2015-Dec-SPC-Minutes - Curley K

Minutes of the Curley SPC November 3, 2015
1. The Curley will have a 40 minute extension to the school day.
AWC Expansion
a. For more than two years, efforts have been undertaken to equalize advanced work and general
ed classrooms starting in the 4th grade
b. Reading and Math curriculum are now aligned
c. District wide review of similarities and differences has shown that AWC does not necessarily
improve chances of gaining entry to exam schools. For example, General Ed 54% vs AWC 46% in terms
of acceptance BUT kids do better in exam schools because AWC has good executive functioning
d. At Curley, Gen. Ed. And AWC are much less separate particularly in comparison to other schools,
and is seen as a model. At the Curley, starting in 4th grade, all have Spanish, lunch/specials together and
are reading similar materials
2. Movie night had a good turnout. Fundraiser for PACE. Inspired ideas of another movie night this
3. Financial/Budget IRS Federal filings are complete along with Secretary of State filing and working on
MA Attorney General
4.Technology Access: Campaign to raise $16,000 to bring computers into more classrooms. Flyers to go
out in backpacks this week.
5. Coat Drive: Received lots from BPS coat drive so mainly need small sizes. Could we move it to the
Spring when families are getting rid of coats. Possible storage in family resource center. Boots are also
needed but there is not enough space so the stuff needs tobe organized.
6. Parent to Parent Website is in progress. Tool for those who opt-in to link to class, committees,
events, other parents. Help needed!
7. Silent Auction planning will begin soon! Parents/Volunteers needed!
8. School Showcase Important to have parents to welcome prospective families into the school.
9. School Safety Plan Is being discussed beginning with last Principal’s breakfast because new
Superintendent is requiring one at every school. There will be another meeting to give input.
10. City-wide Parent Council (CPC) The Curley has been a leader in revitalizing this group which went
from 12 to 96 schools over the course of the last year. Meet regularly with the superintendent who is
updated on subcommittee work. Transportation for 6, 7 and 8 graders is inconsistent and needs to be
made more equal. New school assignment plan including the charter schools (called the Unified
Enrollment Plan) is also under discussion, which is highly controversial.
11. Library Effort Group working on bringing a staffed library back to the Curley. Research shows higher
literacy rates and MCAS scores regardless of family income levels. A wired library brings resources into
the classrooms/curriculum. It also increases research skills and if digitalized serves as an information
literacy skills training opportunity. The Curley currently has a disorganized collection of books. Digital
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Minutes of the Curley SPC November 3, 2015
resources are available but we lack equipment. The current book collection would need to be rebuilt.
Appropriately trained staff is critical! Parent support would also be important. The cost would be
$20,000 to $50,000 to set up the room plus the cost of salary. Ongoing cost of maintenance and
development could become a priority for the SPC’s annual fundraising efforts (estimate at $4,000 per
year). Grant writing assistance is needed! The next meeting (TBD) will occur before the holiday break.
A presentation will be made to Ms. Grassa to gauge her commitment/sense of opportunity to the library
plan. It would be a benefit to the extended day schedule. Cost sharing of a staff person within the
district/with other schools is a possibility. The SPC members present endorsed making this a priority in
the Curley budget. It is also being supported by the district library director.
12. School Site Council It is the governing body for the school particularly regarding facilities and
budget. There are water fountains and new windows planned and should be beginning soon but the
timeline is unclear. Curley has not been given appropriate resources given the high level of kids with
special needs. The next two meetings will be budget focused: December 15 and January 5 5:30 to 7 pm.
13. Music Looking at partnerships now that we have a teacher.
14. Breakfast in the classroom is being re-launched because it is shown to benefit low income students
but it may not be piloted at the Curley due to staffing constraints. The SPC would need to show their
desire to have it or it will go somewhere else.
Administration has minutes about school closures and co-locations with charters, despite the studies on
this not being complete. NEXT MEETING IS DECEMBER 15.
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