+ Les 5 Accents Français The 5 French Accent Marks + The 5 French Accents are: 1. Accent Aigu (é) 2. Accent Grave (è) 3. Accent Circonflexe (ê) 4. “C” cédille (ç) 5. Tréma (ë) + Accent Aigue (é) Most popular of the French accents Makes the “AY” sound (“play”) Only found on the letter “e” Slants from top right to bottom left (é) Examples – “bébé”, “décembre”, “février” + Accent Grave (à) Second most popular Used on the vowels “a, e and u” Defines the meaning between words that sound the same (“à” = at / “a” = has) or (“ou” = or/ “où” – where) Gives the letter “e” a short sound as in “let” Slants from top left to bottom right Examples – “mère”, “problème”, “crème”, “à”, “où” + Accent Circonflexe (ê) Found over the vowels “a, e, i, o, u”. Lengthens the vowel sound Looks like a teepee tent Examples – “tête”, “hôtel”, “dîner” + “C” cédille –ça va? Found only under the letter “c” before the vowels “a, o, u” Gives “c”an “s” sound Changes a hard “c” to a soft “c” sound Written as the bottom/hook half of the number “5” Examples – “français”, “ça va?”, “leçon” + Le Tréma - Haïti Makes sure that each vowel has its own pronunciation Found over the letter “e, i, and u” Two parallel dots Least popular accent Examples – “Noël”, “Hawaï”