SPC Coastal & Oceanic Fisheries Programmes Digital Library Anne Gibert, SPC Librarian Assistant (AnneG@spc.int), Jean-Paul Gaudechoux, SPC Fisheries Information Adviser (jeanpaulg@spc.int) 34th IAMSLIC Annual Conference 14-18 September 2008 Suva, Fiji Islands The Pacific Islands, large distances, small scale countries and territories, and scattered populations Rationale for building a Digital Library Information and Communication Technologies are powerful tools for development; Few inhabitants of the Pacific Islands countries and territories are able to enjoy fast Internet connections; SPC has been involved in marine resources management since the early 1950s; Thousands of papers and reports have been produced and these documents are invaluable for retracing past records of marine resources exploitation in the region; Recent e-documents were available on our web site, but scattered in different places and not searchable through a common interface; The Digital Library project was initiated following a request from Nauru in 2005, staff from the Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Authority having difficulties to access the SPC documents online. Building a Digital Library - Task flow The products DVD version: developed using Greenstone, open source software; simple search interface and can be launched without any software installation; Online version: we developed our own interface using Lucene, a powerful open-source indexer. Production of the DVD was made possible through financial support provided by Australia, the European Union, France and New Zealand; In conclusion, I would like to stress that access to information means knowledge, and knowledge means power. Empowering fishing communities is one of the major challenges we are facing; Merci, Thank you, Vinaka vaka levu. NOUMEA SPC LIBRARY http://www.spc.int/Library/ THE COLLECTION • 35 000 ITEMS • ITEM TYPES = Books, graphics and audio-visual materials, and documents) • 12 000 SPC DOCUMENTS (from 1947 to now…) • ENGLISH AND FRENCH VERSION • LIBRARY SYSTEM = KOHA FREE OPEN SOURCE FINDING AND TRANSFERING DATA • MATCH DOCUMENT IN PDF WITH BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION IN KOHA (BY TITLE OR BY BIBLIO NUMBER) • EXTRACT DATA FROM KOHA = (AUTHOR – PUBLICATION DATE – TITLE –MEETING NAME OR JOURNAL TITLE –PAGINATION) • INSERT METADATA IN GREENSTONE • BUILD REFERENCE TASK FLOW FOR BUILDING THE DIGITAL LIBRARY • COLLECT EXISTING PAPER DOCUMENTS • CHECK/ADD CATALOGUING IN KOHA • SCAN DOCUMENT • OCR (PERFORM OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION) = AUTOMATIC TASK • RESULTS = TEXT SEARCHABLE PDFs DIGITAL LIBRARY DVD VERSION ON LINE VERSION http://www.spc.int/mrd/fishlib.php