Chapter 4-5 reviewsheet

Chapter 4 Atomic structure
1. What are the 4 parts of Dalton’s Atomic Theory?
2. What was Rutherford’s experiment? What did he discover?
3. What are the 3 subatomic particles?
4. What is the nucleus of an atom?
5. Where is almost all the mass of the atom located?
6. What charge is a proton? Where is it located?
7. What charge is an electron? Where is it located?
8. What charge is a neutron? Where is it located?
9. What is the atomic number of an atom?
10. What is the atomic number for: a) Au b)Fe c) He d) O e) K
11. What is the mass number for an atom?
12. How do you calculate the number of neutrons for an atom?
13. What is an isotope?
14. What is the difference between oxygen-16 and oxygen-17?
15. How can an atom be neutral if it contains charged particles?
16. What is a group on the periodic table?
17. What is a period on the periodic table?
18. What is average atomic mass? How is it calculated?
19. P 117 # 23—24 calculate average atomic mass.
Chapter 5 electrons in atoms
20. What is an energy level?
21. What is the electron cloud model?
22. What is an atomic orbital?
23. What is an electron configuration?
24. What are the three rules for electron configurations?
25. What is a valence electron?
26. How do you know how many valence electrons an atom has?
27. Draw the diagonal rule.
28. What elements have exceptional configurations? (6)
29. Write electron configurations for the following elements:
a. P z=15
b. Cs z=55
c. Au z=79
d. Eu z=63
e. Zn z=30
30. Tell the number of electrons in the outer energy level of elements in question 29.