Entrepreneurship Invention & Innovation

Invention & Innovation
What is Invention?
Invention is a product or
process that does something
that has never been done
Inventors are not always
entrepreneurs and not all
entrepreneurs are inventors.
Inventors thrive on
experimentation and
Examples of Inventions which
changed life as we know it…
Mobile Phone
Steam Engine
Light Bulb
What is Innovation?
Innovation means using new
technology, materials, or
processes to improve on
existing products or on how
they are produced and
Innovators are more often
entrepreneurs and become
motivated on expanding and
improving on products, which
have already been invented.
A few things Innovators do to
improve a product…
Changing how a product
is used
Changing the packaging
Changing the marketing
Changing the
distribution process
Changing the design
Changing the
manufacturing process.
Patently Absurd Inventions!
 Look
at the following inventions and
discuss whether:
A) They’re a good invention or not
B) Would you buy this product? What would
you pay?
C) How could you innovate the product to
make it more marketable?
#1 - The Alarm Fork
Quit inhaling your food! Slow down, take a break and
give your food some time to settle. Slower eating leads
to feeling full before you've devoured an entire ten
course meal. Less food, less weight gain. And we're
here to help, with the amazing Alarm Fork!
You can only eat when your fork gives you the green
light. The fork sensors cue the fork to emit a red light
once you’ve eaten some food. Wait for the green light to
come back on, and eat again.
#2 - The Toilet Snorkel
This guy is using the new breathe-easy, Toilet Snorkel, formulated
to provide a fresh air source during fires in high rise buildings.
In most fires, it's the smoke that will get you, and a source of fresh
air can be a life saver. So our inventor designed a way to snake a
snorkel through the zigs and zags of your toilet, so you can breathe
sewer air instead of smoke.
Couldn't he have, just as easily, invented the Faucet Snorkel
#3 – The Geek Pouch
Life is full of stuff and when you are on the move, you need a way to
keep your stuff handy. Stuff like your cell phone, your ipod, your itty
bitty mini computer, some extra memory sticks and your MVS (most
valuable stuff). Who knew that wallets and pockets would become
passé in the face of the forearm friendly Geek Pouch.
Now here's the really scary part: the inventor suggests the Geek
Pouch is ideal for holding your mini-keypad so you can use it while
operating your vehicle
#4 – Floating Furniture
This lighter than air furniture can be levitated with helium gas and
stored on your ceiling when you're not using it!
Need a nap? Just grab the tether rope (see item no. 34) and pull
your bed down from the ceiling. Imagine, you will never have to
make your bed or clear off the dinner table again! Simply inflate
your furnishings and messy beds and untidy tables are out of
site! Just be sure the pets don't get trapped between the sofa and
the ceiling.
#5 – Butt Cleavage Pants
Pants with cutouts in the rear to show off your rear.
Oh sure, you could pull your low rider jeans down a notch and flash
some BC, but the inventor says that's just uncomfortable and his
high waisted pants allow you to show some skin and still keep your
pants up without constant tugging. We're not sure if this style is
meant to be unisex (please, no!) and we're adopting the slogan,
"Just say no to crack".
Yes, that's a Chevy logo cutout in the green pants. Makes one heck
of an interesting tan line.