: A collaborative project between the Florida Department of Education and the University of South Florida FloridaRtI.usf.edu Who are we? Regional Coordinators Beth Hardcastle Kelly Justice Brian Gaunt Graduate Assistant Coordinators Decia Dixon Amanda March Florida Department Of Education Project Evaluator Jose Castillo Project Leader Clark Dorman Co-Directors Mike Curtis George Batsche Available at: www.florida-rti.org Florida Department of Education 2008 State Infrastructure • State Management Group Todd Clark, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Instruction and Innovation Shan Goff, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning Evan Lefsky, Executive Director, Just Read, Florida! Bambi Lockman, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Exceptional Education & Student Services Jay Pfeiffer, Deputy Commissioner, Accountability Research and Measurement Hue Reynolds, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Office of Communications and Public Affairs Mary Jane Tappen, Deputy Chancellor for Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services, Office of the Chancellor Iris Wilson, Deputy Chancellor for Student Achievement, Office of the Chancellor Representatives from State Transformation Team State Infrastructure • State Transformation Team Ginger Alberto, Office of Achievement through Language Acquisition, FLDOE George Batsche, Mike Curtis, Clark Dorman – Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Project, USF Liz Crawford, Florida Center for Reading Research, FSU Heather Diamond, Bureau of Exceptional Education & Student Services, FLDOE Sandy Dilger, Bureau of School Improvement, FLDOE Don Kincaid, Heather George, Karen Childs – PBS Project, USF Mary Little, Response to Intervention’s Teaching Learning Connections, UCF Martha Murray, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, FLDOE Rob Schoen, Office of Mathematics and Science, FLDOE Melinda Webster, Just Read, Florida!, FLDOE State Infrastructure • State Advisory Group - representatives from: Regional Implementation Teams (district contacts, coaches, etc.) Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) Florida Center for Research – Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (FCR-STEM) Early Childhood Association of Florida (ECA) Florida Association of District School Superintendents (FADSS) Florida Association of School Administrators (FASA) Florida Educators Association (FEA) Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Family Network for Students with Disabilities (FND) Florida Association of Student Services Administrators (FASSA) Purpose is to Provide on-going stakeholder input Regional Meetings Top Level District Administrators 8 sites across the state 3 eight hour sessions per site Focused on creation of district PS/RtI plans Consensus Infrastructure Implementation Florida PS/RtI Project Two purposes of PS/RtI Project Evaluate the impact of PS/RtI on educator, student, and systemic outcomes in pilot sites implementing the model Statewide training in PS/RtI Selected Pilot Sites • 7 Demonstration School Districts 34 pilot PS/RtI schools 27 matched comparison schools • Districts and schools vary in terms of Geographic location Student demographics District size: 6,200 – 105,000 students Demonstration Districts Statewide Training Overview • 3 year training curriculum Problem Solving Process 3-Tiered RtI Model Systems Change • Limited technical assistance and support • Limited data collection Statewide Training Sites Consensus Florida’s Change Model Consensus Infrastructure Implementation In the beginning None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model Over Time None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model Goal None of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge All of Beliefs, Skills, Knowledge necessary to participate in a Problem Solving/ Response to Intervention Model Why have past initiatives failed? • • • • • • • Purpose unclear Lack of ongoing communication Unrealistic expectations of initial success Failure to measure and analyze progress Participants not involved in planning… School culture is ignored Failure to achieve CONSENSUS Consensus Building Educators will embrace new ideas when two conditions exist: • They understand the NEED for the idea • They perceive that they either have the SKILLS to implement the idea OR they have the SUPPORT to develop the skills 1 Survey Item 19 - Disaggregate data as necessary 16 - Modify interventions based on student RtI 15 - Interpret graphed PM data for decision-making 13a - Select data to use for progress monitoring 12a - Determine implementation integrity 11a - Provide necessary implementation support 10a - Ensure intervention is supported by collected data 8a - Access resources to develop EBIs 6a - Identify appropriate data to determine hypotheses 5a - Develop hypotheses 4f - Gap data to determine focus of instructional adjustments 4e - Calculate gap between student and benchmark 4d - Determine peer performance levels 4c - Data to determine benchmarks 4b - Data to define current target behavior performance level 4a - Define referral concern related to replacement behavior 3a - Use data to make decisions 2a - Access Data Skill Level 5 Total School Staff Perception of RtI Skills Comparison (Academic) Example Elementary 4 3 2 BOY EOY Guiding Questions • Did your beliefs change? • How consistent are the overall beliefs of your building with your building’s perceptions of the practices occurring? • To what extent do you believe that your building possesses the skills to use schoolbased data to evaluate Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction? What is Consensus Building? A process that: • Shows people precisely what is being proposed and why • Gets people on the same page • Gives people time to explore and ask questions • Is open, honest, accurate • If done well, results in commitment and buy-in Tilly, 2007 Strategies for building consensus • Explain “the why” behind RtI - What we’ve been doing hasn’t worked - New practices are available - Accountability • Facilitate a shift in thinking • Provide a clear vision • Explain the scope and sequence Strategies (cont.) • • • • • Provide a voice for all stakeholders Find success stories Look at school data Provide professional development Anticipate resistance & get it out in the open Example Elementary SBLT Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Comparison Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) Consensus 3 Status 2 1 3= 2= 1= 0= Maintaining Achieved In Progress Not Started 0 District Commitment SBLT support Faculty involvement SBLT present Data to assess commitment 1 2 3 4 5 Item Reactions to Guided Questions • A lot of what we do isn’t consistent with our beliefs. • What information do we need to share with staff to start changing practices? • What skills do our staff members need? Qualitative Insight: Consensus Coaches Facilitators Barriers Future Directions •Focus on Key Stakeholders’ •Consensus before Staff Trainings •Meaningful Discussions Regional Coordinators •Strong, Skilled Coaches •District Level Commitment •“Family Feeling” •Healthy Staff Relationships •Moving from • Coaches’ having difficulty Theory/Rationale to Application and Implementation applying systems change principles •Focus on Rapport & •Focus on Purposeful & Personal Relationships with Teachers Planned Consensus Building Strategy • Explain the Why Role of School Psychologist • Facilitate overviews, trainings, serve on teams, meet w/ grps • Shifts in Thinking • Child-centered vs. alterable variables, Gen Ed vs. SPED, eligibility for SPED Strategy Role of School Psychologist • Clear Vision/Scope and • Planned/systematic, • Input from Stakeholders • Roundtables, team • Success Stories • Team effort, internal and Sequence involvement on team, do your homework, schoolspecific structure, exchange of ideas, communication external, action plan Role of School Psychologist Strategy • Use of school data • Professional • Expertise, guide • Development • Anticipate Resistance • others, desensitize, inservice Study groups, data meetings, Showers’ work Problem Solving model, address barriers Systems Change Model Building Infrastructure Infrastructure Building “…where sites examine their implementation against the critical components of RtI, find aspects that are being implemented well and gaps that need to be addressed. Infrastructure building centers around closing these practice gaps.” NASDSE (2008) Conceptual Framework • School Building as unit of change • Change guided by use of key questions • NASDSE Blueprints • School Assessment of Problem-Solving Implementation (SAPSI) • Surveys on staff beliefs, practice, skills. • Build upon & coordination with consensus activities • Focus on team building, training & coaching, and alignment of resources Team Building • School-based Leadership Team (SBLT) includes key stakeholders and roles: Administrator/Resource agent Facilitator Data mentor(s) Content Specialist(s) Staff Liaison PS/RtI Training • 13 6-hour Sessions over 3 years. • Days of training staggered for TA and Coaching activities between. • School-based full-time coaches • Technical assistance as needed by Regional Coordinators 15 - Interpret graphed PM data for decisionmaking 13a - Select data to use for progress monitoring 12a - Determine implementation integrity 11a - Provide necessary implementation support 10a - Ensure intervention is supported by collected data 19 - Disaggregate data as necessary 16 - Modify interventions based on student RtI Survey Item 8a - Access resources to develop EBIs 6a - Identify appropriate data to determine hypotheses 5a - Develop hypotheses 4f - Gap data to determine focus of instructional adjustments 4e - Calculate gap between student and benchmark 4d - Determine peer performance levels 4c - Data to determine benchmarks 4b - Data to define current target behavior performance level 4a - Define referral concern related to replacement behavior 3a - Use data to make decisions 2a - Access Data Skill Level What Skills Are Staff Reporting They Possess? Total School Staff Perception of RtI Skills Comparison (Academic) Elementary 5 4 3 2 1 BOY EOY What Do the Data Mean? • Reflect what skills staff perceive they possess • Issues to consider • Self report tends to be upwardly biased • Responses can vary as a function of their understanding of what is being asked • Is there another way to assess skill development? What Skills Are Educators Demonstrating? County School District: Direct Skills Assessment - Day 5 2 2 1.75 1.71 Score 1.58 0.96 1 Possible points 0.75 0 1. Appropriate Goal 2. RtI Quality 3. Modifications Implemented 4. What modifications Questions 5. Target Next 6. Problem ID Data Systems • Foundation to all efforts towards effective • • • • PS/RtI Required to guide school change Focus on data already in use Guide School-Based Leadership Team (SBLT) to align services based on data. Use of PS as framework for decisionmaking. Questions guiding infrastructure • How will efforts towards implementing PS/RtI be monitored? How are • • • • • • • • staff involved? What assessments are in use and what is their role for use at your school? What resources are available for use? How aligned with student needs at each tier? How sufficient is your core services/programs/instruction? And for what student populations? Where needs exist with core, how will they be addressed? How will effectiveness of interventions at each tier be monitored? What professional development needs exist? And how addressed? What supplemental and intensive services/programs are available for use? How delivered? How will you determine which students require more intensive planning and supports? Data used to make decisions Data presented to staff Data used to evaluate core acad programs Data used to evaluate core beh programs CBM data used to ID students needing interventions ODR data used to ID students needing beh interventions Data used to evaluate Tier 2 interventions Data used to determine Tier 3 RtI 0 Data is collected Status Example Elementary Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Comparison Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) Infrastructure Development- Data Use 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Item Sp Ed eligibility uses RtI for EBD Sp Ed eligibility uses RtI for SLD Evidence-based practices for Tier 1 Evidence-based practices for Tier 2 Evidence-based practices for Tier 3 SBLT has regular meeting schedule SBLT evaluates target students' RtI SBLT involves parents SBLT regularly evaluates Tier 1 and 2 data Status Example Elementary Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Comparison Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) Infrastructure Development- Team Structure 3 2 1 0 15a 15b 16a 16b 16c 17 18 19 20 Item Additional Strategies • Development of protocols • Developing consensus and communication channels between district and schools • Resource Mapping • Identifying staff professional development needs through referrals and staff input • Infusing use of PS/RtI within existing school plans. RC & Coaches Perspective on Infrastructure in Pilot Schools Coaches Facilitators •Policies/Procedures: -More Time for PS -More Frequent Meetings •Focus of Service Delivery on Tier 1 •Innovative Resource Allocation Barriers Regional Coordinators •Data Management System •Preparing to build up infrastructure •Strong, Skilled Coaches • Lack of Data Collection •Organizational Bureaucracy • Tools for Certain Domains •Conflicting District Policies & Procedures • Coaches difficulty applying change model Future Directions •Focus on Resource Mapping & Identifying Tier I,II, & III Supports Implementation Implementation • Professional Development / Technical Assistance / Evaluation • • • • District Leadership Teams School Leadership Teams Coaches Staff • Problem Solving Process • Tiered Systems of Instructional Service Delivery • Data Collection & Analysis / Data Based Decision Making • Fidelity, Fidelity, Fidelity (or if you prefer, Integrity, Integrity, Integrity) Implementation Questions • How will you launch and use the infrastructure you built? • • • • How will PD be sequenced/scheduled/delivered? How will students access the tiers? How will data make it to/from the database? How will decision makers access database? Implementation Questions • Does your infrastructure do what you want it to do? • Did recipients of PD learn the concepts and skills taught? • Are teams engaging in a consistent problem solving process? • Does the database yield instructionally relevant information that is being utilized? • Are the tiers effective? Are we implementing with integrity? 3 Ways to Assess Implementation Integrity • Self-Report Most efficient Least reliable • Permanent Product Reviews Moderately efficient Moderately reliable • Observations Least efficient Most reliable Clearly defined Tier 1 acad instruction Clearly defined Tier 1 Beh Instruction Clearly defined Tier 2 acad supp instruction Clearly defined Tier 2 Beh Supp Instruction Evidence-based Tier 3 Acad Strategies Evidence-based Tier 3 Beh Strategies Status Example Elementary Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Comparison Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) Implementation- Three-Tiered Intervention System 3 2 1 0 21a 21b 21c 21d 21e 21f Item Evidence-based strategies for interventions Support identified for interventions Intervention integrity is documented RtI evlauated through data collection Intervention changed based on student RtI Parents involved in interventions Monitoring plan exists SBLT meets at least 2x per year SBLT meets with District Team 2x per year 22b 22c 22d 22e 22f 22g 22h 22i 23 24 25 Feedback of PS/RtI project provided to school SBLT conducts problem analysis with data 22a Plan changed based on data SBLT defines replacement beh 0 Define problem as data-based discrepancy 3 Example Elementary Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Comparison Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) Implementation- Problem-Solving Process 2 1 Fall 07 Spr 08 Win 09 26 27 Data to determine effectiveness of Decisions made to modify core or Universal screening or other data used Team hypotheses to identify reasons for Data used to determine Modifications made to core instruction Modifications made to core instruction Modifications made to core instruction Supp. instruction developed or Supp. instruction developed or Supp. instruction developed or Criteria for positive RtI were defined Progress monitoring data Decision regarding student RtI was Plan for contin, modifying, or 0.00 Data to determine effectiveness of Score What Evidence of PS/RtI Exists in Permanent Products? 2.00 1.00 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6a 6b 6c 7a 7b 7c 8 9 10 11 Item What Steps of PS/RtI Were Evident During Data Meetings? Tiers I & II Observation Checklist Example Elementary 100% 90% 80% Percentage Present 70% 60% 50% Percent Present 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Roles Represented Problem Identification Problem Analysis Domain Intervention Program Development/Support Evaluation/Resonse to Intervention What PS/RtI Steps Were Evident in Individual Student Focused Meetings? Initial Problem-Solving Team Checklist 100% Example A Elementary Date 10/20/08 90% 80% Percentage Present 70% 60% 50% Percent Present 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Roles Represented Problem Identification Problem Analysis Domain Intervention Development/Support What About Follow-Up Meetings? Follow -Up Problem-Solving Team Checklist Example A Elementary 100% 90% 80% Percentage Present 70% 60% 50% Percent Present 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Roles Represented Program Evaluation/Response to Intervention Domain Qualitative Insight: Tier 1 Implementation Coaches Facilitators •Planning for Intervention Support •Utilizing Progress Monitoring Data •Thorough Problem Analysis Regional Coordinators •Understanding Core Curriculum •Data Collection & Management System •Strong, Skilled Coaches •Focusing on Tiers II & III Barriers Before Tier I •Too Many Excuses •Unhealthy Staff Relationships Future Directions •Building Capacity • “Sharing the Wealth” •Focus on Purposeful and Planned Tier I Activities Q&A