Appraisal Process at DIS - Deira International School

& Shukran (for coming…!)
Appraisal and
Target/Objective/Goal Setting
Colin Bibby
September 2013
Aims of the Presentation
 To provide an informal information session on the revised
Appraisal Process at DIS.
 To understand the purposes of Appraisal at DIS
 To look at suggestions which might help improve the quality
of your objectives.
Appraisal: why?
All professions are now committed to staff appraisal processes of
some kind.
For KHDA and all other school inspection
processes (e.g. CIS) the Director and SMT
need to have reliable information about
the teaching and learning taking place in
As with those inspection teams, lesson
observation is a key SMT element of
gaining that reliable information.
Appraisal: why?
• Appraisal is a long established process aimed at verifying good
practice performance levels and self development opportunities.
• This is NOT a process designed to “expose” staff
• You have all been hand-picked for your roles
• It costs ESOL 50,000 GBP to employ a new teacher…
 Bearing all this in mind, it makes sense to make this as
positive a process as possible for all concerned.
Integrated Planning
The Appraisal process sits within,
and supports the strategic school
and department / year group
planning and organisation processes:
Strategic Plan
Annual Plan
Department or
Year Group
Development Plan
CPD & Appraisal
Appraisal: improvement - analysis - cpd
“The fundamental aim of teacher appraisal at DIS is to improve
student learning.”
“To do this, the appraisal processes must analyse teaching on the
basis of what students are learning…
…effectively integrating teacher evaluation (appraisal) and staff
development processes with school improvement.”
DIS Teacher Appraisal Policy Document 2013
CPD School Policy Document
“DIS encourages its professional staff to participate in staff
development opportunities…”
“DIS recognises the right of all teachers to to seek continual
improvement in their teaching and management practices.”
CPD Policy Aim: to identify the professional development needs
both of the school and each individual teacher to facilitate
improved teaching and learning.
DIS CPD Policy
Appraisal: make this a positive exercise…
It’s a professional opportunity!
The Appraisal process provides a framework for you, your
Head of Dept/Phase Leader and SMT to consider how to:
• Develop you professionally.
• Build upon individual & team strengths.
• Provide opportunities to work on areas of development.
• Offer quality time to talk about teaching, learning & cpd.
• Celebrate your contribution and your work within your team.
“Appraisal is a supportive process which will be used
to inform continuing professional development.”
(DIS Appraisal Policy Document 2013)
DIS Appraisal Policy
The full Appraisal Policy documentation comprises:
Appraisal Policy rationale and core information
Form AP1: Self Review, Appraisal Targets & Progress Review
New Teacher Classroom Observation form (as applicable)
DIS Teacher Appraisal Policy
Formal Classroom Observation form (for all)
DIS Teacher Support & Action Plan
Teacher Appraisal Cycle diagram
Teacher Support Triangle
+ DIS Teaching Standards: an essential point of reference…
Appraisal: at a glance…
• Supports all teachers
• Runs over a ‘school year’ cycle from Sept to June
• Offers a self review element
• Provides personal 1-1 discussion opportunities
• Involves setting appropriate targets
• Includes a lesson observation
• Runs with ongoing support from your Head of Dept/Phase Ldr & SMT
• Is designed to be a positive and supportive exercise at all stages
Appraisal & Targets
An ongoing cycle - not an isolated event...
...with that support of your Head of Dept/Phase Ldr & SMT
So, what do I need to do?
1. Familiarise yourself with the policy document
So, what do I need to do?
2. Complete Form AP1, Section A
Your own self-review form - using the DIS Teacher Standards as the
point of reference.
Areas of strength / Areas for development
Professional Development opportunities
to best impact on your development areas
Useful Sources of Evidence/Reference
“Effective Teaching & Learning”
DIS Teaching Standards
Schemes of work
Evidence of lesson planning
Pupils’ work books and folders
Pupils’ assessment and report data
Teacher ‘mark book’
Teacher portfolio
CEMS data
Subject reviews
Policy documents
SEN information
Summative examination data
Student feedback
Useful Sources of Evidence/Reference
“Professional Characteristics”
• CPD records
• Participation in meetings
• Extra curricular involvement
• Pupil reports and reviews
• Contact with parents
• Other?
“A teacher’s contribution to school life and his/her professionalism
also contribute to the assessment of teacher performance.”
(DIS Appraisal Policy Document 2013)
Teacher Appraisal & Support Triangle
This is neatly set out in the Teacher Appraisal & Support Triangle brings
your attention to 3 key areas:
1. Students’ engagement, progress and attainment
2. Professional expectations and Teacher’s contribution to school life
3. Appraisal and professional development
What else do I need to do?
AP1, Section B: Professional Growth Targets
Ahead of your target-setting meeting, consider the areas of development
that you may wish to focus on during the year.
During the meeting, engage in productive discussion with your HoD/PL/SMT
member with a view to formulating relevant target objectives.
Focus on the actual target and the success criteria (more later)
What else do I need to do?
4. Work away at your objectives during the course of the year,
updating your HoD/PL (informally) along the way.
What about the lesson observation?
• SMT will inform your HoD/PL of the week in which teachers
within your section are to be observed.
• Agreement with all parties concerned will be reached with regard to
the exact lesson to be observed.
• Ahead of your lesson observation, complete a formal lesson plan and
make this available to your Head of Dept / Phase Leader
• Study the Formal Classroom Observation proforma
in order to be clear about the areas being monitored
within the observation
• Remember that all judgements are made in direct
conjunction with the DIS Teaching Standards
What does my
Head of Dept / Phase Leader / SMT member do?
• Confirms the precise lesson to be observed (in conjunction with SMT)
and clarify any issues relating to this.
• Observes your lesson and complete the Formal Classroom Observation form
using the DIS Teaching Standards.
• Provides a suitably private environment to be used for observation feedback
(and, at the end of the year, for reviewing your performance).
• Gives oral and written feedback to be given as soon as possible (and no later
than 3 working days after the observation).
• Maintains appropriate confidentiality throughout.
“All observations will be carried out in a positive manner
within an atmosphere of support and cooperation.”
(DIS Appraisal Policy Document 2013)
End of Year: Reviewing Performance
Form AP1, Section C: Professional Growth Review
The end of year sees your overall performance reviewed
by your HoD/PL/SMT member
Both oral and written feedback is provided as part of the Professional
Growth review. This includes:
• A self review of your key target successes and further discussion on
this with your HoD / PL / SMT member.
• A review of your teaching performance set against:
- the DIS teaching standards
- the Teacher Support Triangle
• An opportunity for you to record your final review thoughts and to
identify any ongoing areas you may wish to develop during the
subsequent year.
OK, so that’s the process…, what about good target setting?
Setting targets: what requirements?
• A minimum of one and no more three objectives is appropriate.
• Wherever 3 are agreed, these are likely to be one of each of:
Whole school / Departmental or Year Group / Individual.
• Objectives will reflect the experience and responsibilities held by the
teacher concerned.
• These may be revised as the year unfolds if circumstances change
(eg. change of responsibility)
• All teachers are assessed against the latest DIS Teaching Standards
• More notable concerns may lead to additional observations and extra
support being identified.
In very simple terms…
But what about effective targets?
“Effective goal or target setting involves formulating
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time
bound objectives…
…Additionally, it is important to be listing out tasks to
This should be aimed at achieving things and improving
upon previous behaviours.”
Locke & Latham (1981)
Let’s look at this more carefully…
Target Setting
Good targets should:
• Be challenging and achievable - at your level.
• Be integrated into the existing development planning cycle.
• Make sure there is a clear ‘destination point’ which ensures
that you will know that you have completed your objective.
• Set out the ‘road to be taken’ - the ‘process stepping stones’.
• Have clearly understood success criteria.
• Be time-related, manageable and responsibility-appropriate.
• Incorporate ongoing monitoring / review procedures.
S.M.A.R.T. is recommended
SMART is recommended…
“Effective goal or target setting involves formulating
Time bound targets…
…additionally, it is important to be listing out tasks to complete.
This should be aimed at achieving things and improving upon
previous behaviours.”
Locke & Latham (1981)
Writing Good Targets
Verb - a ‘finished outcome’ verb.
Theme - what is to be addressed?
Result - with what precise outcome?
Using S.M.A.R.T.
Eg: A target for Ian Temple?:
“To implement the revised DIS Appraisal Policy for all Secondary
staff by the end of September 2013 and to take responsibility for
the completion of a full Secondary School cycle in accordance
with the Policy by the end of June 2014.”
Outcome verbs for Good Targets
Consider starting your target with a strong ‘outcome’ verb:
E.g. “To implement the DIS Appraisal policy….
 ‘Finished Outcome’ verbs include:
complete / put in place / introduce / implement / establish / produce / embed
“To complete, by the end of week 2, a presentation for
the in-house workshop programme on the revised DIS
appraisal process and the setting of good objectives.
Outcome verbs for Good Targets
 Avoid weaker, more general verbs like:
discuss / consider / look at / encourage / promote / read
 Be wary of vague verbs that are hard to quantify:
review / research / increase awareness of / raise the profile of
Vague verbs
Agreed objective  stepping stones
1. Write out your agreed objective
“To complete, by the end of week 2, a presentation for the in-house
workshop programme on the revised DIS appraisal process and the
setting of good objectives.
2. Break down the whole objective into stepping stones
and set these out in a list (“success criteria” or “process
Now think of your stepping stones
2. Stepping stones - To achieve this objective I will:
• Meet with Ian Temple to agree the focus and content of the presentation
• Refer back to previous appraisal work I have undertaken in the past
• Consult relevant reference sites for the latest input on this subject
• Complete draft 1 of the presentation
• Keep an eye throughout of the passing days…
• Meet again with Ian Temple to discuss the content of draft 1
• Amend the presentation in light of this meeting
• Complete by the end of week 2, as per the objective timeline.
DIS Appraisal Summary
Key components in the DIS Appraisal process include:
 willing engagement: an opportunity for professional growth
 thorough preparation and planning (for your targets and lessons)
 good knowledge of DIS teaching standards
 study of the Teacher Appraisal & Support Triangle
 S.M.A.R.T. objectives
 good quality observations and prompt feedback
 positive culture allowing for open debate
“Appraisal is a supportive process which will be used
to inform continuing professional development.”
Exit Task…
Before leaving, write out ONE full target that could be applicable
to your current situation for this academic year…
NB: this is a ‘practice’ only and does NOT constitute any commitment!!
Thank you
Any comment or questions?...
Colin Bibby
CPD Manager
Deira International School