Institutional Review Board Human Research Protection Program 1 Park Avenue | 6th Floor | New York, NY 10016 Application for Continuation When to Use this Form Use this form when the research activity for an approved study is planned to extend beyond the current approval period. The IRB must review ongoing research at intervals that are appropriate to the level of risk for each research protocol, but not less than once per year. The approval and expiration date are clearly noted on all IRB notifications sent to the PI and must be strictly adhered to. For changes to the protocol or consent form at the time of continuation, use the Application for Amendment form in addition to this application. Submission Instructions Our website provides full instructions on submitting applications to the IRB: Please contact the IRB office at 212 263-4110 with any questions. Administrative Information Study# Study Title Department Role* Date of this request Division Name Email Phone Fax Principal Investigator Contact Person Co-Investigator(s) * PI and Contact Person are required; list all other study personnel as well, one line per person All personnel listed above have completed the CITI Tutorial Current IRB approval period Yes No Trial Type to Single Center Trial Multi-Center Trial; PI of Multi-Center Trial Estimated study completion date Disclosure of Financial Interest This application must include an Investigator Financial Disclosure Form for all study personnel involved in the design and/or conduct of this study. Each staff person must submit an Investigator Financial Disclosure Form for each protocol, even if no financial interest exists. In other words, this application MUST be accompanied by financial disclosure forms for ALL research study personnel involved in the design and/or conduct of this study. The Investigator Financial Disclosure Form can be found at: version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 1 of 7 Application for Continuation NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP In addition to the protocol-specific forms outlined above, all research staff must also submit the Annual Disclosure Form. This annual institutional submission is a separate electronic form submitted to the Conflicts Management Unit. This form can also be found at For more specific information on NYU Langone Medical Center’s policy on disclosures for researchers see: If disclosure forms are not received for all personnel on this study, the submission cannot be processed. This submission requires completed Investigator Financial Disclosure Forms from all personnel involved in the design and/or conduct of this study If the Research Conflict of Interest Committee has made a determination regarding a disclosure, attach a copy of the determination Category of Review Select this study’s review category refer to IRB website for detailed description Risk give the overall risk classification for this study Full Review Expedited Review; choose all applicable expedited categories: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8a #8b #8c Minimal Risk Greater than Minimal Risk Enrollment Status Have any subjects been enrolled since the study began? Is enrollment of subjects anticipated during the next approval period? The research is permanently closed to the enrollment of new subjects; all subjects have completed all research-related interventions; and, the research remains active only for longterm follow up of subjects (If yes, you should select Expedited Category 8a above) No subjects have been enrolled, at any time, and no additional risks have been identified (If yes, you should select Expedited Category 8b above) The remaining research activities are limited to data analysis only of identifiable/coded data (If yes, you should select Expedited Category 8c above) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Subjects For purposes of this form, the term “subjects” should be read to refer to all participants, patients, etc. Definitions Enrolled Subject Research Subjects who’s written or verbal consent has been obtained. Screen Failure Subjects who were consented and enrolled, but subsequently did not meet your study’s criteria for inclusion. Long Term Follow -up Active interventions/treatments have ended and the interaction with these subjects is limited to data collection. Completed Study Subjects who have completed the study only after ending the active treatment/intervention and also completed any long-term follow-up. version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 2 of 7 Application for Continuation NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP By Location Indicate the total number of subjects enrolled to date at each of the following NYU affiliated sites: Bellevue Hospital* Charles B Wang Co-op Care Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Center Coney Island Hospital Faculty Group Practice (FGP) Faculty Practice Offices (FPO) NYU Child Study Center NYU College of Dentistry NYU College of Nursing NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences NYU HJD NYU School of Medicine NYU Steinhardt School of Education CTSI/ACTG NYU Wagner School of Public Services CTSI/Bellevue* NYUMC (Tisch Hospital) CTSI/HJD Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) CTSI/NYUMC Radiology – 660 1st Avenue CTSI/Skirball 8z Rivergate Building Gouverneur Hospital Rusk Institute Hassenfeld Children’s Center Smilow Kings County Medical Center VA Medical Center Lincoln Medical & Mental Woodhull Medical & Mental Health Center Health Center Metropolitan Hospital Other (name/number) NYU Cancer Center Other (name/number) * Studies conducted (in part or whole) at Bellevue Hospital must also apply online using the REASON system at: Questions? Call Bellevue at 212.562.4176 Enrollment Details Indicate the total number of subjects enrolled to date at each of the following NYU affiliated sites: Date first subject screened Total number of subjects currently approved to enroll Number of subjects enrolled since the last re-approval Number of additional subjects to be enrolled (or charts/records to be reviewed) [If you have more than one cohort (patients, family members, treating physicians, etc.) provide answers for each cohort)] Have any subjects been excluded on the basis of race, ethnic group, understanding of English, socioeconomic status, education, gender, or pregnancy? Total number of subjects enrolled to date: (This total should equal the total of Fields A+B+C+D+E below) A) Total number of subjects in long term follow up B) Total number of subjects who completed study C) Total number of subjects actively participating in treatment/ intervention D) Total number of subjects dropped or withdrawn E) Total number of screen failures For those subjects dropped/withdrawn in Field D above, what number dropped due to a reportable event: Has the IRB approved the enrollment of vulnerable populations for this study? Please note that this does not apply to studies that will include a full range of subjects, some of whom may be elderly or subjects who might incidentally be employees ; if not yet initiated, state reason: No Yes; explain: Total dropped or withdrew due to reportable events Total dropped or withdrew due for reasons other than reportable events Yes (If yes, provide below a cumulative accrual by vulnerable population) No version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 3 of 7 Application for Continuation NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP By Vulnerable Population Type Indicate all of the population types you will be including in this study aborted fetuses AIDS/HIV patients children cognitively impaired institutionalized (not prisoners) fetuses in-vitro fertilization men Employees/Students/ House Staff/Fellows minorities NYU employees or students elderly physically disabled pregnant women prisoners women Persons in a Sedated/Traumatized/ Crisis State Persons with Cognitive, Social, Economic, or Educational Disadvantages Non-English speaking Persons Other (describe) Other (describe) Children Pregnant Women Persons over age 65 Persons with Acute/Severe Mental/Physical Disabilities By Demographics List the cumulative count of all subjects ever enrolled in your study to-date. American Indian or Alaskan Asian or Pacific Islander Black, not of HispanicAmerican Origin HispanicAmerican White, not of HispanicAmerican Origin Other or Unknown Total Female Male Unknown Total Informed Consent/Authorization Written Consent/assent is required Based on results/experience to date, the currently known risks and benefits are adequately described in the Informed Consent Yes No, explain: Yes No, explain: An Amendment and revised Informed Consent are attached Number of different consent/assent forms used in this study A revised version of the informed consent /assent form(s) has been approved since the last subject was enrolled Written Authorization is required The consent form is being changed at this time and requires re-evaluation and approval Yes No, explain: Yes; an Application for Amendment form is attached to this application No List the languages that consent(s)/assent(s) and authorization has been translated into Yes; list latest version(s): No version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 4 of 7 Application for Continuation The research involves the use and/or disclosure of individually identifiable health information (PHI) that is transmitted or maintained electronically or in any other form or medium, including on paper or orally If YES was answered to the question above, the PI believes that continuation of this study is justified in light of the above information NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP No Yes; HIPAA privacy regulations are being met: Subject “Authorization to Release Protected Health Information for Research Purposes” reviewed by the IRB (attach a copy of the reviewed stamped HIPAA authorization form) The IRB granted a waiver of authorization for the use of protected health information for this study The IRB granted a partial waiver of authorization for the use of protected health information for this study Not required because a Data Use Agreement is in place Not required for this study involves the use of deidentified data Not required because this study does not involve the use of protected health information Not required because no new subjects were recruited after April 13, 2003 and no current subjects will be reconsented Other: Yes No; explain: Drugs/Devices One or more investigational drugs are used in this study Yes; IND#: No One or more investigational devices are used in this study Yes; IDE#: No Reportable Events/Withdrawal from Study Provide a summary of all events that have occurred since the commencement of this study. Summaries should be in aggregate numbers. Do not submit detailed reports. Since your last IRB review, has any subject suffered any event that was reportable? formerly serious adverse event/unanticipated event Summarize all adverse drug reactions in which a relationship to your study’s drug cannot be ruled out Since the last IRB review, all serious or unanticipated events have been reported as required The frequency of serious but expected side effects were different from what was anticipated Number of the recruited subjects at NYU sites who complained about any aspect of the study since the initiation of this project Since the last IRB review, have any subjects or others complained about the research? No Yes; specify the number of events and describe briefly their nature and significance: (you may submit this information as an attachment) these events were reported to the IRB, to a sponsor, to the FDA or to anyone else Yes No; explain: Yes No; explain: Yes; explain: No No Yes; attach summary describing the number and nature of complaints If yes, were these complaints reported to the IRB? Yes No; explain: version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 5 of 7 Application for Continuation Did you remove any subject from the study due to adverse reactions, noncompliance or other reasons? Since the last IRB review, have there been any multi-center trial reports? Did any subject voluntarily withdraw for the study for medical or non-medical reasons? NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP Yes; provide a description of the medical problem or other circumstances for each subject who was terminated involuntarily: No No Yes; attach a summary of all multi-center trial reports and attach a summary of those reports. If yes, were these reports reviewed by the IRB? Yes No; explain: Yes; provide a description of known reasons for each subject who withdrew: No Data Safety Monitoring Provide a DSM Report for the last year Pasted here: or Attached as a separate document Protocol Modifications Before implementation of the change, the IRB must approve any changes in a research protocol, such as changes in subject population, recruitment plans, advertising materials, research procedures, study sites, study instruments, or to investigators who are instrumental to the design or execution of the study. Investigators must submit requests for such changes listed above in an Application for Amendment. Since the last IRB review, there have been problems with or changes in the research, including the following: subject recruiting; advertising; subject compensation; inclusion of exclusion criteria; costs to subjects; investigator inducements; informed consent; documentation of informed consent; privacy or confidentiality protections; safety monitoring; vulnerable subject protections This study’s protocol has been modified Protocol changes are proposed at this time and require reevaluation Yes; explain: No Yes; the IRB approved the modification: No Yes; on date No Yes; an Application for Amendment form is attached No Study Results Summarize any results (preliminary or final) obtained in the study. State whether the results to date have been consistent with what you expected Since the last IRB review, have there been any publications in the literature relevant to the research? Since the last IRB review, have subjects experienced any benefits? In the opinion of the PI, have the risks or potential benefits of this research changed? Yes; attach a copy of all publications and attach a summary of the new findings. No Yes; attach summary of subject benefits. No Yes; attach summary of the description of those changes. No version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 6 of 7 Application for Continuation NYU School of Medicine IRB HRPP Summarize anything that has occurred since the last IRB review which may have altered the risk/benefit relationship. Please specify any reports of studies done elsewhere which might have implications for this study. Attach copies of relevant publications. PI’s Statement of Assurance I understand that as Principal Investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects, conduct of the study and the ethical performance of the project. I agree to accept responsibility for the conduct and supervision of this research and the protection of human subjects as required by: (a) state and federal law and regulations, and (b) NYU IRB human research protection program policies and the Federal-wide Assurance (FWA), such that: The protocol will be performed by qualified personnel according to the IRB approved protocol All changes in the protocol and consent form will be approved by the IRB before they are initiated, except when necessary to eliminate immediate hazard(s) to the subject(s) Legally effective informed consent will be obtained from human subjects as required Unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others will be reported to the IRB in a timely manner If I leave NYU SoM/MC, I will assure that all appropriate documents, constituting a final report, are submitted to the IRB for review I will complete the required research education requirements in a timely manner and ensure that all study staff involved in this study have completed the research requirements in a timely manner. Date Print Name Signature I ATTEST THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF MY ONGOING STUDY. I ATTEST THAT I HAVE NOT BEEN DISBARRED, SUSPENDED OR RESTRICTED BY ANY FEDERAL OR STATE AGENCY FROM CONDUCTING THIS RESEARCH STUDY. I WILL ABIDE BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF NYU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND THE IRB, FEDERAL AND NEW YORK STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, AND ANY AGREEMENT WITH THE SPONSOR IN THE CONDUCT OF THIS RESEARCH STUDY’S PROTOCOL. version 2012.03.07 | email | phone 212.263.4110 | page 7 of 7