APRIL 30, 2012 HOMEWORK: Brainstroming sheet. Write in class tomorrow. Due Wednesday. JOURNAL: HOW ARE IMAGINATION AND IQ LINKED? Page 204. Just looking at the Progress Reports, what can you tell about Charlie Gordon? Progress Report- progris riport Misspelled lots of words No capital letters No puncutation Adds additional letters Progris riport 1- martch 5 1965 37 years-old Dr. Strauss tells him to write everything down that he thinks Progris riport 2 – martch 6 Charlie has low imagination Ms. Kinnian teaches slow adult readers Charlie cannot see anything in the Rorschach test Thinks he failed the test so they won’t use him as a test subject MAY 2, 2012 HOMEWORK: Brainstorming due Friday. Part 5 in class Friday. Create study technique for vocabulary words. VOCABULARY QUIZ COMING SOON!! DO NOW: Write the definitions for: Verify: Regression: Tangible: Illiteracy: PAGE 206.-Progris report 3- martch 7 Took the THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST (tell story about pictures)- couldn’t make up a story about people he never met. Thinks he failed. Tests need good grades! Nervous about tests. Met Algernon (white mouse) who was going through a maze. Charlie is doing the same mazes on paper. ALGERNON WINS! Charlie went to other side of hospital. Never been in this part. Cannot lie!!! MAY 3, 2012 HOMEWORK: Brainstorming due Friday. Part 5 in class Friday. Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, May 8 JOURNAL: What can we admire about Charlie? Trying to be smarter. Honest. Determined. Doesn’t let his disabilities and/or other people effect him Courageous Wants to be accepted Positive attitude (?) Willing ***Miss Kinnian- adult night school teacher*** PAGE 206- Progris riport 4 –Mar 8 Getting the operation!!! Miss Kinnian reccommended him to Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur Dr. Strauss is on Charlie’s side- Charlie has great motivation Jot down “important words” IQ level- 68 (Genius-140) (Average- 85-115) After operation he may become 3 times as smart-May not be permanent Progris ript 5- Mar 10 Nervous about operation Dr. Nemur=grouch Progress Report 6- Mar 15 Remembering things Listening Drs. advice He’s thinking. Brain functioning better Admits to not knowing fancy things Progress Report 7 – Mar 19 Losing motivation/hope Aggrevated Progress Report 8 –Mar 23 Algernon had the operation- 3 times as smart as a normal mouse Charlie went back to work at the factory Gets paid for the operation. MAY 7, 2012 HOMEWORK: Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow DO NOW: Define the following words. Write an example for each. Hostile: Deterioration: Inferiority: Neglect: PAGE 209 (?) – Progress Report 8 – Mar 25 “pulled a Charlie Gordon” Mar 28 Mar 29 TV is suppose to make him “smart” while he sleeps Improvements in Charlie PROGRESS REPORT 9 – April 3 Learned about subconscious and conscious minds Went to a “party” with his “friends” (Joe Carp and Frank Rielly) “friends” make fun of him – drink more. Best janitor. Leave him to get home on his own. (HE DOESN’T NOTICE THEY MAKE FUN OF HIM) Starts to gain an imagination (dreams) MAY 8, 2012 Homework: Finish question and chart below. DO NOW: Study vocabulary words. 1. Progress Report Requirements 2. Quiz 3. Complete the question and chart below: *How does Charlie’s relationship with his coworkers convey his sense of isolation? How is Charlie isolated? How is Charlie improving 4. Read on from Progress Report 9. MAY 8, 2012 Homework: Progress Report final copy due May 18. DO NOW: Show me your Progress Report 1 Page 210. PROGRESS REPORT 9- April 6-April 17 Has feelings-beat Algernon 9 times Read Robinson Crusoe in 4 days Learned puncutuation TV idea is working- making him smarter Doesn’t race Algernon anymore MAY 14, 2012 Homework: Progress Report final copy due Monday, May 21. Paragraph 1 of Progress Report 3 DO NOW: Make a chart of the following CHARLIE’S PROGRESS CHARLIE’S RELATIONSHIPS Asks intellectual questions. Realizes his true friends – Algernon & Miss K. Beats Algernon Beginning to take care of himself now Remembers grammar, spelling Dreaming – has imagination PAGE 212: April 20 Realizes his friends are making fun of him –ashamed of himself PROGRESS REPORT 11- April 21 Becoming smarter- learning college subjects/foreign languages Miss Kinnian seeing progress Taking Rorshach Test again Expects IQ to go to 200 Told not to study PSYCHOLOGY April 22 Ovethinking Rorshach Tests Imagined things Accusing people. Anxious. On the edge. Very aware. Cautious. April 25 People are isolating him. Smarter-knows what they are saying/making fun of him Got a raise- figured out a way to line up the machines saving the factory money April 27 Controversy about experiment idea. Both Drs are out for themselves MAY 14, 2012 Homework: Progress Report final copy due Monday, May 21. Journal: Why are people threatened by Charlie’s accomplishments? Journal Progress Report Silent read and take notes from 215-Progress Report 13 Progress Report time MAY 21, 2012 Homework: Flowers for Algernon test on Wednesday. Complete Study Guide. Choose 3 careers you’d like to have in your future. Make a pro and con list for each. DO NOW: Complete the chart below Charlie’s Successes Reactions Photographic Mind People Mrs. Flynn Reasons for Scared. Confused. Thinking Helpful. Checked in. Clear, legible, correct Concerned. grammar More sophisticated Factory Workers Understands emotions Joe, Frank Kicked him out! Ignored him. Guilty. Signed petition to get Charlie fired. Fanny Didn’t sign petition. “Bad to of Miss Kinnian Sad & worried about future. Doorsymbolizes isolation from the change.”Scared too muchknowledge. world Dr’s. Care more about money and fame. Greedy. Scared they will lose money & jobs SCARED!!! MAY 21, 2012 Homework: Flowers for Algernon test on Wednesday- STUDY! Create a list of 8 questions you’d like to know more about when thinking about your career choice. DO NOW: Make a list of the ways Charlie’s journey has changed after seeing the busboy. CHARLIE’S JOURNEY AFTER THE BUSBOY Help people with low IQ Became self-absorbed. Brought back memories of his pain Algernon bit Charlie- refuses to run maze Charlie regresses slowly after Algernon Spelling/grammar reverts Forgets languages Isolated again Realizes real friends Gets job back Doesn’t remember having surgery Returns to Miss Kinnian’s class Leaving for NY Burries Algernon and brings him flowers TO DO List Discuss study guide Career choices Anyone want to take the test? Research for I-search