SYLLABUS Tulsa Community College Fall 2015 Speaking for College Instructor: Victoria Vultee Phone (cell): 918-345-0546 Email: Office Hours: By appointment only (e-mail me to arrange a day & time) Course: ESLG 0853-202 CALL# 17711 Dates/Time: Aug. 24 – Nov. 13, 2015 M/W from 12:30 - 2:20 p.m. Location: NE 1557 Textbook: None Supplies: Pens or pencils, notebook or binder, paper, computer access Description: This advanced-level course continues the development of speaking strategies in academic settings. Students will develop the skills and language needed to be successful in group discussions and in giving classroom presentations. A selfpaced laboratory may be required. Objectives: Students will: Participate actively in an academic group discussion Lead an academic group discussion Report on a group discussion Present information to the class on a variety of topics Recognize the difference between and execute various types of speeches Expand their vocabulary Improve their pronunciation Methods: Lectures, group discussions, class discussions, and PowerPoint presentations, plus the use of Blackboard and doing independent assignments. Students will be expected to complete and present several different types of speeches in this class. Prerequisite: Appropriate entrance exam qualification or promotion from the previous level. Next Course: Consult with your instructor or ESL counselor regarding the next course. Updated: August 23, 2015 1 GRADING POLICIES Grading Formula: Attendance and Participation Group Discussion Personal Narrative Speech Research Speech Persuasive Speech Group Persuasive Speech Homework/Quizzes Misc. Extra Credit Grading Scale: Grade Reports: Credit DA DB DC DD DF Non-Credit Pass Pass Pass Pass No Pass 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 30 points 10-30 points Total___ 100-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-60% 59-0% Grades, important announcements, and most/all assignments will be posted on Blackboard at Students should monitor Blackboard on a regular basis to make sure they understand assignments and to ensure the accuracy of their grades. Credit final grades can be found on MyTCC at Non-Credit final grades can be found on the Lumens system. CLASS POLICIES Attendance: Credit students who miss 25% of class meetings may be administratively withdrawn or receive an “F” course grade. Non-credit students who miss 25% of class meetings may receive a “No Pass” course grade. Students who enter class after attendance is taken must talk to the teacher about the tardiness, or be marked as absent. All students should talk to the teacher about missed classes and make-up work. Late Assignments: It is very important for students to attend and participate in all stages of the lecture/testing cycle. Assignments are due according to the time/date announced in class or posted in Blackboard. Late assignments and tests will not be accepted without prior arrangement with the teacher (unless due to sickness or weather). Late, excused tests are ONLY given in the TCC NE Campus testing center. Communication: Credit students have a Microsoft Office 365 email account. The teacher will send all email correspondence to credit students through this account. Go to for more information. Non-Credit students will receive email through their personal email account as listed in TCC’s computer system. All students should check Blackboard for course information, as well as checking their email accounts, on a daily basis! Updated: August 23, 2015 2 Etiquette: Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas which is essential to higher learning and the ability to learn from each other. Be honest, but be courteous. Cell Phones/Other Electronic Devices: In this class, we sometimes use cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. However, unless we are using them, they should be turned off or put in silent mode and kept in your backpack/briefcase/purse. This is another way of showing respect and courtesy to your teacher and fellow students. Students who are expecting important calls should inform the teacher at the beginning of class and discuss how that will be handled. Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified in writing of any changes to the syllabus. TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR Dates 8/24 8/26 8/31 9/2 9/7 9/9 9/14 9/16 9/21 9/23 9/28 9/30 10/5 10/7 10/12 10/14 10/19 10/21 10/26 10/28 11/2 11/4 11/9 11/11 Introduction to course, Group Activities Self-introductions, Group Activities Introduction to Group Discussions Group Discussion Practice NO SCHOOL – LABOR DAY HOLIDAY! Group Discussions How to Give a Speech, Introduction to Personal Narratives Personal Narrative Practice Personal Narrative Practice Personal Narratives Introductions to Research Speeches Work on Research Speeches, Power Points, Research Speech Practice Research Speech Practice Research Speeches Introduction to Persuasive Speeches Work on Persuasive Speeches, Persuasive Speech Practice Persuasive Speech Practice Persuasive Speeches Introduction to Final Group Project Work on Final Group Project Final Group Project Practice Final Group Project Practice Final Group Project Presentations, Review for Final Exam Final Exam Updated: August 23, 2015 3 Contact Info: ESL Professor, Tom Rowe ESL Coordinator, Daniel Chaboya ESL Counselor, Salli Wandke ESL Specialist, Jeri Woodburn Communications Dean, Jocelyn Whitney Academic Services Director, Mike Limas Websites: TCC Blackboard NE NE NE NE NE NE 1539 1525 1523 1521 2389 A151 918-595-8480 918-595-7455 918-595-8411 918-595-7402 918-595-7496 918-595-7473 SCHOOL POLICIES School Closings: If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC Alerts will let you know. Go to and find the TCC Alerts link at the bottom of the page to register for this service. TCC also gives cancellation notices to local radio and television stations, so you can get information by listening to/watching them. Withdrawal: Students may withdraw during the first week of class and receive a refund. After the first week of class, refunds are not possible. Not completing a class could result in a DF (credit students) or No Pass (non-credit students) course grade. Refunds: Credit students will receive a debit card. These cards are how TCC will issue any and all refunds to the student for classes. Students should keep these cards in a safe place. These cards will only be issued once. Students will be charged a fee for replacement cards. Read the information that comes with the card carefully. Students may opt for a direct deposit to a bank account instead. Instructions on how to do that come with the card. Refunds for Non-Credit students will be handled in a different manner. See the ESL staff for details. General Ed Goals: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities which comprise a common foundation for their higher education, as well as a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency. Disability Resources: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call 918-595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text 918-809-1864. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty Updated: August 23, 2015 4 include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty, a faculty member may: Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test; Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question; Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class; Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services. Institutional Statement: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may also be viewed on the TCC website: Updated: August 23, 2015 5