The Taboo of Disclosure DVD, Book, e-Book and Booklets Sold at Close to Cost Price: DVD – 50p E-book - Free Download Booklets (4) – 30p Paperback - £8 2 3 Introduction In this presentation, we will look at how important knowledge and research is covered up. We will start off with a blatant example of how Academia ignores “problematic” physical evidence, despite claiming to be interested in it. We will then look at something I have spoken about a number of times – key aspects of what happened on 9/11, as catalogued by Dr Judy Wood. We will look at how these events were caused by something with similar characteristics to a known technology. We will name that technology. We will briefly look at its possible relevance to the Crop Circle phenomenon. 4 This Could Be Upsetting to Some People… Due to importance – of the evidence I will be discussing, I will be clearly naming certain individuals – because of what they have said, or because of what they have not said. This will not make me popular – so I am faced with the problem of being unpopular in this “happy family” of researchers – but my goal is… TO TELL THE TRUTH AS I KNOW IT 5 Ignoring, Misquoting, Getting it Wrong I will then present the data that shows that, all too often, a number of well-known researchers behave “erratically” when it comes to discussing already-explained 911 phenomena – which seem to have a direct relevance to their own fields of research. I will attempt to show that this activity goes beyond “lack of knowledge” of the topic, goes beyond ego and goes beyond a simple “lack of awareness”. I will conclude that these researchers are themselves, in some cases knowingly, participating in a cover up. I have called this The Taboo of Disclosure. 6 Starchild Skull Starchild Skull - Physical Evidence Wilfully Ignored I wanted to show this as an example of how the mainstream handle certain “difficult” topics. Whilst we can expect this sort of behaviour from mainstream academics, I will also illustrate similar behaviour by so-called open-minded “Alternative Knowledge” researchers. This first example pertains to the Starchild Skull, which was featured in a UFO Hunters Documentary which aired in 2009. In this clip, some of the statements about the DNA are a bit out of date, but that does not matter in relation to what it illustrates. David Aguilar 8 Academia Runs Away From the Evidence In the clip, when Aguilar is pontificating wisely about the evolution of alien life. He says "I'd love to bring one of these guys into a real lab and have everybody take a look at it" They then show him the Starchild Skull lithographic copy. Burnes suggests it could be a human hybrid. Aguilar says "prove it". Is that that same as saying “Yikes! Actually, I DON’T want to take this into the lab and have everybody look at it because I would be ‘finished’”? 9 Running Away from The Evidence This example shows how someone expresses apparent interest in the evidence, then runs in the opposite direction when shown a clearly compelling example of world-changing evidence. In the case of the video clip, it is sort of understandable - as a Harvard Scientist is involved. We will, in studying evidence from the events of 9/11, see very similar behaviour in (supposedly) more open-minded researchers – not embedded in a University System. 10 Some Key Evidence from the Events of 911 Dr Judy Wood – She Opened the Box In approximately November 2006, Dr Judy Wood started to become more well known in relation to evidence that she had posted on a website regarding the destruction of the WTC Complex on 911. She had already been studying those events for about 5 years. She had already determined that some type of energy phenomenon must have been at work – because the evidence she catalogued could not be explained fully by any other mechanism. Over the next 18 approximately months, approximately, she completed further research, eventually determining some aspects of how the towers were destroyed. It is these aspects which many researchers either ignore, misquote, “cannot understand” or “muddle up” with other things. 12 Is This A Building Which Is Collapsing? 13 source: HereIsNY source: GJS Video Clips of Towers Turning to Dust (Video Clip) 14 What Technology Can do this? Steel turns to dust…. 15 What Technology Can Do This? 80-90% of 2 if the worlds tallest buildings disappeared in 20 seconds… Where is the rubble? 16 A Similar Technology… The Hutchison Effect “The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation – by Mark A. Solis -February 16, 1999. (Edited for this slide) First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. The effects produced include: Levitation of heavy objects, Fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood Anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material Spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a sideways fashion), Temporary and permanent changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals. The levitation of heavy objects by the Hutchison Effect is not the result of simple electrostatic or electromagnetic levitation. Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as that is all that is used by Hutchison's apparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannon ball. 18 Col John Alexander Knows. J Alexander – 26 Apr 2004 on American Antigravity LT GEN Dick Trefry, Military Asst to 19boss President GHW Bush, and my as US Army The Inspector General Weird Fires See: 20 Bent Beams See: 21 Levitation Effects on 9/11 Dr Judy Wood has catalogued some of the results of levitation effects seen on 911 (I came across one or 2 others). John Hutchison Levitation Demonstration 01 Nov 2008 – at his Vancouver Apartment Shortly after 9/11 (How did the NYPD car get inverted?) 22 Levitation Effects on 9/11 See: File no 9110506 - Michael Macko (P4 - P5) I realized I couldn't get out from under the collapse. I dove under an ESU truck that was facing north on the west side of West Street. I dove under that and waited for the building to come down. When the building did come down, I actually thought I was trapped, and the truck was blown off me, pushed off me, I guess. It was not there. At that point I was just really shocked and didn't know what was going on at that point. I didn't know -- I was really, really shocked.) File No. 9110075 - RENE DAVILA - While we're walking I realize that we only have two people. I see my vehicle. The seats are covered. I've still got my bag. I hold it like a trophy. Like people collect basketballs. I haven't touched -- whatever the force was, it was so strong that it went inside of the bag. 23 More Taboo – Weather and 9-11 Hurricane Erin – Closest to NYC about 8am on 9/11/01 See 24 The Path of Hurricane Erin Why did it travel more or less in a straight line towards New York City after it passed Bermuda? 25 6 Magnetometers in Alaska and the First “Impact” – What Caused the Readings? 8:46 am WTC 1 Gets Hole 26 Connecting 9/11 to the UFO/ET Issue Sequestered Advanced Technologies Area 51 – the size of Switzerland – What is there? Other mysterious areas include: Dugway Proving Grounds (Utah, USA) Dulce, New Mexico Pine Gap (Australia) Denver Airport Colonel Corso’s Book “The Day After Roswell” suggests certain technologies were “given” to certain companies. Don Schmitt has suggest Battelle (Memorial) Institute may have been given a sample of the “morphing metal”. Anti-gravity, free energy and advanced space travel technology all seem to have been developed. The evidence from 9/11 shows effects of antigravity and advanced energy technology – no question. William Pawlec’s testimony from year 2000 – only released last year by Steven Greer under the Disclosure Project umbrella – mentions a “shadowy” but powerful group seemed to “step in” to various projects Pawlec was involved with. 28 SAIC-Science Applications International Corporation Mentioned by a number of Disclosure Project Witnesses as significant benefactors of Black Budget Programs Named as a party in Dr Judy Wood’s Qui Tam case (science fraud) as they were paid for contributions to the NIST reports (helped including equations in some of the documents). Manufacturers of Directed Energy Weapons Systems/Components SAIC In charge of ground zero security from 13.11.01 Another Specialty is Psychological Operations… This brings us to… 29 Links between NIST and Contractors that Do Directed Energy R & D The National Institute for Standards in Technology produced about 10,000 pages of reports regarding the destruction of the WTC. They used several big Defence Contractors such as SAIC, ARA. Also Boeing will have needed to supply data. NIST should have known that Applied Research Associates (ARA) is a ‘significant manufacturer of directed energy weapons and/or components thereof’ SAIC – Science Applications International Corp. Boeing – Manufacturer of Aircraft used in ABL 30 Kirtland AFB Responds to Wood / Leaphart “You report phenomena that we cannot explain here, either because we don't have enough data or because the phenomena are not within our area of expertise.” Kirtland AFB did not say “Al Qaida dunnit”. 31 Cover Up, Muddle Up, Misquote, Trash, Decoy, Ridicule - Insult Steve Jones, Bill Deagle and Nuke Attacks OK. What I would emphasize is that we have learned that with evidence we can learn a great deal so if there is an event and we won’t even name a city lets just say an American city blamed on Iran, certainly there will be 9/11 truthers nearby and I hope they realize the importance of collecting a sample [right] whether that’s dust … [also radiation] right - having a radiation detector handy if you’ve got one – whether it’s Geiger if you send me a sample I’d be glad to look at it and I’m sure you would too, Bill. So, if there is such an event the point – the reason I’m emphasizing this is because it’s a bit of a warning if there are perpetrators thinking about – such another 9/11 they’d better think twice because 9/11 truthers are out there – we’re watching. We will get samples – we know what to do – evidencebased studies – we can do very quickly and we can put an end to lies - on the next 9/11 if it [inaudible] … which I hope we’ll avoid… is what I’m trying to say… 33 The Energy Connection Steve Jones & Cold Fusion Steve E Jones is a Physicist from Brigham Young University who started talking about 9/11 in 2005, just after a set of technical reports about the destruction of the WTC were published. There is quite a bit about Steve Jones in (the late) Dr. Eugene Mallove’s book about the Cold Fusion Cover Up Fire From Ice. A year 2000 documentary called “Heavy Watergate” (available on Google Video) has this about Steve Jones, however… 34 Perception Management. (US Department of Defense) The photo on the right was used in Steve Jones 1st Feb 2006 USVC Presentation Original Photo Steve Jones’ Version35 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 “Truth” It seems to be true that if people have heard something other than the official story of 9/11, they have heard something to do with Thermite and Molten Metal etc I am often asked about this and why they have not mentioned Dr Wood’s research or court case. The group was set up in approximately April 2007 – around the time that Dr Wood filed her RFC and court case – indeed, AE911 filed their own RFC – which did NOT explicitly mention Thermite!! (Google “Thermite Free RFC”) In recent times, it has been marginalising members who mention Dr Judy Wood and the research discussed here. 36 Another AE911 Supporter has their Profile Information “Edited” Scott Krajca had remarks relating to the research of Dr. Judy Wood into the destruction of the WTC deleted from the “biography” section of his profile. When he saw that this had happened, he asked for his profile to be deleted. 37 Richard Gage Accuses Dr Judy Wood of Practicing “Witchcraft” On 08 May 2011, Ralph Winterrowd, on his RBN show, asked Mr. Richard Gage – leader of AE911 “truth” - about the evidence referenced above. (The link here is for the full show, about which there was doubt if he would be able to do the broadcast. ) Mr. Gage’s response was interesting . “There are dozens of nuts out there with PhDs…” “…now when Judy Wood is not going to acknowledge any of that evidence and just hand wave it away, then she’s not practicing science, she’s practicing witchcraft. Go ahead…” It is somewhat amusing to hear Mr. Gage fall short of calling Dr. Judy Wood a “nut”, but he then later, without apparent reservation, accuses her of practicing "witchcraft" 38 UK 911 Forum – Ian Neal and Tony Gosling Ian Neal, one of the founders of the UK 9/11 campaign 137493 My emphasis: "Secondly Judy Woods is a really bad public presenter of science. I’ve watched her DVD presentations and I guarantee that a vast majority of her academic peers would agree with me that the way she presents her arguments in a lecture format is very poor indeed (and that’s being kind). " I asked Ian Neal how he could GUARANTEE this. Had he collected e-mail responses from a questionnaire sent to Judy Wood’s peers? (This is a lie. He can make no such guarantee and didn’t have copies of e-mails). Ian Neal thinks presentation is more important than evidence – packaging is more important than substance – and truth. 39 UK 911 Forum – Tony Gosling On at least one past occasion a talk I gave was posted by a friend on the UK 911 forum. In the “events” section. It was (at one point) moved from the events section (i.e. off the front page) and into the “controversies” section (this is meant to be a 9/11 truth website!) It appears to have been moved back later Gosling stated: Judy Wood, Directed Energy Weapons, Aliens. Andrew's a good speaker but too easy to ridicule hence 'controversies'. Rather than wailing why doesn't someone post this talk to the email list? 40 Simon Shack Hytten – September Clues Forum Re: 9/11 SIMCITY by simonshack on June 25th, 2012, 7:12 pm Oh mamma mia - not again! .... Dear El Diablo, let me try and spell this out in simple fashion. What the 'Judy Wood' entity does is gatekeeping 101: her role is to REINSTATE THE CREDIBILITY OF THE (totally fake) 9/11 IMAGERY, and to provide some sort of explanation to the outlandish/impossible collapse dynamics that those absurd video animations visually transmit into your brain: both 110-story WTC buildings collapsing in a cloud of dust! Top Down!!! The two WTC towers (and, in fact, the other seven buildings wiped off the map that day) were much more likely safely brought down with conventional, foolproof explosives - such as those used all the time to bring down buildings all over the world. In this case, however, a smokescreen was raised around them so that no one could see (or film) ANY DETAIL of the proceedings. I'll stop here for now. Please reply to this post of mine before you spam any other links to "Judy Wood's" blatant disinformation bullcrap on this forum. Thanks. 41 Crop Circles and 911 Other Soil Effects – Iron Spheres Photomicrograph (100 X) of 10-40 micron diameter, spherical, magnetic particles of the type regularly found in crop circle soils. EDS reveals these spheres to be pure iron; the fact that they are magnetized reveals they were formed in a magnetic field. 43 WTC Dust – Iron Rich Microspheres? Perhaps Steven E Jones et al knew what to cover up? He claims these are signature of the use of Thermite! “Iron-rich spheroid from the USGS Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust.” This is about 20 μm in diameter – comparable to Spheres in the Crop Circle Soil Sample found by WC Levengood. 44 Colin Andrews, Cheesefoot Head, Pat Delgado The unusual events at White Crow occurred on the night of Saturday/Sunday 17-18th June, 1989, when six people climbed up Cheesefoot Head hill and sat in a crop circle at midnight. Pat Delgado, Colin Andrews and Timothy Good discuss events at Cheesefoot Head. Copyright: Colin Andrews 1989. Standing at the southern position with Colin, I was controlled to reach out and sweep energy from the sound into Colin’s body. I do not know why. Colin then left me and returned to the group at the top of the circle. I turned towards the sound and my arms were being pulled over the crop with an even greater force and my body felt it was being pulled upward and forward out of the circle at some perilous angle. With all the strength I could muster I managed to withdraw my arms, gradually sink down and turn around so I was now facing north. I eventually laid down on my stomach and began to inch my way up the centre of the sloping circle floor, grabbing at bunches of flattened barley stems and pushing with my knees and feet. 45 Pat Delgado and Freddy Silva Levitated My progress was slow because whatever the short distance I made forward, a force kept pulling me back half that distance. I was becoming totally exhausted and at that moment I wondered what I was fighting against. There was nothing tangible but I was under the control of some force of incredible strength. I hung on as best I could. I called out to Colin to come and help me. I remember instructing him to come down the eastern edge of the circle in a crouching position which he did until he was level with me. We inched our way towards each other until we grabbed hands and it was then that both of us began to be pulled back and downwards. Fighting against this force we managed to break away from it and crawl to the side of the circle and, still crouching, we quickly worked our way back to the group at the north side. For some minutes we sat there answering questions as to what had happened when suddenly some force levitated me to a height just brushing the flattened crop and floated me to the east side of the circle. Now I was feeling really scared. What force could have moved me a distance of about three metres while still in the same sitting position? It was here I called to Colin and the others to join me. After a few minutes we all decided to leave the circle. 46 Residual Effects – in Crop Circles and at the WTC. Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank Building – Opposite WTC Why repair a building then dismantle it? Soon after 9/11/01 28 July 06 48 Hosing Down WTC Site - th 17 Jan 2008 49 “Ghost” Crop Formations 2003 Formations still visible in 2004 early crops (May). Photos by Busty Taylor. (West Stowell and Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire) This seems to be more evidence that board stomping would not cause to appear. 50 Disclosure… and Alfred Webre, Steven Greer, Nick Pope, Richard Hoagland and Richard Dolan Alfred Webre & Leuren Moret # 1 Alfred Webre an International Lawyer, peace and environmental activist, prominent in the naissant field of Exopolitics. In 2000, he published a book called “EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe” Leuren Moret - who claimed to be a Geoscientist who has travelled the world to discuss and expose the dangers of radioactive contamination caused by the use of Depleted Uranium in modern artillery shells. 52 Leuren Moret Claimed to be a Geoscientist at Lawrence Livermore… But this document just says she was a “Senior Scientific Technologist” for less than 1 year. 53 Alfred Webre & Leuren Moret # 3 During the interview, Alfred Webre was told of the connection between Hutchison Effect evidence and the effects seen at and near the World Trade Centre on 9/11. Webre even acknowledges that the Weaponised Free Energy Technology should be disclosed and used for Peaceful Purposes, thus: At the 33:30 mark, Dr. Wood says: “I don’t know if it’s the exact same thing as the Hutchison Effect, but what I’ve learned from this is that… here is something that does the same thing that we see...” Alfred Webre says “yes” and Dr. Wood continues, “…so we know it’s possible.” Webre says “right”. At around 44:25 in the long recording referenced above, Dr. Wood suggests “an amazing technology was used [on 9/11]” and Webre says “yes”. Webre also appears to agree when Dr. Wood suggests that the technology could be used for good things – he states that her suggestion is a “very profound statement”. Webre then suggests (around 45:30) that behind the black budget projects there are these “advanced technologies which have been developed, at taxpayer expense, for weapons applications, which could as easily be applied to new energy applications that would be to the benefit of the biosphere.” He says “whatever technology did this should be disclosed”. John Hutchison also expresses his wish for the technology to be disclosed and that his method of “doing this” is to appear in TV documentaries about the subject and talk about his work and experiments. 54 Alfred Webre & Leuren Moret # 4 As you have heard, it seems Webre did NOT want to disclose information about the technology – and not want Dr Judy Wood’s name to be mentioned? Is the best way to “disclose” something, not to talk about it? AW …just run through [in] 5 minutes why you think HAARP was the instrument that caused the molecular dissociation and the controlled … disappearance of the World Trade Centre. LM Well, it was really Judy Wood’s presentation which had the physical evidence and the photos which are not available – they haven’t been … AW Without… without referring to Judy Wood – in your own words – why do you think HAARP caused it? 55 Alfred Webre Wanted to Sue Me! Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 21:57:37 -0700 Subject: Judy Wood & Andrew Johnson - Apology and article retraction requested - Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd From: CAMPAIGN <> To: "Dr. Judy Wood" <> Dear Judy and Andrew Johnson - Hi! In the course of 9/11 research tonight I came across an article by Andrew Johnson that I find defaming, a distortion of reality, inaccurate, paranoid, hostile, attacking, libelous, slanderous, back-stabbing and offensive. ================ Dr. Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson: I ask you, have you no sense of common decency? If I do not hear back from one or both of you within a reasonable time, I reserve the right to bring legal action against Andrew Johnson for libel (I have solicitors in the UK), and/or to publish this letter and related journalistic articles. I request an apology and a retraction of the above referenced article for the reasons set out in this letter. I do not have an email address for Andrew Johnson and am serving him with this letter via Skype. In Light and cooperation, Alfred Webre Tel 604-733-8134 56 Notes on Dr Steven Greer Former ER Doctor Had a Near-Death Experience (in his teens) There is no doubt that the Disclosure Project was a remarkable effort and compilation of evidence etc (it’s what drew me in to re-examining the UFO issue). In 1997, during in their time working on “UFO matters”, Steven Greer, Sheri Adamiak Congressman Stephen Schiff and Colin Andrews were all diagnosed with Cancer. Adamiak and Schiff died and Greer and Andrews were successfully treated. In his “Disclosure” Book (500 pages) released in 2001, the write up and descriptions of some of the witnesses he interviewed mention SAIC a total of about 6 times 57 Dr Steven Greer knows about SAIC Seaspower and Aero2012 These are Steven Greer’s “Free Energy” initiatives Seas-power (Space Energy Access Systems) started in 2001 following Disclosure Project Sounded great! Use secrets known about UFO tech to find, develop and market energy technologies which were either "fuel-less", "over unity" (i.e. they output more energy than they consume) Website was created in Sept 2001. Contained for example an agreement for inventors to “sign” if they had a device they wanted to develop/market. This agreement was quite comprehensive. 59 Seaspower and Aero2012 Website Comparison In May 2007, Aero2012 was launched, compare websites... Why AERO? An Overview for Inventors An historical overview of over-unity electric generators and other unconventional energy innovations shows that for at least 75 years, human society could have had a replacement for fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine. The fact that such energy breakthroughs are not in use today is ample evidence that the hurdles to the widespread use of such technologies is less about inventing such a system - or even about adequate funding - and primarily about 'something else'. Since the time of Tesla, inventors have been discovering ways to extract energy from the space around us. And yet we all still drive cars using gasoline, and live in homes powered mostly by coal-fired public utilities. Why SEAS? An Overview for Inventors An historical overview of over-unity electric generators and other unconventional energy innovations shows that for at least 75 years, human society could have had a replacement for fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine. The fact that such energy breakthroughs are not in use today is ample evidence that the hurdles to the widespread use of such technologies is less about inventing such a system - or even about adequate funding - and primarily about 'something else'. Since the time of Tesla, inventors have been discovering ways to extract energy from the space around us. And yet we all still drive cars using gasoline, and live in homes powered mostly by coal-fired public utilities. 60 Steven Greer and Aero2012 Greer posted a 1 to 2 hour presentation. In this 1 or even 2-hour presentation, Dr. Greer did not even show a video, photos or PowerPoint slides of any research or anything relevant to his earlier projects – it was just a discussion of his experience and ideas for the future. We heard from no one else whom he had met or worked with in the previous 6 years or so. As can be seen if you watch the videos, he merely a has large screen TV with a shot of the Aero2012 website on it. By May 2011, the Aero2012 website was offline… 61 9/11 and Steven Greer - 1 In an article entitled “Transformation of Risk” originally posted on the Disclosure Project Website, Greer wrote: This overview explains how the current risks of environmental global warming, air pollution and public health challenges, energy resource scarcity and competition, global terrorism and current electric grid obsolescence and vulnerability are transformed by these out-of-the-box technologies. On P157 of "Forbidden Truth, Hidden Knowledge“ he says: "At a subtle level of electromagnetism, you can transmute elements, and also transfer something from one place to another - and infect or harm someone electronically. This is a very lethal application of a science that could be used to heal people. Unfortunately, right now, the worst elements of humanity currently possess these technologies. When people worry about these technologies being disclosed, I say: "Forget about it. The worst elements already have them"!62 9/11 and Steven Greer - 2 Project Camelot interview in 2010 SG: … and it is a matter of perspective. I think that’s why I prefer to be cautious, cautiously optimistic, put out a positive view on how we should be interacting with this thing. It is not irresponsible. I am not insidious. I think that these sort of characterizations are highly offensive, as I have never attacked you folks publicly. I found I was attacked on your blog today. It was unfortunate. But my perspective, I want to be very clear… KC: No, no. Your philosophy was attacked. You were not attacked. SG: Yeah, well, whatever. KC: Actually, you were complimented. SG: But I just have to say that that is why we’re wanting to be cautious because it is so easy for humans… I mean, look what happened after 9/11. It is so easy for humans to take shreds of information and then go on a war footing or go on a conflict footing. 63 Steven Greer Knows about SAIC From “Testimony of Denise McKenzie, former SAIC employee, March 2001”, Page 308 – 309, “DISCLOSURE PROJECT BRIEFING DOCUMENT” Essentially SAIC is one of the crown jewels of the super-secret, black project world and is connected to UFO technologies and covert funding. Former NSA head Adm. Bobby Inman is heavily involved with SAIC, it should be noted. Here again, we see the revolving door between military and corporate projects described by Dr. Rosin . On April 13th 2012, Dr Steven Greer mentions SAIC when talking about his meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater. Greer was discussing the role of Admiral Bobby Ray Inman in UFO Secrecy Inman was on the board of directors of SAIC. Dr Steven Greer Admiral Bobby Ray Inman 64 9/11 and Richard Hoagland Starting in about 1983, Richard Hoagland has presented some very interesting information about Mars , the Moon and especially Iapetus and he (and others) have highlighted a number of anomalies in various photos which have been sent back by unmanned probes. Mr Hoagland has posted some quite fascinating, if at times verbose, articles on his website “Enterprise Mission ”. He has mainly focused on “spacerelated” research topics and he has covered these at length in books such as Monuments of Mars and more recently Dark Mission. He was a (very verbose) speaker at the Exopolitics 2011 Conference. In 2008 on “Coast to Coast” Richard Hoagland promoted the Official “Bin Laden” story whilst talking about new Solar Energy technology (itself a “limited hangout” in relation to Free Energy) In April 2011 he gave a presentation in Amsterdam at the “Secret Space Program” Conference. Despite his research being primarily into NASA and Solar System Anomalies that seem to be in their data, much of the material that he presented was nothing to do with “Dark Mission”, Mars, Iapetus or any of those subjects. Rather, the material he presented was primarily about the events of 9/11. The presentation spent 1.5 hours on the research of Dr Judy Wood. 65 9/11 and Richard Hoagland In 2008 on “Coast to Coast” Richard Hoagland promoted the Official “Bin Laden” story whilst talking about new Solar Energy technology (itself a “limited hangout” in relation to Free Energy) “This is a revolution that’s here - and all it’s waiting for is the right president to say ‘this is what we’re going to do – who wants to get on board’…. This is the way we change the world, I mean if you look at CNN, you look at NBC, you look at Fox, you look at the litany of awful bad news that we’ve been living with for almost 10 years now – since 2001 – since 9/11. What was the single biggest reason why Bin Laden ostensibly killed 3000 Americans?” In his Apr 3rd 2011 presentation , RCH rebuffed a statement from the audience about Mohammad Atta’s Passport being found on the ground. That is, at 1:14:50 RCH states: …If you believe that, I’ve got a really cool bridge deal that I… OK? 66 Richard Hoagland “Judy Wood Hasn’t got an answer” Initially praising Dr Wood, he states, in his presentation “following the evidence to its extraordinary and totally (Mr Spock) illogical conclusion” He implies Dr. Wood has scientifically followed the evidence to the conclusions…yet he implies elsewhere that she is clueless as to what happened. For he later states: So, Judy’s question which is exquisitely logical is “Where did these things go?” So far she hasn’t got an answer – but I’m hoping that some of the insights that we’ve been able to put together will help in her investigation. RCH then just abruptly states: “Here is the mystery of melted steel…” And he does not state what “help” will be given – he does not, at this point, state what “his answer” is either. Neither has he offered any help as he has not contacted Dr Wood – ever! 67 Richard Hoagland “John Hutchison Hasn’t a Clue” Mr. Hoagland tries to give the impression that he understands what is behind the effects John Hutchison has created and states .. in other words what John Hutchison is doing is “tickling the force” with his fields and his playing and his […inaudible] not at that time knowing at all what he was doing but getting amazing effects because of the interaction back and forth… the commutivity can flow in both directions - EM fields produce torsion, torsion produces EM fields. The torsion field is primary. And there he is - pleased as punch at what he’s doing even though he hasn’t a clue what he’s doing. In a broadcast on 04 Apr 2010 with Dr. Judy Wood and Ralph Winterrowd, John Hutchison states, at around 31:50 I use a different combination of radio waves along with threshold high voltage and electrostatic operators and I only use weak magnetic fields to “steer” the electrostatic around to cause it to conform to certain patterns. 68 9/11 and Richard Hoagland Hoagland said at one point “Judy is wrong” and tried to say that “torsion fields” were at work (Dr Judy Wood has just described the phenomena and mechanism and not really given it a specific name). Hoagland stated John Hutchison was in the Navy (he was not). Hoagland stated John Hutchison was “evicted” from his apartment in Vancouver due to residents complaints. This was also untrue. He omitted discussion of Hurricane Erin (even though he has blogged before about Hurricanes being “steered”.) He omitted approximately 12 other important pieces of evidence. Richard Hoagland is NOT A QUALIFIED SCIENTIST – Dr Judy Wood IS! Read more at 69 June 27th 2009, Leeds From Left to right: David Griffin, Richard Dolan, Andrew Johnson, Lloyd Pye, Nick Pope, Ian Crane 70 9/11 and Richard Dolan I met Richard Dolan in June 2009 and discussed in some detail Dr Judy Wood’s research – including Hurricane Erin and the Hutchison Effect In Sept 2009, during a 77 minute podcast, he discussed 9/11, but only referred to a “peer reviewed paper” about “nano-thermite” Dolan, who lives in New York state (Rochester) did not mention Hurricane Erin. He did not mention Dr Wood’s 9/11 Court Case, Energy Weapons or SAIC (which has been mentioned by UFO/Disclosure Witnesses as a benefactor of the Black Budget) 71 9/11 and Richard Dolan In Sept 2009, during a 77 minute podcast, he discussed 9/11, but only referred to a “peer reviewed paper” about “nano-thermite” Dolan refers to the commonly-circulated myth of hot molten metal – which is discussed in Dr Wood’s books and presentations (many, many people repeat this myth as if it were true – it is not). This is a key now, for what is known as thermite or thermate. There’s been a recent study that came out – published on the web – I’ve read this study and it’s a very impressive… um… and detailed study dealing with thermitic pyrotechnics in the World Trade Centre samples. The dust samples were remarkably consistent and all of them showed signs at a microscopic level of something that absolutely should not have been there – and what that is, is advanced, highly energetic thermite. Now, regular thermite is an incredibly effective explosive – and you don’t just find this stuff lying around. [Karyn: It would never be used in construction? And they wouldn’t use it for welding or anything like that?] No, because it’s used to blow things up…. Thermite, when it’s heated to a certain temperature causes explosions and that’s why it’s valuable – it’s a great explosive. The type of thermite that we’re talking about is only available in the military… it’s thermate … and it’s nano-engineered…in other words it’s incredibly highly um… integrated with itself…. 72 9/11 and Richard Dolan The problem here is that I personally placed information in Richard Dolan’s hand (in booklet and DVD form) in June 2009 about The Hutchison Effect and Hurricane Erin. Certainly the “technology angle” of this should fit directly into Dolan’s study of the “Secret Space Programme” and/or a “breakaway civilisation” (which is what this technology would empower). On a “Thresholds to Other Realms” Podcast in April 2011, Dolan stated he was more interested in Dr Judy Wood’s “hypothesis” because of what Richard Hoagland had said in Amsterdam even though Richard Hoagland is NOT A QUALIFIED SCIENTIST – Dr Judy Wood IS! He states that Dr Wood is “she’s leaning toward much… somewhat more exotic type of physics answers – whether a particle type beam… what Hoagland brought out was the socalled Hutchison Effect” Dr Wood published the connection to the Hutchison Effect 3 years earlier and has never suggested a particle beam was involved. However, on a Veritas Show broadcast in May 2011, he still keeps mentioning thermite and what Richard Hoagland said… Read more at 73 “Crop Circles”, 911 and Nick Pope We have now seen some physical characteristics and evidence connecting the events of 9/11 and, bizarrely, the formation of Crop Circles It is therefore now interesting to listen to Nick Pope’s description of what he thinks happened on 911 – and compare it to what actually happened. 74 “Crop Circles”, 911 and Nick Pope # 2 What is more interesting are Nick’s comments, in relation to Crop Circles, about directed energy weapons. “I had to refute the bizarre idea that the formations were caused by the testing of space-based laser or directed-energy weapons, and dispel suggestions that media coverage of the issue had been stifled by use of D-Notices. “ 75 2012 Olympics and Alien Invasion??? From UK Daily Mail, 07 June 2012: Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter Ministry of Defence 'has planned for the worst outcomes - attack and invasion' 'We should be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable' Read more: Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert Mail Online.htm 76 Nick Pope and the Alien Invasion He said: 'The government must - and has planned - for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien invasion. 'Space shuttles, lasers and directed-energy weapons are all committed via the Alien Invasion War Plan to defence against any alien ships in orbit. If UFOs came into our atmosphere, RAF jets such as the Eurofighter Typhoons, and missiles such as the Rapiers guarding the Olympic Games would be well equipped to enter the fray. 'And if the aliens landed, in an unprecedented move, I am in doubt that the entire Army would be join the fight. The TA and the Reserves would be called out and conscription 77 potentially introduced. ' Ian Crane I have known Ian Crane for about 6 years and have spoken to him several times about the proof and evidence provided by Dr Judy Wood’s 911 research. Someone alerted me to this talk which is from a Presentation by Ian Crane given at Conway Hall on 24th Sept 2011. “Building 7 was indeed a perfect – perfectly executed controlled demolition - the building came down in it’s own footprint and the pile of rubble was 12.5% the original height of the building – exactly as per the controlled demolition textbooks. Buildings 1 & 2 which are more than twice the height of building 7. Just to put it in perspective, building 7 was roughly the height of the tower at canary wharf... just to put it into perspective. 27:42: Buildings 1 & 2 collapsed into dust. The buildings totally disintegrated. There is no explanation as to what has caused that – it’s a big question that’s left open. Take a look at this for a second… What a shame that Ian either hadn’t researched or didn’t want to mention Dr Judy Wood’s scientific investigation into what happened to the towers (even though I have repeatedly mentioned it to him). It is a shame that this happened in front of the sort of audience he was speaking to. 78 Conclusions I have found, from my own research interaction, that 911 is a or the “Central Blindspot” for almost all speakers and researchers involved in “Disclosure”. Linking secret technology, to the destruction of the WTC is seemingly a “no-no” and there is a comprehensive effort (examples of which are documented in my book “911 Finding the Truth”) A clear pattern has emerged: Do not mention 911 and the Hutchison Effect and Dr Wood in the same sentence. Do not mention 911 and Hurricane Erin Do not mention SAIC, Dr Wood’s Qui Tam case from 2007 However, it IS OK to mention Thermite, Thermate, HAARP, Nukes, Mini-Nukes, Fluoride (yes, really!), “secret disclosures” from unknown sources, remote controlled planes, lasers from space, particle beams etc etc 79 If you are FORCED to Mention Dr Judy Wood or the DEW Research… Characterise it as “just a theory” Say “Well, it’s plausible” Say “Well, I think it was a mixture of things that was used to destroy the towers.” Don’t talk about the evidence! Don’t talk about the relationship to cold fusion. Don’t mention Andrew Johnson’s documentation (as outlined in this presentation). “Let’s just be one big Happy Family, OK?” 80 Conclusions - 2 1) From the research of Dr Judy Wood, it's vital for people to understand the connection between secret, weaponised "free" energy technology and the events of 9/11 - especially (but perhaps not exclusively) in the destruction of the WTC. 2) There is a clear, proven link between Cold Fusion research (Steven E Jones) and 9/11. The link to the Hutchison Effect is also a vital one. It is also an energy phenomenon which seems to be related to cold fusion and from there is a link to the military industrial complex through Col John Alexander (who worked with Hutchison in 1983). Alexander also acts as a sceptic in UFO research. 3) The 9/11 Hurricane Erin data revealed by Dr Judy Wood also implicates the use of weather control in the days prior to and following 911. This heavily compromises all the supposed scientific debate about "climate change" in the mainstream. It also reveals the actions of a secret apparatus of one or more entities - as yet unknown - and the sort of technology they seem to have at their disposal. 81 Conclusions - 3 4) Large sections of the "truth movement" have been set up, controlled and directed - apparently through some wellknown and popular figures who seem (especially) not to be able to talk about energy and 911 and weather control without omitting the details or getting them wrong. 5) It seems clear that in other branches of the truth movement, sophisticated operations of disinformation and perception management are still in "full swing" - and they are being successful. The only way to avoid these problems is not to "join" a "truth movement". Are you ready to re-evaluate the evidence presented here and be more critical of those not talking about this? Or is it “just me” being belligerent / grumpy / egotistical? YOU DECIDE! 82 Thank you for listening!