newman Fall AGU 2010..

CO and CO2 Diurnal Cycles during
CalNex-LA, 15 May - 16 June, 2010
Sally Newman1, Sergio Alvarez2, Bernhard Rappenglueck2,
Charles E. Miller3, and Yuk L. Yung1
1Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech, Pasadena, CA;
2Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Univ. Houston, Houston,
TX; 3Earth Atmospheric Sciences, JPL, Pasadena, CA
c. Trailer city of the CalNex site.
Photo by Michael Lechner.
a. Location of Pasadena.
Figure 1.
b. Location of the CalNex-LA site on the Caltech campus.
SInce more than half of the world’s population lives in urban regions, which
a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gases and other pollutants to the atmosphere,
it is important to understand cycles in the sources of these components in cities. We
investigated the relationships between the diurnal cycles of CO2 and CO using high
precision atmospheric concentration measurements collected during the CalNex-LA
ground campaign of 15 May - 15 June, 2010. The location of this campaign is shown in
Figure 1a and b to the left, near the northwest corner of the Caltech campus in Pasadena,
CA. The location is ~4 km from the San Gabriel mountains. The Pacific ocean is 22 km to
the southwest and controls the dominant diurnal weather pattern in the region, of
alternating onshore and offshore winds. The San Gabriel mountains help to trap polluted
air in the valley during most nights, when temperature inversions put a shallow lid on the
mixed layer.
Combustion of fossil fuels is the major source of both compounds in urban
environments; however, biogenic sources and sinks are also important for CO2. Both CO
and CO2 are affected by the transport of local and regional air masses into and out of the
sampling site. By using measurements of both components, as well as changes in the
mixed layer depth, can we put constraints on the local contribution of CO2, both its
magnitude and its source?
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 2 shows the time series results for CO2 and CO during the CalNex-LA campaign.
The thicker, brighter lines are the 10-minute averages for the data, whereas the thinner, darker
lines indicate 1-hour averages. CO2 mixing ratios were determined by wavelength-scanned
cavity ringdown spectroscopy using a G1101i Isotopic CO2 Analyzer from Picarro Instruments.
CO was analyzed by vacuum ultraviolet fluorescence using an Aerolaser 5001 CO monitor.
The time series (Fig. 2) of the two components track each other very well, in general, but
there are major differences when the hourly averages are combined into averaged weekday
and weekend diurnal patterns, as in Figure 3 (error bars are standard errors of the means).
The weekday and weekend CO2 patterns are almost the same, whereas there are significant
differences for the diurnal CO cycles between weekdays and weekends. We do not understand
the cause of the early morning (0400 - 0600, all times in Pacific Standard Time) CO peak on
weekends (0500 - 0600), but the peak at about midnight is probably due to late night traffic on
Del Mar Blvd. and/or Hill Ave. (Fig. 1b) as people traveled for weekend social events. Such
nighttime traffic is probably the explanation for the elevation in CO2 mixing ratios in the early
hours of the weekend mornings relative to weekdays. However, general elevation in CO2 at
night is expected due to respiration of the biosphere. Indeed, CO2 concentrations remain high
until sunrise and then are quickly depleted by photosynthesis during the day, with a minimum
at 1600 - 1800. In contrast, there is a broad maximum in CO, both on weekends and weekdays,
from 0800 - 1600, centered at 1200, probably due to transport of emissions from Los Angeles,
as the daytime off-shore wind brings emissions from the basin to the sampling site. The
diurnal CO2 cycle shows evidence of this as increased scatter from 1000 - 1400.
Concentrations of both components rise again in the evening, when development of a
temperature inversion reduces the mixed layer depth. CO concentrations decline in
the late evening after rush hour subsides (shorter time for high traffic period on the
weekend), whereas CO2 values remain high because of the persistent respiration
source. We next use the diurnal patterns to look at variations in the magnitude and
proportions of the local sources of CO2 during the course of the day.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Discussion - boundary layer effects
In the simplest view, the boundary layer acts as a box to contain emissions and keep
them from mixing with the atmosphere above, concentrating or diluting the emissions as the
mixed layer depth shrinks or deepens. Reid and Steyn (1997) studied the effect of changing
boundary layer height on CO2 in Vancouver, BC, including lateral advection and entrainment,
but here we look only at the simpler dilution effects. It is the excess over the background
mixing ratios (Fig. 4) that are effected by changing boundary layer depth. We determined the
excess CO2 and CO by subtracting the background concentrations for each component. For
CO2, we subtracted the daily minimum for La Jolla, extrapolating the seasonal and long term
trends (Keeling et al., 2001) to 31 May, 2010. For CO, we subtracted the average for the
NOAA sites of the Pacific Ocean at 30°N (POCN30) and Trinidad Head (THD) (Conway et al.,
2010), extrapolating the seasonal and long term trends to the same date. The results, the
local excess over the marine boundary layer, are shown in Figure 4. The diurnal pattern of
the average hourly boundary layer heights, measured during the CalNex-LA campaign by C.L.
Haman and B.L. Lefer of the University of Houston by aerosol LIDAR, are shown in Figure 5.
As expected, the boundary layer height is greatest in the middle of the day when warmer air
from the ocean blows inland and disrupts the shallow, stable inversion layer setup overnight.
In order to correct for the changing size of the mixed layer, we first converted the boundary
layer heights to pressure and then multiplied the excess CO2 and CO concentrations by the
ratio of the boundary layer pressure above ground level to the pressure at ground level.
We assumed that the diurnal pattern for boundary layer height was the same, on average,
for all days during the campaign. The resulting contributions to the column CO2 and CO for
both weekdays and weekend days are shown in Figure 6. The differences between
weekdays and weekends and between the two components, seen in the excess data shown
in Figure 4, are overwhelmed by the effects of the changes in boundary layer height. For
CO2, the contribution ranges from 1 - 2.6 ppm from nighttime to mid-day, whereas for CO,
the range in local contribution is from 4 - 26 ppb. The maximum change for both
components is similar to range in mixing ratio observed by Fourier transform spectrometer
(FTS) in March of 2008 for the Pasadena area (at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, ~5 km
northwest of Caltech) by Wunch et al. (2009). The pattern of a single broad mid-day peak
is also consistent with their observations. CO is known to have virtually no natural sources
in urban environments, but to result from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.
Therefore, since the diurnal patterns of the locally contributed CO and CO2 are basically
the same, after adjusting for changing boundary layer heights, the source of CO2 must also
be predominantly due to burning of petroleum and natural gas. Because the FTS cannot
obtain data at night, we cannot compare the nighttime excess amounts of CO2. It is
possible, and reasonable, that some of the 1 ppm CO2 contributed at night is the result of
soil and plant respiration.
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Discussion - source of CO2
As mentioned above, CO in urban regions has no natural sources, but is the result of
anthropogenic incomplete combustion in internal combustion engines. Gamnitzer et al.
(2006) and Turnbull et al. (2006) demonstrated that amounts of CO and CO2 in excess of
natural abundances can be ratioed to determine, roughly, the proportion of CO2 derived
from burning of fossil fuels. Although this technique is not as successful as using
radiocarbon to differentiate these sources, it is much more practical for use with
continuous measurements than the more expensive and time-consuming D14C method.
Djuricin et al. (2010) studied CO and CO2 in air in Irvine, CA, ~ 60 km south southeast of
Pasadena. They concluded that there is much uncertainty in the emission ratio of CO/CO2
and therefore only very approximate proportions of fossil fuel contribution to the locally
added CO2 can be determined, unless local emission ratios are known. Wunch et al. (2009)
determined the emission ratio for CO/CO2 in Pasadena using their FTS measurements.
Their results were consistent with those of the California Air Resources Board for southern
California (CARB, 2008) and significantly lower than those presented by the EDGAR
inventory (2009).
Figure 7 shows the 10-minute averages of CO and CO2 mixing ratios in excess of the
background values plotted against each other. The different colors emphasize that
different ratios of COexcess/CO2 excess are observed at different times of the day. When
these ratios are averaged for each hour and divided by the CO/CO2 emission ratio of
0.011 ± 0.002, determined by Wunch et al. (2009), the resulting diurnal pattern is that
seen in Figure 8. The maximum value for the fraction of fossil fuels in the locally added
CO2 is within error of 1.0 during the middle of the day. At night, this analysis suggests
that 50% of the local contribution is from anthropogenic combustion of fossil fuels. The
other 50%, presumably, comes from plant respiration. The diurnal pattern looks very
similar to that seen in Figure 6. The daytime result is consistent with mass balance
calculations of d13C and CO2 for flasks collected at 1400 during 2002-2003, which
indicated that no biospheric contribution was required to explain the observed stable
isotopic composition (Newman et al. 2008).
Changes in boundary layer height are the dominant
cause for the observed diurnal variations in CO2 and CO
in Pasadena during the middle of the day, for the MayJune time period of the CalNex-LA ground campaign.
The local contribution to both CO and CO2 in Pasadena
peaked during the middle of the day and then decreased
gradually to a nighttime minimum.
The local source of the CO2 during May - June, 2010, was
100% anthropogenic combustion of fossil fuels during the
middle of the day and ~50% during the night.
References and Acknowledgements
California Air Resources Board (CARB), 2008, California emission inventory data almanac,
technical report. (Available at app/emsinv/emssumcat.php)
Conway, T.J., P.M. Lang, and K.A. Masarie, 2010, Atmospheric carbon dioxide dry air mole
fractions from the NOAA ESRL carbon cycle cooperative global air sampling network,
1968-2009, Version: 2010-09-08, Path:
Djuricin, S., D. E. Pataki, and X. Xu, 2010, A comparison of tracer methods for quantifying
CO2 sources in an urban region, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D11303,
EDGAR Project Team, 2009, Emission database for global atmospheric research (EDGAR),
release version 4.0., php, Eur. Comm. Joint Res.
Cent., Brussels., for the background photo of this poster.
Haman, CL and BL Lefer, 2010, CALNEX boundary layer height retrieval via aerosol LIDAR.
Keeling, C.D., S.C. Piper, R.B. Bacastow, M. Wahlen, T.P. Whorf, M. Heimann, and H.A.
Meijer, Exchanges of atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the terrestrial biosphere and
"oceans from 1978 to 2000. I. Global aspects, SIO Reference Series, No. 01-06, Scripps
"Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, 88 pages, 2001.
Reid, K.H., and D.G. Steyn, 1997, Diurnal variations of boundary-layer carbon dioxide in a
coastal city--observations and comparison with model results. Atmos. Environ. 31, 3101
Wunch, D., P. O. Wennberg, G. C. Toon, G. Keppel-Aleks, and Y. G. Yavin, 2009, Emissions
of greenhouse gases from a North American megacity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15810,
We appreciate productive discussions with Paul Wennberg, Michael Line, Xi Zhang, RunLie Shia, and Josh Kammer. As part of the CalNex-LA campaign, we gratefully
acknowledge the support of Caltech and the California Air Resources Board in making the
campaign successful.