Research Paper Workshop

Research Paper Workshop
Research Topics in Development and Writing
• By this point in the class, your research paper topics should be
selected and should be in the process of writing a draft version of the
• You should have identified a research question, whether it is a topic
on your own, or one of the pre-approved questions on the research
paper handout.
• If you haven’t yet selected a topic, the paper is due on December 9th ,
and it should be considered that you should possibly pick one of the
pre-approved research questions to write about instead of writing on
your own interested topic.
• Your research sources should have been selected by now as well for
your paper.
Research writing steps that should be observed
• Do some background reading, think hard.
• Have a clear research question
• Do thorough research using approved research sources (Books,
newspapers, academic web sites and databases) and no Wikipedia.
• Make a balanced argument on your research question
• Write well!
Poli Sci Research Writing Process
• In the introduction of your research paper, you need to give the reader
some basic background information on your topic that suggests why the
question you are investigating is interesting and important. You will also
need to provide the reader with a statement of the research problem you
are attempting to address and a basic outline of your paper as a whole.
• In understanding the body of your paper, it needs to give an analysis of the
paper topic with backing of research sources (Books, newspapers,
academic web sites and databases) as credible evidence.
• You have to try to be unbiased in your paper writing process. It is difficult
to achieve non bias in your writing process but you will become a better
writer for the better and be to evaluate political issue and topics
objectively and honestly, too.
• You must have a conclusion to your topic and possibly address your opinion
after you have considered all the evidence available in your paper.
Research Paper Writing Process
• Brainstorming and exploring topics of interest
• Prewriting
• Drafting
• Revising
• Editing
• Reviewing
• Final paper done and turned in.
How I determine your grade on your paper
• Quality of ideas – What paper topic did you choose
• Arguments – Meaning you are presenting both sides of your research
question equally and you’re presenting valid arguments for both and not
just writing political tangents.
• Evidence presented – You cite evidence from your research sources (Books,
newspapers, academic web sites and databases) to back up both
arguments in your paper so its not just your own opinion on the issue.
• Organization of the paper – The paper has an introduction, a body of
writing and research work, use of sources, footnotes or endnotes, a
conclusion, and a bibliography page (Your bibliography page and optional
title page DOES NOT count towards your total page requirement.)
Questions I have received regarding the
Research Paper in recent semesters
How many resources do I have to use on my paper?
Can I use newspaper articles as research sources?
Can I interview experts on my topic for research?
Can the paper be longer than 10 pages?
Can the paper be shorter than 6 pages?
How many times can I send you a draft version of my paper?
Do I have to do the research paper assignment?
What happens if I skip doing the research paper assignment?
Can the paper be late?
What if my topic only has one valid side to the issue?
Do you like pie?
Pre-approved topics for the research paper
• If you haven’t thought of a topic yet, you should seriously consider doing on of the pre-approved questions on the handout.
• 1. Should the Constitution be amended to abolish the Electoral College and provide for the direct election of the President?
Discuss the arguments made for and against the Electoral College. Where do you come down in this debate?
• 2. Some people argue that “there is a religious war going on in the United States, a cultural war . . . for the soul of America.”
The ‘culture war’ presumably centers on issues such as abortion, school prayer, and gay rights. Other disagree and argue that
most Americans are pretty much middle-of-the-road on most issues with only small differences between Democrats and
Republicans. What do you think? How polarized is the American public today on hot-button moral, religious and cultural
issues? Write an essay in which you review and evaluate the evidence on American public opinion today.
• 3. Immigration policy has become a hot button issue in the US in recent years. Debate focuses on who should be admitted to
the US, how many, and what to do with the millions of immigrants who are here without proper documents, some of whom
have children who were born here and thus are US citizens. Write a BALANCED paper in which you summarize the major issues
in this debate and review the arguments and evidence on both sides. Where do you come down in this debate? If you were
President, what would your immigration policy be?
• 4. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, unheard of five years ago, are now a major factors in American Politics. Write an
essay in which you assess both the factors that explain the sudden rise of the Tea Party OR Occupy Wall Street in America and
evaluate its impact on American Politics and public policy. Has the Tea Party OR Occupy Wall Street been good or bad for
America? Why?
• 5. The high levels of partisanship in Congress in recent years have all but paralyzed the institution making it almost impossible
to pass even the most routine legislation. Thirty years ago, Congress was much less partisan, and it was common for
Democrats and Republicans to compromise to pass legislation on a bipartisan basis. What are the main factors that explain the
increasing partisanship in Congress over the past 30 years? Identify the major explanations offered by political scientists and
journalists and evaluate the arguments and evidence is support of each. What do you think? Which explanations are most
persuasive to you? Why?