final paper for thinga ma jinga

Choosing a College
Submitted by the Mighty G Thunder Dʼs
Starlee Hutchings
Ariel Zimmerman
Ashley Allen
Wayne Gold
Jordan Atkin
Salt Lake Community College COMM 1010-17
Instructor: Shirene McKay
November 16, 2011
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Project Description………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Problem Question………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Analyzing the Problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5-8
Setting Criteria………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Brainstorming Solutions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8,9
Analyzing the
Works Cited………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Appendix I: Mighty G Thunder D Team Contract………………………………………………………………………………13
Appendix II: Solution Analysis Chart…………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
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Executive Summary
The following report details a proposed solution to the problem placed before our group, “The
Mighty G, Thunder D's,” and our thought process in arriving at a solution. After thinking over with our
own experiences and others, we came up with ideas and solutions, as to how to choose a college. The
problem we chose was, trying to find a college to attend whether it be right out of high school or
transferring after receiving a degree. The goal of the group was to find a simple solution of steps to take
into consideration, when choosing a school that best fit our Avatar (Wayne)
We worked a lot during in-class meetings, and brought a lot of research and our own
experiences to discuss what we felt was most important. We chose colleges of different kinds, tuition,
majors, programs, sports, housing, etc. We thought of many situations anyone could be in, instead of
the general “living at home and wanting to save money” type scenario.
Our solution was Southern Utah University because it offers a great Health Science program for
Wayne. He can receive financial aid and/or scholarships to help pay with tuition. He can live on his own,
it's far enough away that he can still travel back home when he needs to.
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Project Description:
For this project we have formed a group of five students from the COMM 1010 class. Our group
name is the “Mighty Gangster Thunder Dolphins” As a group we were given a few different options to
choose for the team project assignment. We chose to do case #12 which is “Choosing the best College”
We chose this study because most of are going through a process of deciding which college is best for us
after SLCC. We are gaining perspective from many different points of view. We are acting as a group
choosing which college would be the best to attend. We have put together an avatar (Wayne) who
would like to go far away from SLCC. He has an interest in going into the Health Science field and has
had a taste of a variety of majors. He is willing to spend 75,000 for the 5 years that he will be attending
school to get his major. He is planning on getting scholarships, pell grants, and student loans to help pay
for school. Everyone has been committed to help our group succeed.
All perspectives and views will be taken into account. In order to come together as a group and
create a plan for which college Wayne should choose, we have had several different effective meetings.
We met before class and in class. We have also been in contact through text and email. By taking on
individual roles, doing research, and intently discussing the issue in depth, we have come together as a
very effective team in order to what we believe is the best solution for choosing a college.
The method used to come to a solution for this project was reflective thinking and more
specifically the PAC_BOY acronym which uses a multi-step approach to decision making processes. This
type of decision making process is beneficial to many because of its sectionalized structure which allows
for easy distribution of work and foreseeing progress along with compiling flow charts to regulate
Problem defined
Our problem put simply is to choose a university for undergraduate work after the completion
of schooling at Salt Lake Community College that our avatar can afford and would be most beneficial for
their education.
Analyze the problem
As individuals and then as a group we analyzed the problem from several elements including the
characteristics, stakeholders, history then finally related policies and politics. After each group member
gathered information from a variety of sources we rejoined as a group and discussed our findings and
what elements would be important to our chosen avatar.
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Determine the Criteria
After considering many element of importance, we narrowed our criteria down to four points
that must be met for success.
1. Far away
2. Health science
3. Cost no more than 75,000
4 .Scholarships to finance cost including but not limited to;
A. Pell grants
B. Student loans
C. School scholarships
Brainstorm possible solutions
The majority of one meeting was spent brainstorming possible universities that would meet our
criteria and after creating a lengthy list cut it down to six universities.
1. U of U
2. Foreign Universities
3. SUU
4. Dixie
5. USC
6. UNY
Organize your ideas into a chart in which you evaluate each solution in terms of how well it
meets your criteria
Further research for each university and in one case a number of foreign universities, we
organized our possible solutions into a chart that revealed that the University of Utah was the best
match in general.
Say “Yes” to a solution
Transfer to Southern Utah University, implement using web transfer guide available at
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Part I: Problem Question
We came up with an open-ended question for the posed problem of which college would be the
best for Wayne, which we chose as a group. If we would have stated it as a closed question we knew it
would have been difficult for the overall presentation to run smoothly; it would not make for group
discussion and it would be impractical to target possible solutions with a one-worded answer.
Our final question is: “what would be the best approach to choosing a college with all the right
criteria to fit Wayne’s needs?”
Part II: Analysis of the Problem
It was interesting to see how our group discussed the pros and cons of our problem and
solutions as we started dissecting them. We are from different backgrounds and many of us are in
different parts of our lives. We all have different experiences and different stories to tell, therefore we
knew we would all have different points of view on the issue. We knew we would eventually become
one and bring suggestions to the table and we were going to have to work together at coming up with a
solution, not only to satisfy the members of our group but to satisfy Wayne, his family and his friends.
We were definitely not in danger of getting wrapped up in group-think. Once we started feeling more
comfortable around each other and seeing how the others worked, it became easier to compromise in
certain areas and give constructive feedback.
A. Characteristics
Like any good open-ended question, there were positive and negative characteristics to our
problem. As we talked about our problem, and did a little bit of research, we discovered that there are
issues within the realm of choosing which college will be the best for Wayne. We came up with some
characteristics that could possibly be symptoms of our current issue. We wanted to know if the school
we would be choosing would have the major that Wayne is searching for. Would this school allow
Wayne to explore new options? We also looked to see if Wayne would be meeting new people, (which
he wanted to do) and came to a conclusion that no matter where he went he would meet new people.
Also, with any good problem there are pros and cons. Wayne was very nervous that he would
make the wrong decision. It was our responsibility to make sure that Wayne chose the college that
would best suit him. He wanted to make sure that he could afford it with all the different resources he
would have. He was also worried that the school wouldn’t have the major that he wanted. To make sure
we had everything he wants, we did more research to make this decision more precise.
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B. Stakeholders
What persons of groups of persons are affected by this problem? How does this
problem impact each group? What are each group’s goals? (Think outside the box. Include as
many different sets of stakeholders as you can think of.)
Yourself (the individual) as well as the individuals’ future family.
C. History
There wasn't much to say about history when it comes to choosing which college to go to. The
only sources we could choose from is asking others why they chose the college they did.
Some would always say the cost as in: In-state or out-of-state tuition. Some give scholarships of
all kinds, and others don't. There is financial aid, but out of everyone, apply and receive it. For example,
BYU. if you're a member it’s easier to apply and get in, also if you are an individual with seminary credit
or not effects the outcome. BYU-Idaho is a private college, but still requires religious credit as well. Some
colleges are really far and out in the middle of nowhere, it depends on where the college is located.
Is it an hour away from home, or four hours? This would affect Wayne depending on if he has a
car or not. Some students like to be close to their families, and others don't.
Another factor is the programs and majors/degrees they offer, whether they hold something
that leads you to your profession or not is usually the biggest reason why someone chooses to transfer
or not to transfer.
D. Policies and Politics
Choosing a four year college to transfer to has a number of political considerations including but
not limited to often wanting a separate college for each level of degree, emphasis of studies at differing
universities religious and political affiliations of many universities.
Which university a student attends says something about many of these aspects
reflected in the student, such as the highly conservative and LDS influences at Brigham Young
University which is mirrored by the politically liberal arts school of Knox College.
In addition to atmosphere for many career fields such as health, medicine or law there is a
certain level of “snobbery” involved and degrees from schools that are more expensive or elite are
highly valued by employers. Having a degree from BYU may mean a lot to an employer that is an LDS
businessman but perhaps much less or even be negative to another employer whom is agnostic or tends
to be more liberal.
To summarize the general feel of a specific desired market or typical view point of
potential employers should be considered when choosing a university so that what school you
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attend has the most benefit for you as where you receive your degree from says something
about you just don’t want it to be the wrong thing.
Wayne talked to his father and other friends and family members, about which college he should
attend. Wayne lives in Salt Lake near his family and is wondering whether or not he wants to leave Utah,
or stay close his family.
Waynes father suggested that he try to find a college outside of Utah to attend. He wants his son to
have a good college experience and have some space and independency. He told him to look for
colleges that had his degree so that he didnʼt waste money on schooling that he didnʼt need.
Wayneʼs mother told him that she wanted him to stay close to home. The University of Utah would be
the best choice for Wayne if he decided to stay home. It has a great health science program. Health
science is the degree that Wayne is studying.
Wayneʼs friend: “I think that Wayne should go to Dixie State. Dixie State not only has a Health Science
degree, but the scenery is also amazing! There are so many things to do and the school program is great.
I have attended Dixie State and the professors are really great. The classes are big, but the professors
are very personable.
We all did research on the top five schools that we chose. The five schools were, Dixie State, SUU, UNY,
USC and a foreign school. We researched which of the five schools had the best health science program,
which one was closest to his home, which one was furthest away.
We had to make a choice on which school to go to based on a couple different things. Which school had
his degree. Whether or not Wayne wanted to go to a school close to home and his friends and family.
Or whether he wanted to get away for college and build a life of his own. Most of our research we did
online. We looked at each colleges homepage, and went into each website and look at the information
provided. Every website had a significant amount of information about the school education program,
extracurricular activities, sports etc. Looking at any colleges website would be more beneficial than any
other resource.
Part III: Criteria
As a group, we misunderstood the purpose of the criteria and directed them toward us, as a
group instead of toward the solutions. Hence we had to reevaluate our criteria. Understanding the
intent of the criteria helped us to realize the significance of the criteria in seeking a solution. This
simplified our search for the best solution possible.
The first few criteria were gleaned from the case study suggestions for this particular case. We
also added criteria that we felt would be important considerations in coming to a fair solution for all.
A. Our goal was to come up with a realistic solution that would satisfy the student.
B. Specific criteria:
1. Finding a college or University that Is a far distance away from home. Such as an out of state or
foreign establishment.
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Has a positive, fun, and active atmosphere. With a large student body and many activities.
Contains small class sizes for better learning environment.
Would be easy to gain scholarships, pell grants, student loans, free money etc.
Is realistic
Will not be a financial burden for the student. We plan on categorizing a school that would cost
$75,000 overall on all four years of schooling.
7. Has large variety of desired courses to be taken.
8. Has great health science courses
Part IV: Brainstorming Possible Solutions
Our group had fun brainstorming different ideas of what schools to attend. With some
interesting ideas but knowing we did not want to turn many ideas down, we all participated; we felt
more comfortable about speaking up and saying the first suggestion that popped into our minds.
Here are some solutions we came up with:
We have chosen 6 of our favorite or desired real colleges to attend and then reasons to attend
1. SUU
2. University of Utah
3. Dixie State College
4. SCU
5. University of Berlin
6. University of New York
7. Must be cost effective for a majority of people to afford.
8. Has your specific degree. (Bachelors degree.)
9. The establishment must have specific programs of interest.
10. Feel comfortable in an environment.
11. Infrastructure
12. The job market surrounding in the area must be a good market. Plentiful of jobs.
13. Political, social, religious.
Part V: Solution Analysis
A. List of possible Solutions
o Health Science courses
o Up to $75,000 tops for all four years of schooling.
o Easy to apply for / gain scholarships, pell grants, student loans, free money, etc.
o Far away from home. Very far distance to be independent and on your own.
B. Chart
We completed a chart based on an avatar we created narrowing our solutions against the
criteria we chose. Solutions are listed across the top, while criteria are descending on the left.
We ranked each solution on a scale of 0-5, with 0 meaning that the solution did not meet the
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criteria at all, while 5 implies that it meets the criterion completely. Scores were totaled to rank
which solutions ranked highest against our criteria.
Of the universities selected Southern Utah University was the most logical decision as it not only met the
success criteria but fit more precisely then the rest.
SUU is very affordable and getting scholarships is easier than many other schools and since it is
in state I wont be paying out of state tuition allowing me to meet my affordability criteria easily.
Since its founding when SUU started as a teachers training center there have been many
additions to its fields of studies and one of the most aggressive expansions has been their health
sciences department which means many options to choose from; including physical education, sports
specific training, parks and recreation management and degrees intended for preparation for post
graduate work in medicine.
Lastly the most subjective and fickle of my main criteria is meet with the location of cedar city in
southern university. This is a very similar climate to my home in Salt Lake but allows me to get away just
a bit from my family and perhaps focus more on my studies and leisure activities yet is still close enough
to easily go home for holidays and receive some support and visits from my family. I wanted something
that could provide a mixture of benefits; the best of both worlds.
Possible drawbacks
1. If scholarships are pulled or other funding is lacking then I could be put in an awkward position
being far away from home and left with little support
2. Less infrastructure for pre-med school and no doctorates in medicine possibly creating fewer
relations and a less powerful college education
To mitigate these potential issues, safeguards will need to be put in place, for the first one could discuss
a backup plan with his brother whom will most likely drive him to cedar city and friends that have
already attending SUU. As for the second he will need to actively try to grow connections leading to
other university programs if he wishes to make an easier time of med school, should he choose to go.
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Part VI: Implementation of the Solution
This will be the easiest element of the whole project. Not only does SUU have an enrollment program
and guides to help make the transitions from application to registration but Wayne has already gone
through most the of the processes at SLCC and is a member of a free transfer planning
tool for members of Phi Theta Kappa honors society.
In conclusion, choosing a university is a difficult decision that takes time and careful planning.
Each student has different needs and no single answer is best for anyone and thus our creation of an
avatar. There will always be possible drawbacks which also raises the age old issue of how best to live?
For Wayne, t he best way to live is a way of life that provides him security along with fulfillment
through meaningful work that engages him and enlightens his understanding of the world every day.
This standard of living combined with a love of learning prompts Wayne to spend lots of time learning
and going to school. All of which is supported by the decision for him to attend Southern Utah
University after he is finished at Salt Lake Community College.
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Works Cited
"About’s Transfer Planning Tools." College Fish, 2011. Web. 23 Nov.
2011. <>.
"Academic Schools and Departments D." Dixie State College of Utah. Dixie State College, 2011. Web. 23
Nov. 2011. <>.
"Academics: Majors | SUU." Southern Utah University - Cedar City, Utah. Southern Utah University,
2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. <>.
"Keck Academic Resources." Academic Resources. University of South Carolina, 2011. Web. 23 Nov.
2011. <>.
"Master’s Degree Programs in English." Masters Degrees. University of Hamburg, 18 Nov. 2011. Web. 23
Nov. 2011. <>.
"Thinking about Applying to NYU?" Graduate Education. New York University, 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.
"University College Advising - Majors." Student Affairs - The University of Utah. 2011. Web. 23 Nov.
2011. <
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Appendix I: Might y G Thunder D Team Contract
Team Members: Ariel, Wayne, Starlee , Ashley and Jordan
Team Norms
(Relational): 1. Every member of the group give input to make final decision.
2. Be respectful, let each team member finish what they are saying.
3. Have fun while doing this project together!! Take a chill-ax pill!
(Task): 1. Text, Email, Notifications.
2. Come prepared each meeting.
3. Set agenda and accomplish all goals.
Member Relational Roles:
Tension Reliever: Jordan
Encourager: Ashley
Listener: Starlee
Compromiser: Ariel
Harmonizer: Wayne
Member Roles:
Leader: Wayne
Recorder: Jordan
Editor: Ariel
Listener: Starlee
Listener: Ashley
Team Contract Analysis
Are your norms and roles realistic?
Is EVERY member willing and able to abide by them?
Have you set up a way to enforce these norms and roles?
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Appendix II: Solutions Analysis Chart
University of
Pell grants,
Loans etc.
Dixie State
U of U
Foreign Universities
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