WORD – Activity 1 You are a new employee of the Utah Travel Commission (UTC). The Commission’s goal is to promote travel and tourism in Utah. Throughout the Word unit you will creating documents that will be used to advertise tourism in Utah, you will also be required to create documents that will be used internally within the company. UTC has created several documents, but they have not been formatted to look professional. Your job is to format these documents so they are easy to read and professional looking. 1. Open Word 2. Open the document called Activity 1 Utah Facts from the shared drive or your teachers website 3. Change the title “Utah Facts & Other Random Information” a. Fontype Cambria b. 16-point font c. Center aligned d. Bold 4. Organizing information – a. Below the title of the document key the following section titles, hit enter twice between each title i. State Information: ii. State Symbols: iii. Recreation: iv. Famous Utahans: b. Using the drag & drop feature or Cut & Paste functions move the data into common groups. See Figure 1.1 i. Move the remaining data in the document into the appropriate groups c. Using increase indent icon, indent information under section titles. 5. Format section titles a. Select the title “State Information:” b. Change font style to Cambria c. 12-point font d. Bold e. Underline f. Using the format painter icon to change the other section titles so they are formatted the same as “State Information” i. Select “State Information” ii. Double click the format painter icon iii. Highlight the remaining titles Hint: As you highlight each title it should take on the same attributes as the “State Information” title iv. Click the format painter again to turn off 6. Change the margins a. Margins Narrow .5 top, bottom, left, right 7. Add Header/Footer a. Header : Name Activity Name & Number b. Footer: Date 8. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Activity 1 c. Subject: Class Period Period Teacher Name 9. Save as Learning Word 1 – Utah Facts 10. Print & Compare with Key .5 Narrow Margins Figure 1.1 Header Title Cambria Font, 16-point font, Bold, Center Aligned Section titles keyed, Cambria font style, 12-point font, Bold, Underline Information grouped appropriately Footer WORD 1 LEARNING WORD – Activity 2 You are a new employee of the Utah Travel Commission (UTC). The Commission’s goal is to promote travel and tourism in Utah. Throughout the Word unit you will creating documents that will be used to advertise tourism in Utah, you will also be required to create documents that will be used internally within the company. The president of UTC has wants you to create several documents that can be given to employees so that they can become educated on information relating to Utah. Ski Utah 1. Open a Word 2. Open the Ski Utah document located on the Shared Drive or your teachers website 3. Replace the word on the located in the third sentence with the word riding The sentence should read “But, if you’re riding the chairlift and someone 4. Delete could you tell them? at the end of the paragraph 5. Apply the Heading 1 Style to the headline ski Utah a. Center the headline b. Change the font and font size of the headline to Cooper Black, or a similar font. c. Change to 48-point font 6. Change the body copy to 20-point font (First paragraph) a. Change to Full Justification 7. Change the words below the graphic to a Bullet list Host of the 2002 Olympics Home to 13 World- Class Resorts Greatest Skiing Terrain 8. Underline 2002 located in the bulleted list 9. Enter down twice and key The Greatest Snow on Earth! 10. Select the “The Greatest Snow on Earth!” and change to a Heading 2 Style a. Center b. italicize c. change to a 28-point font size & Cooper Black or similar font 11. Change the margins to .5 Hint: Page Layout Tab > Page Setup Group 12. Change the theme color to Solstices 13. Change the spacing before the headline to 0 Point. Change the spacing after the headline paragraph to 12 point. 14. Select the each picture and change it using the Format Tab > Style Group a. Using the green circle locate at the top of the picture rotate images so that one is slanted to the right and the other to the left 15. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties d. Author: Your name e. Title: Activity 2 f. Subject: Class Period 16. Add a class Header and Footer 17. Make sure that the document is only 1 page, delete extra lines if needed. 18. Save as Learning Word Activity 2 – Ski Utah 19. Compare your document with Figure 1.2 20. Print & Attach to Word Mod 1 Your document should look like this! Header .5 Narrow Margins Solstice theme color Heading 1 Style; Centered; Font 48- point, Cooper Black; spacing before 0 pt; after 12 pt. Full Justified Rotated White style; Images rotated at a left and right slant 20-point Font size Underlined Bulleted list Footer Heading 2 Style; Centered; Font 28- point, Cooper Black; italicized Figure 1.2 ORD 1 LEARNING WORD – Activity 3 1. Open Activity 1 Utah Facts 2. Save the document as Activity 3 Utah Facts Updated 3. Change Header name to Learning Word Activity 3 4. Using the font color button change the color of the Title to Orange 5. Select the section title “State Information:” a. Change the font color to blue b. Using the more button in the Font group change the underline style to a double underline c. Use the format painter icon change the remaining section headings so they formatted the same as the title “State Information: 6. Select the title of the document, using the more button in the font group add a Shadow to the title. 7. Locate the words State Park, hit enter to move the insertion point below the title. a. Add the words “See website -” b. Using the text highlighter, highlight the text with yellow so that it stands out. 8. Make sure that your document is still on one page, adjust if necessary. 9. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name Orange color, b. Title: Activity 3 Shadow Added c. Subject: Class Period d. Save and Print Figure 1.3 10. Save as Activity 3 11. Print & Compare your document with figure 1.3 Blue color, double underline Website added, highlighted in yellow Figure 1.3 Header Changed WORD 1 LEARNING WORD – Activity 4 BE CREATIVE Using the skills you have learned from the LEARNING WORD unit, create a flyer (similar to the Ski Utah flyer) about anything related to Utah. Below are some ideas if you aren’t sure what to do. Snowboarding Antelope Island 4 wheelin in Moab Promontory point Great Salt Lake You can use the internet to research your topic and find pictures. (Don’t spend all class period doing this)! Your flyer should including the following: 1. Title/Heading 2. At least 1 Paragraph describing your topic 3. 1-2 pictures (be sure to use the TEXT WRAPPING) a. Change the picture using the Picture Styles, boarders, picture effects, etc. 4. Change the font, font size, and font color 5. Create a bulleted list 6. Underline, Italicize, or Bold 1 important word on your flyer 7. Change the margins to .5 Hint: Page Layout Tab > Page Setup Group Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties 1. Author: Your name 2. Title: Activity 4 3. Subject: Class Period Add a class Header and Footer Save as Word Activity 4 Print & Attach to WORD 1 packet STOP YOU HAVE COMPLETED WORD 1 WORD 2 TABS Activity 1 From the Top of Utah to the Bottom, Utah offers great outdoor activities. Using the information provided create a handout about Hiking in Utah. 1. Set the following tabs TAB TrailLeft DistanceDecimal Difficulty Center POSITION 2.0 4.5 5.5 2. Key the following information Hiking in Utah The best way to experience the diverse landscapes of Utah is by walking through them. Utah has some very remote areas that are accessible only to serious backpackers, but routes to other stunningly beautiful scenes are merely "pleasant walks." You'll find that once you get off the beaten path on foot, or even on horseback you will see the beauty of Utah. Visit some of these popular trails: Location Trail Distance Logan Ogden Layton Salt Lake Provo Vernal Henry’s Fork Snowville Moab Limber Pine Trail ........................................1.3 Belmond .........................................................9.5 Adams Canyon .............................................5.1 Mill Creek .................................................... 25.5 Mt Timpanogas ............................................6.0 Sounds of Silence Trail .............................2.0 Kings Peak ................................................. 16.0 Bull Flats.........................................................4.5 Black Dragon Canyon. ...............................8.1 Difficulty Easy Moderate Easy Difficult Moderate Moderate Difficult Difficult Easy Utah's mountains and deserts will "open up" for you in unexpected ways. Enjoy the beauty of the mountains and deserts. Utah Life Elevated! 3. Full Justify the first paragraph 4. Add a clipart related to hiking above the words “Hiking in Utah” a. Horizontally center & resize so that it is proportional with the text Remember to change the Text Wrapping 5. Bold the Titles: Location, Trail, Distance, and Difficulty 6. Center the title “Hiking in Utah” and change the following: a. 20pt font size b. Ravie Font style (or something similar) c. Bold 7. Center and Bold the words “Utah Life Elevated” a. Change to 16 pt font size 8. Add a class Header and Footer 9. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Tabs Activity 1 c. Subject: Class Period 10. Save file as Tabs Activity 1 11. Print & compare your document with Header 12. Attach to Word 2 Hiking Clipart Horizontally Centered Centered, Bold, 20 pt Ravie Font Full Justification Titles Bold, Tabs set Centered, 16 pt font Figure 2.1 WORD 2 LETTERS – Activity 2 Jonathan Jones has requested information about the Utah Arts Council. Using the letter provided, add the proper formatting and information. 1. Open Activity 2 Arts Council Letter1 from the shared drive or your teachers website 2. Insert today’s date 3. Add the appropriate spacing between the parts of the letter. 4. Add your initials as the typist 5. Read the letter and determine if the words “Enclosure” needs to be added to the letter. 6. Vertically center the letter Hint: Page Layout Tab > Page Setup Dialog box > Layout Tab 7. Add a class header/footer 8. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Arts Council letter 1 Activity 2 c. Subject: Class Period Header 9. Save as Arts Council Letter 1 to your student drive 10. Print 11. Compare your document with Figure 2.2 12. Attach printout to Word 2 Proper Spacing Typists initials Footer Figure 2.2 WORD 2 LETTERS – Activity 3 Using the Arts Council Letter 1 from the previous activity, change the letter to a modified block style with mixed punctuation. 1. Change the letter to modified block style a. Date & Signature block should be moved to the 3 in position 2. Add mixed punctuation to the Salutation and Complementary close 3. Replace Lizbeth Stuarts name from the signature block with your name 4. Remove the typists initials 5. Change the activity name in the header/footer 6. Save as Arts Council Letter 2 to your student drive 7. Print & Compare your document with Figure 2.3 8. Attach to Word 2 Updated Header Mixed punctuation Modified Block Updated signature block Figure 2.3 LETTERS – Activity 4 Be creative You have received and email from Philo Farnsworth, the Famous Utahan who invented the Television. He is requesting information about your company/location. Using the letterhead you created for the in class activity write a letter about something related to your topic. Example: Letterhead: Bear Lake Letter: Recreational activities, cost to rent equipment, other information, etc. 1. Your letter must be in proper letter format 2. Inside Address Mr. Philo Farnsworth 1010 CRT Way Beaver, UT 84111 3. Set at least 3 tabs with leader lines 4. Use mixed punctuation 5. Vertically center the letter Hint: Page Layout Tab > Page Setup Dialog box > Layout Tab 6. Add a class header/footer 7. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Letter 3 c. Subject: Class Period 13. Save as Be Creative Letter 3 to your student drive 14. Print 15. Attached to Word 2 Using MEMOs – Activity 5 Your Co-worker Spike Railman has asked you to help him format a memo that will be sent to Mr. Skeeter Jones, President of the Golden Spike Historical Society. 1. Open Golden Spike memo 1 located on the shared drive or your teachers website 2. Add the TO, FROM, DATE, & SUBJECT headings to the memo 3. Add the correct formatting to the memo a. Align each line of the headings appropriately b. Double space between headings c. Triple space between the subject line and the body of the memo d. Change the subject line to all caps 4. Add a class header/footer 5. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Memo 1 c. Subject: Class Period 16. Save as Golden Spike memo 1 to your student drive 17. Print & compare with figure 2.4 18. Attached to Word 2 TO: Spike Railman FROM: Skeeter Jones DATE: March 10, 2008 SUBJECT: GOLDEN SPIKE NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE SPECIAL EVENTS On May 10 a reenactment of the "Driving of the Golden Spike Ceremony” will take place here at Promontory. This great tradition is a testament to the rich heritage of the area and the tremendous support of the local communities. Railroader's Festival is held the second Saturday in August each year. This event offers wholesome family fun - try your hand at the game of "Graces" watch the re-enactment of the Last Spike Ceremony and take a cab tour of the replica locomotives. Figure 2.4 MEMOs – Activity 6 Up to this point you have learned a lot about the feature of Word as well as many interesting things about Utah. Write a memo to your teacher explaining what you have learned about Utah. 1. Be sure to include the proper headings 2. Add the correct formatting to the memo a. Align each line of the headings appropriately b. Spacing between headings and body of the memo 6. Add a class header/footer 7. Change the document properties Hint: Office Button > Prepare > Properties a. Author: Your name b. Title: Memo 2 c. Subject: Class Period 19. Save as Memo 2 to your student drive 20. Print 21. Attached to Word 2 STOP YOU HAVE COMPLETED WORD 2 REPORT WRITING – Work Cited Collecting & Entering Sources Throughout your educational and professional career you will be required to conduct research and report your findings. When writing a research paper you are required to cite sources. This activity will teach you how to utilize the new features of Word to create a quick and easy Work Cited page or Bibliography page. 1. Open a blank Word document 2. Choosing the Documentation Style. (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc) a. Click References on the Ribbon to display the References tab. b. Click the Bibliography Style box arrow on the References tab to display a gallery of predefined documentation styles. c. Click MLA in the Bibliography Style gallery to change the documentation style to MLA. 2. Insert a Citation and Create its Source a. Click the Insert Citation button on the References tab to display the Insert Citation menu. 3. Click Add New Source on the Insert Citation menu a. In the Type of Source box choose Journal Article. Follow the example in the box and key in the following information: Jessep, Jan. "Utah the Place to Play." Ski Utah Magazine, 2007, p. 25 b. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. c. Repeat Step 2 for the remaining three sources. Type of Source: Interview Author: Donald Gibson Title: “National Park Ranger” Interviewee: Your Name Year: 2007 Month: May Day: 8 Type of Source: Book Author: Rudy, Trump and Thomas Adam Title: "Utah Recreation - The Place to Play Year: 2002 City: Chicago Publisher: Hilltop Type of Source: Website Author: Name of Webpage: Utah’s Largest Travel Site Year: 1998 Month: Day: Year Accessed: 2007 Month Accessed: January Day Accessed: 15 URL: Add in yourself as a reference: Type of Source: Book Author: YOUR NAME Title: Utah - Life Elevated Seeing the Best Parts of Utah Year: 2007 City: Salt Lake City Publisher: Adventure Publications, Inc. Backspace to delete the entries. Keep this document open for Activity 2. Activity 2 – Writing a Report Creating an MLA Style Research Paper 1. MLA reports require that the entire paper be double-spaced. Click the line spacing button on the home tab to display the line spacing gallery. a. Select the entire paper b. Click 2.0 for double spacing, click Remove Space After paragraph in the line spacing gallery. 2. Enter name and course information. a. Type Your Name as the student writing the paper, press enter once. b. Type Your Teachers name as the instructor, press enter once. c. Type Computer Technology as the course name, press enter once. d. Insert the date (Month-Day-Year), press enter once. 3. Type Utah Life Elevate – The Parts of Utah as the title of the paper. Type it in initial caps and centered. Do not bold it. a. Press Enter and change the alignment to Left. 4. Insert Page Number in the bottom right-hand corner of your document a. Click the Insert Tab b. Select Page Number from the Header & Footer Group c. Select Bottom of Page from the drop down menu d. Select Plain Number 3 e. Click Close Header Footer button or double click in the report 5. Key the following text for the first part of the report a. Be sure to tab in the first line of each paragraph and let it word wrap at the end of each sentence. There are four different parts of Utah. There is Northern Utah, Central Utah, Southwest Utah, and Southeast Utah. Each of them has different activities that you can do in any kind of weather. There is hiking in the summer to skiing and snowboarding in the winter. There are different mountains and canyons in each area of Utah. Utah has five National Parks. Most of them are in the Southwest and Southeast portion 6. Add an internal citation to your paper. a. Place your insertion point at the end of the first paragraph. b. Click References, Insert Citation; choose Utah's Largest Travel Site. from the drop down list. c. Press the PERIOD key to end the sentence. 7. Finish keying the report using the information provided in Figure 2.1 a. When appropriate insert an internal citation using the instructions in Step 6. Citations are enclosed in parenthesis and followed by a period. Example: (Jessep 2). To add page numbers to the internal citations: i. Right click on the citation; choose Edit Citation from the drop down menu. ii. Type in 35 in the Pages text box. iii. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. iv. Press the END key to move the insertion point to the end of the line, which also deselects the citation. b. Format the report as shown in Figure 2.1, including: Long quotations indented on the left and right Underlining Side headings Bullet and Number list Figure 2.1 Northern Utah Northern Utah is in the Rocky Mountain District of Utah. It has two big mountains in it, Wasatch and Uintahs. These mountains provide activities such as hiking, biking, skiing, and snowshoeing. There are a lot of ski resorts in Northern Utah. Some of them are Alta, Brian Head, Powder Mountain, Sundance and The Canyons. Most of these are ski areas only. While the most popular winter activity on a ski vacation is skiing (or snowboarding), there are so many ways to have fun in Utah's powder. In fact, the list of alternative outdoor activities is long and well worth staying an extra day to enjoy. Visitors can speed through the backcountry on a snowmobile; cross-country ski on groomed track or through pristine backcountry; treat the kids to a day of lift-assisted snow tubing; embark on a heart-pumping snowshoe tour; float above the crowd in a hot-air balloon; find your roots at the Genealogy Library or get cozy on an evening sleigh ride. Whatever you choose, you won't be disappointed (Jessep 25). Another site that you can see in Northern Utah is Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. Flaming Gorge is the Green River which is surrounded by huge canyon walls. Good for fishing, boating, hiking or just looking at. It is on the border of Wyoming. Central Utah There is little population in Central Utah. It is mostly desert and highlands. The Green River also runs through this area too. There are three major attractions in this portion of Utah. San Rafael Swell, also referred to as “little grand canyon”, is a desert filled with canyon walls. The boating or rafting is usually only good from May to June because that is when the water is the highest. Wasatch Plateau is a forested area and has meadows with Mountain Lakes. There are many campgrounds, hiking areas and has an outstanding view. Millard County has many outdoor activities. You can go mountain hiking, rock climbing, hunting, fishing, and also has two golf courses; The Paradise Resort in Fillmore and Sunser View in Delta. Southwest Utah Southwest Utah is full of red desert canyons and forested alpine mountains. It contains three big national park and Lake Powell as well. The first national park is Bryce Canyon. It’s full of colorful, curved rock forms. There are easy drives to a scenic area where you can look out into the whole canyon and a lot of hiking trails. Capitol Reef National Park is canyon walls with water around them that was trapped during the erosion process, “waterpocket fold”. Erosion created many varied rocks within the park. This also has hiking opportunities and some good scenes for a drive. The last but not least National Park in this portion of Utah is Zion National Park. It is also full of canyon walls with a river in between. There are cottonwood trees and wooded trails that go through the canyon. Zion is an inspiring place to be and get to see (Gibson). Southeast Utah Southeast Utah is the last portion. This area is also a rocky scene. There are two main National Parks here. They are Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. Arches is beautiful scenery of red sand and amazing red rock arches. It is the biggest concentration of sandstone in the world. Canyonlands is more of an orange-red color of sand. It is also full of canyons walls everywhere. There are activities here such as hiking, mountain biking, and white water rafting. Canyonlands is split into three “districts” because of the Colorado and green river. If you want to go to the other side, there are no bridges, so you have to go around and make a long drive out of it. Some of the mountains that are in Southeast Utah are La Sal Mountains and Abajo Mountains (Rudy and Adam 28-29). There are a lot of fun activities that are in Utah. You get a new experience in every section of this state. Northern you get more hiking and skiing. In Central, Southwest and Southeast Utah you mostly get hiking and white water rafting. You will get a great scenic adventure in Utah no matter where you go. 8. Insert a manual page break at the end of the report a. Press Ctrl +Enter (this will insert a manual page break) 9. Save the report as Activity 2 – Report a. DO NOT CLOSE THE REPORT. You will need it for the next activity. Activity 3 – Creating a Work Cited 1. Create a Bibliographical or Works Cited list a. At the top of the new page you inserted, key Works Cited in initial caps and centered. b. Enter down 1 time and change the alignment to left. c. Click the Reference Tab d. Click the Bibliography button e. Click insert bibliography 2. Select all the sources and change the line spacing to double. a. Change the font style and size to match the rest of the report 3. Change the indentations to Hanging Indents a. Click the Home tab b. Click the launch dialog box option in the Paragraph group c. Change the indentation to hanging. OR d. Do Ctrl T at the beginning of each reference. 4. Spell check a. Click Review tab b. Click Spelling & Grammer button in the Proofing group 5. Save as Activity 3 Work Cited 6. Print your report and compare with the key REPORT WRITING - Activity 4 Apply Your Knowledge Did you ever wonder what events took place during the month or year you were born. Research the newsworthy events that took place during the month and year you were born (i.e. January 1995) by looking through newspapers, magazines, searching the web or interviewing family and friends. Write a short research paper (400-500 words or approx 2 pages double spaced) that summarizes your findings. Pioneer Library is a great place to gather information about Utah. Possible topics to research: Politics, world affairs, economy Scientific or technology discoveries Popular television shows, movies, songs Famous people who has your same birthday Famous people who died Headline news Sports news (winner, loserd, scandals) Report Requirements/Instructions: 400-500 words or approximatly 2 pages double spaced, formatted exactly like the Choosing the Career report including o Page numbers o at least one bulleted list and one numbered list 3-5 sources (including 1 primary source) Primary sources can include a personal interview or journal. Intext citations with pages numbers (if applicable) Work Cited page including o Formatted with hanging indents Save report as Activity 4 Report Print report THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN WRITING A RESEARCH PAPER Writing a research paper includes finding and reading sources, interviewing people, or collecting data. You can use the sources from the internet to conducted your research, but DO NOT just copy and paste information…THATS CALLED PLAGERISM Writing a research paper means you do the research, summarize your findings, and use sources to support your findings.