Australia and Oceania
• Australia is the ____ largest country in the
world in land mass.
• 6th
• Australia is the _____ largest country in the
world in land mass.
• 6th
• Most of Australia’s population is concentrated in
the urban ______ of the continent.
• east
• Australia is the _____ largest country in the
world in land mass.
• 6th
• Most of Australia’s population is concentrated in
the urban ______ of the continent.
• east
• Why did more freemen began to settle in
Australia in the mid-19th century?
• Gold was discovered.
• Why did more freemen began to settle in
Australia in the mid-19th century?
• Gold was discovered.
• Why did more freemen began to settle in
Australia in the mid-19th century?
• Gold was discovered.
• Most of Australia’s population is concentrated in
the urban ______ of the continent.
• east
• Why did more freemen began to settle in
Australia in the mid-19th century?
• Gold was discovered.
• Most of Australia’s population is concentrated in
the urban ______ of the continent.
• east
• Australia is the _____ largest country in the
world in land mass.
• 6th
• How many Aborigines were in Australia at the
time of British colonization?
• a few hundred thousand
• How many Aborigines were in Australia at the
time of British colonization?
• a few hundred thousand
• Today, Australia has a population of
approximately ______ people, with Aborigines
comprising less than _____%.
• 23 million, 3
• How many Aborigines were in Australia at the time
of British colonization?
• a few hundred thousand
• Today, Australia has a population of approximately
______ people, with Aborigines comprising less
than _____%.
• 23 million, 3
• What are some common problems facing Australia’s
indigenous population?
• high rates of unemployment, imprisonment, and
drug abuse
• What are some common problems facing
Australia’s indigenous population?
• high rates of unemployment, imprisonment, and
drug abuse
• What are some common problems facing
Australia’s indigenous population?
• high rates of unemployment, imprisonment, and
drug abuse
• Today, Australia has a population of
approximately ______ people, with Aborigines
comprising less than _____%.
• 23 million, 3
• What are some common problems facing Australia’s
indigenous population?
• high rates of unemployment, imprisonment, and
drug abuse
• Today, Australia has a population of approximately
______ people, with Aborigines comprising less
than _____%.
• 23 million, 3
• How many Aborigines were in Australia at the time
of British colonization?
• a few hundred thousand
• Who runs the national and local public radio and
• Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC)
• Who runs the national and local public radio and
• Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC)
• What are commercial broadcasters required to
• carry a minimum percentage of Australian-made
• Who runs the national and local public radio and
• Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC)
• What are commercial broadcasters required to
• carry a minimum percentage of Australian-made
• How long ago did the first Aborigines arrive in
Australia and where did they come from?
• 40,000 B.C., Southeast Asia
• How long ago did the first Aborigines arrive in
Australia and where did they come from?
• 40,000 B.C., Southeast Asia
• How long ago did the first Aborigines arrive in
Australia and where did they come from?
• 40,000 B.C., Southeast Asia
• What happened in 1770?
• Captain James Cook claimed Australia as a
British possession.
• How long ago did the first Aborigines arrive in
Australia and where did they come from?
• 40,000 B.C., Southeast Asia
• What happened in 1770?
• Captain James Cook claimed Australia as a
British possession.
• What did Cook call eastern Australia?
• New South Wales
• What did Cook call eastern Australia?
• New South Wales
What did Cook call eastern Australia?
New South Wales
What happened in 1770?
Captain James Cook claimed Australia as a
British possession.
What did Cook call eastern Australia?
New South Wales
What happened in 1770?
Captain James Cook claimed Australia as a
British possession.
• How long ago did the first Aborigines arrive in
Australia and where did they come from?
• 40,000 B.C., Southeast Asia
• What happened in 1788?
• British navy captain Arthur Phillip founded a
penal settlement at Sydney.
• What happened in 1788?
• British navy captain Arthur Phillip founded a
penal settlement at Sydney.
• How many ships and how many convicts did
Phillip bring?
• 11, nearly 800
• What happened in 1788?
• British navy captain Arthur Phillip founded a
penal settlement at Sydney.
• How many ships and how many convicts did
Phillip bring?
• 11, nearly 800
• The colony of Western Australia was established
by Captain __________ in ______.
• James Stirling, 1829
• The colony of Western Australia was established
by Captain __________ in ______.
• James Stirling, 1829
• The colony of Western Australia was established
by Captain __________ in ______.
• James Stirling, 1829
• How many ships and how many convicts did
Phillip bring?
• 11, nearly 800
• The colony of Western Australia was established
by Captain __________ in ______.
• James Stirling, 1829
• How many ships and how many convicts did
Phillip bring?
• 11, nearly 800
• What happened in 1788?
• British navy captain Arthur Phillip founded a
penal settlement at Sydney.
• What happens in Australia in the 1850s?
• gold rushes
• What happens in Australia in the 1850s?
• gold rushes
• What impact did the discovery of gold have on
• The population tripled to pass the million mark.
• What happens in Australia in the 1850s?
• gold rushes
• What impact did the discovery of gold have on
• The population tripled to pass the million mark.
• An influx of _________ immigrants in the
1850s actually led to restrictions on their entry.
• Chinese
• An influx of _________ immigrants in the
1850s actually led to restrictions on their entry.
• Chinese
• An influx of _________ immigrants in the
1850s actually led to restrictions on their entry.
• Chinese
• What impact did the discovery of gold have on
• The population tripled to pass the million mark.
• An influx of _________ immigrants in the
1850s actually led to restrictions on their entry.
• Chinese
• What impact did the discovery of gold have on
• The population tripled to pass the million mark.
• What happens in Australia in the 1850s?
• gold rushes