TOWSON UNIVERSITY ADVANCED CORPORATE FINANCE FIN 351 Fall 2013 Instructor: Office: Work Phone: Class Hours: Office Hours: Email: Course Home Page: Dr. Yingying Shao, CFA ST316F 410-704 -3839 Section 351-001 TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM Section 351-002 TuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PM TuTh 9:00AM-11AM, 1:00PM-3:00PM, or by appointment Blackboard site Prerequisites: FIN 331, Junior/Senior and major standing. Course Description: This is the second in the sequence of two intermediate level corporate finance courses for all finance majors. Applying financial modeling skills using Excel is an integral component of this course. It serves the purpose to let students to use the modeling skills acquired in FIN350 to apply to more sophisticated topics covered in this course. Students will continue to develop in-depth understanding of many financial theories, analyses, and comprehensive applications of financial tools. Equipped with basic finance knowledge and modeling skills from FIN350, students are to apply concepts and technology for supporting the decision making process to solve a wide variety of financial problems. Students are also expected to read outside material to enhance the understanding of topics presented in class. Topics include Capital Budgeting, Real Option, Capital Structure Theory, Corporate Payout Policy, and Working Capital Management. Course Objective: This course is intended to introduce students to advanced finance concepts and build on FIN 350 while simultaneously infusing financial modeling (spreadsheet) skills that allow the students to develop complex financial concepts. The goal is to lay the foundation for students to become proficient in the use of spreadsheets as they progress through the finance curriculum. General Learning Objectives: To conduct an in-depth study of corporate finance theory and practice. To provide students with an opportunity to apply financial and analytical tools for problem solving and decision making purposes. Specific Learning Objectives: Learn and apply Financial Modeling Skills in Excel. Analyze Capital Budgeting Decisions Understand and evaluate Real Options. 1 Understand and evaluate Capital Structure Decisions Evaluate Corporate Payout Policies Required Materials: Textbook: Intermediate Financial Management, Brigham & Daves, 11th Ed. Calculator: Texas Instruments BA II Plus. Phone calculators or any other calculators are not allowed. Grading: Exams There will be two non-cumulative exams. Exams are based on class lecture, assigned problems, group discussion, and supplementary readings. Spreadsheet Quizzes There will be three Excel-based quizzes examining students’ skills in applying Excel for problem solving on an individual basis. Note: I’ll not administrate make-up exams/quizzes unless you have to miss the exam/quiz due to medical emergencies or other university approved reasons. You should inform me in writing of your desire to take the make-up exam/quiz in advance or within one week of missing an exam and support necessary documentation. Homework assignments Assignments will be graded on correctness as well as presentation. Due to the amount of time given to complete the assignment, I expect high scores and will grade accordingly. Late assignment will not be accepted unless you make prior arrangements with me at least one class period before the due date and you have an extraordinarily good excuse. Attendance and Participation I expect you to attend class and to arrive on time. Students who have conflicts should discuss them with me at the beginning of the semester to see what arrangements might be made. Students who miss three classes or less during the semester will not lose any points from final grade. However, students who miss more than three classes will lose 5 points for each additional class they miss. That is, you will lose 10 points in your final grade if you miss 5 classes in the semester. Breakdown of Grade: Exam 1 Exam 2 Spreadsheet quizzes (10x3) Assignments In-class exercises Total Percentage 25 25 30 15 5 100 Final Exam date: FIN351-001 Dec 18, 2013: 10:15 AM-12:15 PM FIN351-002 Dec 16, 2013: 12:30 PM- 2:30 PM 2 Final Grade Distribution: A A- B+ B B- C+ C D+ D F 92+ 89-91.99 87-88.99 82-86.99 80-81.99 77-79.99 72-76.99 67-71/99 60-66.99 0-59.99 Please note, the above cutoffs are exact and no rounding up will occur. Student Evaluations Student evaluations of this course play a crucial role in my delivery. This semester, all course evaluations will be administered online during the last two weeks of the course. You will receive an email with a link to the website with directions on how to access the survey. It is vitally important that you complete the survey as I use the results to modify the course and assess my teaching and the University uses the results to address technology and facility needs. You can be assured that your responses will be confidential as the results will be transmitted to me after the grading period and they will not include any identifying information. Course Withdrawal Please note that the last day to drop the class is noted in the online Academic Calendar ( Students dropping on or before this date will receive a “W” on their official transcript. Withdrawal after that date will require an assignment of a letter grade for the course. Repeated Courses According to the University policy, all students may repeat any course once. If repeating, you are advised to speak with your instructor. For a third attempt, the student must obtain prior approval from the Academic Standards Committee along with the approval from the Chair of the Department. If students enroll for a third attempt without permission, they do so at their own risk. Conduct of the Course: You are responsible for all assigned readings, handouts, class presentations, group discussion, and homework. I strongly recommend you to attempt those problems at the end of the chapters and those that I assign during the semester. You must read outside sources, such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, and other business magazines, that help to contribute to the class discussion and understanding of the lecture. Also, the excitement and desire to keep up with current events in the field is an important part of the student becoming a professional. If you miss a class meeting, it is your responsibility to obtain any notes or assignments from your fellow classmates. My notes are not available for copying. Academic Integrity: Student Academic Integrity Policy ( mic%20Affairs ): 3 “The acquisition, sharing, communication and evaluation of knowledge is at the core of a university’s mission. To realize this part of its mission, a university must be a community of trust. Because integrity is essential to the purpose of an academic community, the responsibility for maintaining standards of integrity is shared by all members of that academic community.” The Student Academic Integrity Policy as it pertains to this class: There is no tolerance of academic dishonesty in this class. Any violations are sanctioned by the professor. Students with Disabilities In accordance with university policy, if you have documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester and when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Disability Support Services (AD232). Tentative Class Schedule Notes: Although it is the intention of the instructor to cover all topics presented in the text, it is likely that the tentative schedule cannot be met due to unexpected events. However, in order to keep the appropriate progress in the semester, exam dates are identified and will not be changed under any circumstances. Week Chapters 1 8/29/13 Introduction 12. Capital Budgeting: Decision 2 9/3/13 Criteria 9/5/13 13. Capital Budgeting 3 9/10/13 9/12/13 4 9/17/13 9/19/13 5 9/24/13 Excel Quiz1 9/26/13 14. Real options 6 10/1/13 10/3/13 7 10/8/13 15 Capital Structure Decisions 10/10/13 8 10/15/13 Excel Quiz 2 10/17/13 Review 9 10/22/13 Exam1 10/24/13 26. LBO 10 10/29/13 10/31/13 11 11/5/13 17. Payout policy 4 12 13 14 15 16 11/7/13 11/12/13 11/14/13 11/19/13 11/21/13 11/26/13 11/28/13 12/3/13 12/5/13 12/10/13 21 working capital management Excel quiz3 Thanks giving break 22. obtaining credit Review Exam2 (Final): 5