Period 7 Vocabulary

Period 7: Imperialism, Progressive Era, WWI, 1920s, New Deal, WWII
1. a. Tuner Thesis & the West (1865-1900: think
how it connects to foreign imperialism)
1. b.Imperialism (Jingoism)
2. Alfred T. Mahan/Influence of Sea Power
3. “White Man’s Burden”
4.. Queen Lil/Hawaii
5. . Yellow Journalism
William Randolph Hearst
Joseph Pulitzer
6. Causes of the Spanish American War
USS Maine/Remember the Maine
De Lome Letter
Economic and Social Reasons
7. Emilio Aguinaldo
8. Causes of Imperialism
9. Foraker Act
10. Teller Amend /Platt Amend
11. Open Door Policy
12. Big Stick Diplomacy
13. Panama Canal
14. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
15. “Gentlemen’s Agreement”
16. The Progressive Era
17. Muckrakers
Jacob Riis/How the Other Half Lives
Lincoln Steffens/Shame of the Cities
Ida Tarbell/History of Standard Oil
18. Direct primary/initiative/refererendum/recall
19. Lewis Hine/Child Labor
20. Lochner v. New York/Muller v. Oregon
21. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
22. Prohibition
23. Square Deal
24. TR on trustbusting
25. 1901 Anthracite Coal Strike
26. Elkins Act/Hepburn Act
27. Upton Sinclair/The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
28. Conservation/Gifford Pinchot/ Muir
29. . 16th and 17th Amendment
30. Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)
31. New Nationalism (TR)/New Freedom (Wilson)
32. Underwood Tariff
33. Federal Reserve
34. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
35. Clayton Anti-Trust Act
36. Pancho Villa/General Pershing
37. “Dollar Diplomacy”
38. Causes of WWI (MANIA)
39. Lusitania/
40. Zimmerman Telegram
41. “Keep the World Safe for Democracy”
42. Liberty Loans/Liberty Bonds
43. Selective Service Act
44. Food Adminsitration/Hoover
45. War Industries Board/Bernard Baruch
46. Great Migration
47. 19th Amendment
48. Committee on Public Information (Creel Com)
49. Espionage and Sedition Acts
50. Schenck v. United States
“Clear and present danger”
51. Fourteen Points
52. Treaty of Versailles/ League of Nations
53. Red Summer: Chicago Race Riot
54. Red Scare :A. Mitchell Palmer/Palmer Raids
55. Sacco and Vanzetti case
56 Emergency Immigration Act/National Origins
57. Rebirth of the KKK
58. Fundamentalism and the Scopes Trial
59. Rural vs. Urban
60. Jazz Age
61. The New Morality and the Flapper
62. Margaret Sanger
63. 19th Amendment
Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Role of women in the workforce
64. Harlem Renaissance/Langston Hughes/ “ New
65. Marcus Garvey
66. The Lost Generation
67. Consumer Culture of the 1920s: movies, radio
69. Henry Ford and the Automobile
70. The role of farmers and unions in 1920s
71. “Return to Normalcy”
72. Teapot Dome Scandal
73. Hawley-Smoot Tariff
74. Causes of the Great Depression
75. Hoovervilles/Hoover Flags
76. Hoover’
77. The New Deal and the 3 R’s
78. . Emergency Banking Relief Act
79. Fireside Chats
80. Alphabet Agencies
81. Dust Bowl
82. Indian Reorganization Act
83. Critics: Long, Townshend
84. Wagner Act
85. Social Security Act
86. Court Packing Plan
87. John L. Lewis/CIO
88. 1937 Recession (“double dip”)/ Keynesian
89. 1930s Foreign Policy: Isolation, Naval
Conference, Nye Committee,
90. Good Neighbor Policy
91. Cash and Carry Policy/ Lend Lease
92. Pearl Harbor
93. War Productions Board/ War Bonds (other
ways of financing the war)
94. Role of women in the war (“Rosie the Riveter”)
95. A. Phillip Randolph/FEPC
96. . Bracero Program/Zoot Suit Riots
97. . Japanese Internment/Executive Order 9066
Hirobayashi vs. US
Korematsu vs. US
98.Yalta Conference
99. The Atomic Bomb Debate
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Period 7: Imperialism, Progressive Era, WWI, 1920s, New Deal, WWII