
BY: John C. Meagan B. Matt F. Dalton
C. Kalob S.
Key Terms
• Amphibians- an ectodermic vertebrate that
spends its early life in water and its adult life
form of a frog or a toad.
• Lung- an organ found in air breathing.
• Atrium- each of the two upper chambers
Common characteristics
They all have sticky pads on their feet.
Skin covered with mucus.
They are cold blooded.
Use stinky tug to get food.
They have eardrums.
Internal conditions stable
• Amphibians are cold blooded so when they
get cold they get out in the sun. When it is hot
they go in the shade. Some of them hibernate.
They reproduce by going to the water. Adult
frog’s reproduce sexually, then eggs are
fertilized outside the females body. Tadpoles
from eggs, then hind legs develop, then front
legs develop, then the tail absorbs and
development is complete.
Circulatory system/oxygen
A tadpole circulatory system is a single loop and
a heart with two chamber’s. An adult
circulatory system is two loops, one heart, and
three chamber’s. They get oxygen when they
are in the water and they get the oxygen out
of the water. When they are a adult their gill
don't help them get oxygen so they get it from
the air.
• Amphibians move in a variety of ways.
Some amphibians live in water,
especially in the larvae stage. Also
some amphibians live on land, and fins
do not live on land. They have to use
limps which are very muscular.
Types of Organisms
• Frogs which are the largest group of
amphibians have very strong legs for jumping.
They are also carnivores or meat eaters.
• Toads which are different from frogs have
short legs for short jumps. They also have
rough skin made of scales
• Salamanders are the only group that have
tails, do not move the same as the others they
Other Interesting Facts
Amphibians larvae’s at herbivores than grow up to
be carnivores.
They are 4,000 kinds of amphibians.
3 classes in order:
Anuran , caudate, gymnophior
Amphibian means “ double life” and “ 2 lives”.
Reproduce in the water.
22- 24 families.
3 major groups : frogs ,salamanders, and toads.
Works cited
• It’s a frogs life Densey Clyne 1995 Pg. 29
• Encyclopedia Pg. 63 1996 Dailey
• The amphibians and reptiles of Missouri
Jordon 1987 pg. 108
• http://www.livingunderworldorg/bioloy/