Chapter 12 Wiener Processes and Ito’s Lemma Stochastic Processes A stochastic process describes the way a variable evolves over time that is at least in part random. i.e., temperature and IBM stock price A stochastic process is defined by a probability law for the evolution of a variable xt over time t. For given times, we can calculate the probability that the corresponding values x1,x2, x3,etc. lie in some specified range. Categorization of Stochastic Processes Discrete time; discrete variable Random walk: t t 1 t if tcan only take on discrete values Discrete time; continuous variable x x xt a bxt 1 t t is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean. Continuous time; discrete variable Continuous time; continuous variable Modeling Stock Prices We can use any of the four types of stochastic processes to model stock prices The continuous time, continuous variable process proves to be the most useful for the purposes of valuing derivative securities Markov Processes In a Markov process future movements in a variable depend only on where we are, not the history of how we got where we are. We will assume that stock prices follow Markov processes. Weak-Form Market Efficiency The assertion is that it is impossible to produce consistently superior returns with a trading rule based on the past history of stock prices. In other words technical analysis does not work. A Markov process for stock prices is clearly consistent with weak-form market efficiency Example of a Discrete Time Continuous Variable Model A stock price follows a Markov process, and is currently at $40. At the end of 1 year it is considered that it will have a probability distribution of f(40,10) where f(m,s) is a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s. Questions What is the probability distribution of the stock price at the end of 2 years? ½ years? ¼ years? Dt years? Taking limits we have defined a continuous variable, continuous time process Variances & Standard Deviations In Markov processes changes in successive periods of time are independent This means that variances are additive Standard deviations are not additive Variances & Standard Deviations (continued) In our example it is correct to say that the variance is 100 per year. It is strictly not correct to say that the standard deviation is 10 per year. A Wiener Process (Brownian Motion) We consider a variable z whose value changes continuously The change in a small interval of time Dt is Dz The variable follows a Wiener process if 1. Dz Dt where is a random drawing from f(0,1) 2. The values of Dz for any 2 different (nonoverlapping) periods of time are independent Properties of a Wiener Process of [z (T ) – z (0)] is 0 Variance of [z (T ) – z (0)] is T Mean z (T ) z (0) i Dt n i 1 Standard deviation of [z (T ) – z (0)] is T Taking Limits . . . What does an expression involving dz and dt mean? It should be interpreted as meaning that the corresponding expression involving Dz and Dt is true in the limit as Dt tends to zero In this respect, stochastic calculus is analogous to ordinary calculus dz dt Generalized Wiener Processes A Wiener process has a drift rate (ie average change per unit time) of 0 and a variance rate of 1 In a generalized Wiener process the drift rate & the variance rate can be set equal to any chosen constants Generalized Wiener Processes (continued) The variable x follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of a & a variance rate of b2 if dx=adt+bdz or: x(t)=x0+at+bz(t) Generalized Wiener Processes (continued) Dx a Dt b Dt Mean change in x in time T is aT Variance of change in x in time T is b2T Standard deviation of change in x in time T is b T The Example Revisited A stock price starts at 40 & has a probability distribution of f(40,10) at the end of the year If we assume the stochastic process is Markov with no drift then the process is dS = 10dz If the stock price were expected to grow by $8 on average during the year, so that the year-end distribution is f(48,10), the process is dS = 8dt + 10dz Whyb Dt ?(1) It’s the only way to make the variance of (xTx0)depend on T and not on the number of steps. 1.Divide time up into n discrete periods of length △ t, n=T/ △ t. In each period the variable x either moves up or down by an amount △ h with the probabilities of p and q respectively. Why b ?(2) Dt 2.the distribution for the future values of x: E(△x)=(p-q) △ h E[(△ x)2]= p(△ h)2+q(- △ h)2 So, the variance of △ x is: E[(△ x)2]-[E(△ x)]2=[1-(p-q)2](△ h)2=4pq(△ h)2 3. Since the successive steps of the random walk are independent, the cumulated change(xT-x0)is a binomial random walk with mean: n(p-q) △ h=T(p-q) △ h/ △ t and variance: n [1-(p-q)2](△ h)2= 4pqT(△ h)2 / △ t Whyb Dt ?(3) let △ t go to zero, we would like the mean and variance of (xT-x0) to remain unchanged, and to be independent of the particular choice of p,q, △ h and △ t. The only way to get it is to set: When and then Dh b Dt a a 1 1 p [1 Dt ], q [1 Dt ] 2 2 b b a a pq Dt 2 Dh b b Whyb Dt ?(4) △ t goes to zero,the binomial distribution converges to a normal distribution, with mean When and variance a Dh t 2 Dh at b Dt a 2 b 2 Dt t[1 ( ) Dt ] b 2t b Dt Sample path(a=0.2 per year,b2=1.0 per year) Taking a time interval of one month, then calculating a trajectory for xt using the equation: xt xt 1 0.01667 0.2887 t A trend of 0.2 per year implies a trend of 0.0167 per month. A variance of 1.0 per year implies a variance of 0.0833 per month, so that the standard deviation in monthly terms is 0.2887. See Investment under uncertainty, p66 Forecast using generalized Brownian Motion Given the value of x(t)for Dec. 1974,X1974 , the forecasted value of x for a time T months beyond Dec. 1974 is given by: xˆ1974 T x1974 0.01667T See Investment under uncertainty, p67 In the long run, the trend is the dominant determinant of Brownian Motion, whereas in the short run, the volatility of the process dominates. Why a Generalized Wiener Processes not Appropriate for Stocks For a stock price we can conjecture that its expected proportional change in a short period of time remains constant not its expected absolute change in a short period of time The price of a stock never fall below zero. Ito Process In an Ito process the drift rate and the variance rate are functions of time dx=a(x,t)dt+b(x,t)dz t t x(t ) x0 0 ads 0 bdz or: The discrete time equivalent Dx a ( x , t ) Dt b( x , t ) Dt is only true in the limit as Dt tends to zero An Ito Process for Stock Prices dS mSdt sSdz where m is the expected return s is the volatility. The discrete time equivalent is DS mSDt sS Dt Monte Carlo Simulation We can sample random paths for the stock price by sampling values for Suppose m= 0.14, s= 0.20, and Dt = 0.01, then DS 0.0014 S 0.02 S Monte Carlo Simulation – One Path Stock Price at Start of Period Random Sample for 0 20.000 0.52 0.236 1 20.236 1.44 0.611 2 20.847 -0.86 -0.329 3 20.518 1.46 0.628 4 21.146 -0.69 -0.262 Period Change in Stock Price, DS Ito’s Lemma If we know the stochastic process followed by x, Ito’s lemma tells us the stochastic process followed by some function G (x, t ) Since a derivative security is a function of the price of the underlying & time, Ito’s lemma plays an important part in the analysis of derivative securities Taylor Series Expansion A Taylor’s series expansion of G(x , t ) gives G G 2G DG Dx Dt ½ 2 Dx 2 x t x 2G 2G 2 Dx Dt ½ 2 Dt xt t Ignoring Terms of Higher Order Than Dt In ordinary calculus we get G G DG Dx Dt x t In stochastic calculus we get G G 2G 2 DG D x Dt ½ D x x t x2 because Dx has a component which is of order Dt Substituting for Dx Suppose dx a( x, t )dt b( x, t )dz so that Dx = a Dt + b Dt Then ignoring terms of higher order than Dt G G G 2 2 DG Dx Dt ½ 2 b Dt x t x 2 The 2Dt Term Since ~ f (0,1) E ( ) 0 E ( ) [ E ( )] 1 2 2 E ( 2 ) 1 It follows that E ( 2 Dt ) Dt The variance of Dt is proportion al to Dt and can be ignored. Hence 2 G G 1 G 2 DG Dx Dt b Dt 2 x t 2 x 2 Taking Limits Taking limits G G 2G 2 dG dx dt ½ 2 b dt x t x Substituting dx a dt b dz We obtain G G 2G 2 G dG a ½ 2 b dt b dz t x x x This is Ito's Lemma Application of Ito’s Lemma to a Stock Price Process The stock price process is d S m S dt s S d z For a function G of S & t G G 2G 2 2 G dG mS ½ s S dz 2 s S dt t S S S Examples 1. The forward price of a stock for a contract maturing at time T G S er ( T t ) dG (m r )G dt sG dz 2. G ln S s2 dG m dt s dz 2 Ito’s Lemma for several Ito processes F=F(x1,x2,…,xm,xt) is a function of time and of the m Ito process x1,x2,…,xm, where dxi=ai(x1,x2,…,xm,t)dt+bi(x1,x2,…,xm,t)dzi,i=1,…, m,with E(dzidzj)= ρijdt.Then Ito’s Lemma gives the defferential dF as Suppose 2 F F 1 F dF dt i dxi i j dxi dx j t xi 2 xi x j Examples Suppose F(x,y)=xy, where x and y each follow geometric Brownian motions: dx=axxdt+bxxdzx dy=ayydt+byydzy with E(dzxdzy)=ρdt. What’s the process followed by F(x,y) and by G=logF? dF=xdy+ydx+dxdy =(ax+ay+ ρbxby)Fdt+(bxdzx+bydzy)F dG= (ax+ay-1/2bx2-1/2by2)dt+bxdzx+bydzy