Session 2: Multiple Choice Questions Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Question Which of the following is true about external memory? Which of the following is non-volatile memory? Access time of DRAM is --------SRAM Packaging density of DRAM is----------- SRAM Which of the following are true about primary memory compared to secondary memory Which access method is used to access cassette tape? EEPROM stands for Which of the following memory need refresh? Which computer memory used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU? Which of the following is a secondary memory device? Which of the following is volatile memory? Which of the following memories does not need refreshing? As compared to secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is? Which of the following memories has the shortest access times? Size of primary cache is usually --------as that of secondary cache. Which of the following is true about cache memory? Memory that is at the top of hierarchy is? Opt A Opt B Opt C High capacity ROM Fast access High cost PROM greater than greater than High cost Opt D Ans. A EROM None of these All of above less than equal to not defined A less than equal to not defined A Low speed High storage None of these A Direct Sequential Electronic Erasable Programmabl e Read only memory None of these None of these B Electricall y Erasable Programm able Read only memory SRAM Both of the above Easily Erasable programmable Read Only Memory DRAM ROM B Mass Memory Internal Memory Nonvolatile memory All Of Above PROM Keyboard Disk ALU All of above B RAM ROM EPROM PROM A SRAM PROM DRAM EPROM A Large chip fast slow C Cache memory Magnetic Bubble Memory Smaller than Magnetic Core Memory RAM A equal to not defined B It is ROM It is EEPROM A Nonvolatile and slower Nonvolatile and more expensive IT is EPROM Faster and more expensive Greater than It is RAM slower and more expensive D A B D 18 Select the correct ordering of memory in the storage hierarchy. 19 What are the characteristics of memory at the bottom of the hierarchy? 20 Which of the following is fastest and most expensive type of storage? Which of the following device is slowest? Which memory can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light? Which memory stores the data as a charge on the capacitor? Cost of DRAM is -------- SRAM Opcode indicates ------------------ 21 22 23 24 25 Hard disk, register, RAM, Cache Cheaper and larger in capacity Magnetic Disk Cache Cache, Register, RAM ,Hard disk Cheaper and smaller in capacity Register, Cache, RAM, Hard disk Registers Cache DRAM SRAM ROM PROM RAM EPROM SRAM DRAM Less than Operands Greater than Operation Equal to Both A & B Faster and larger in capacity Hard disk, RAM, Register, Cache Faster and smaller in capacity C Main Memory Magnetic disk EPROM B None of these Not defined None C A D D A B