Social Influence Social Influence Outline I. Conformity II. Motivation III. Minority influence IV. Obedience to authority Social Influence How individual behavior is influenced by other people and groups I. CONFORMITY I. Conformity: Tendency to change our behavior/beliefs in ways that are consistent with group norms Norms: Accepted ways of thinking, feeling, behaving Why do we follow norms? Make life easier Rewards for following norms Internalization of norms A. Norm of reciprocity When someone provides you with a benefit, it is appropriate for you to return the favor EXAMPLE: Regan (1971) B. Norm of social commitment “Coke” study Keeping our promises and honoring our commitments C. Conforming to group norms Tendency to follow attitudes and behavior of the group Why do we conform to the group? 1) Informational influence Look to others for information EXAMPLE: Sherif's (1936) autokinetic effect studies It moved about 3.5 inches Autokinetic effect: the stationary dot of light will seem to move Looks like 1 inch I’d say 2 inches 7.5 inches What if people make their judgments with others, and state estimates aloud? Average distance estimates Person A Convergence Person B Person C Alone Group Session 1 Group Session 2 Group Session 3 Conformity! Initially, they differ; but over trials, they converge Why do we conform to the group? "Do as most do, and [people] will speak well of thee" -Thomas Fuller 2) Normative influence We want to be liked, accepted and to fit in We don’t want to look foolish EXAMPLE: Asch’s (1950s) conformity studies Asch's (1955) conformity studies 1 Standard Line Trial 1 2 3 Comparison Lines Asch's (1955) conformity studies 1 Standard Line Trial 2 2 3 Comparison Lines Asch's (1955) conformity studies 1 Standard Line Trial 3 2 3 Comparison Lines Asch’s (1950s) conformity studies Procedures: One subject, six or more confederates Which line is the same length as the standard? People reported answers out loud, one at a time Subject always last On 12 of 18 trials, confederates answered incorrectly Results: 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Average conformity Conformed every time # conformed at least once The majority is powerful …but what about... Galileo Susan B Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton Martin Luther King Jr. Majority and Minority Influence Majority influence: Larger group influences smaller subgroup or individuals Minority influence: The individual or smaller group influences the larger group Moscovici & Minority Influence Reversing the traditional Asch situation Majority of SS and minority of confederates Example study: Showed SS blue slides Confederates argue slides are green Final judgements: 8.4% shifted judgements Factors Affecting Minority Influence Consistency Investment Self-interest Ingroup vs outgroup members Flexibility and consistency Minority Influence and Status Is early conformity important? It may earn some ‘status’ with group members Hollander’s studies on early conformity 5 person groups; complex decisional task Confederate demonstrated early conformity or not Confederate showed nonconformity Results: Minority influence increased over time Minority influence greater for early conformists Theory of Idiosyncrasy Credits (Hollander) To dissent effectively, you must first earn the right by paying conformity dues called idiosyncrasy credits. High status have more idiosyncrasy credits than low status Reconciling Hollander and Moscovici Different viewpoints: Hollander: early conformity is good Moscovici: consistent nonconformity is important Compliance versus Conversion Majority influence: Compliance (direct influence) Minority influence: Conversion (indirect influence) Example study (Nemeth & Wachtler, 1974) 5 person groups Make award in personal injury case Confederate argued for low award Results: Direct influence: Final vote: majority unchanged- gave big award Indirect influence: On second case gave significantly smaller awards Obedience Willingness to obey “legitimate” authority Example: Milgram obedience studies Procedures: ‘Teacher’ & ‘Student’: learn word pairs ‘Teacher’ required to administer shock to ‘learner’ for errors The Milgram Experiments: Results Over 60% punished learners with the highest shock intensity (450 volts) Peer Teaching of Motivation Theories Assignment: Each group is responsible for teaching the theory to the class and demonstrating the link to leadership Some sort of visual aid is required Group 1: Need theories Group 2: Equity theory Group 3: Expectancy theory Group 4: ‘Work Design’ theories (Herzberg and Job characteristics model) Group 5: Operant theory Assignment # 4 Carry out your own conformity study. Type up a 1 page description of your study and your observations. Be sure to indicate how your observations relate to material discussed in the course.