Bottom Row Typing Lesson: Improve Your Keyboard Skills

Introduction Text
Now that you are feeling comfortable with the
Home Row and Top Row keys, we will move to
the Bottom Row. We will start out with the
index fingers reaching down to the V and M
Exercise #1 - Index fingers: V and M
vvv mmm vvv mmm vvv mmm vv mm vvm
mmv vvm mvm vmv
mmm vvv mmm vvv mmm vvv mm vv mmv
vvm mmv vmv mvm
Help Text
Time for your first punctuation! Using your
middle finger, reach down to the C and ,
keys. Practice this a few times before starting
the lesson.
Exercise #2 - Middle fingers: C and ,
ccc ,,, ccc ,,, ccc ,,, ccc ,,, cc ,, cc ,, c, c,
,,, ccc ,,, ccc ,,, ccc ,,, ccc ,, cc ,, cc ,c c,
Help Text
Moving on down the keyboard, you will now be
introduced to the X and . keys. While the X
isn't a common letter, you will be typing the .
key plenty, so this is a great exercise to
Exercise #3 - Ring fingers: X and .
xxx ... xxx ... xxx ... xxx ... xx .. xx .. x. .x
... xxx ... xxx ... xxx ... xxx .. xx .. xx .x x.
Help Text
Its pinky time! You will now be typing Z and /
(a.k.a. slash or forward slash). These are two of
the hardest keys to type, so feel free to practice
this one multiple times! Luckily you don't need
to type them very often.
Exercise #4 - Pinkie fingers: Z and /
zzz /// zzz /// zzz /// zzz /// zz // zz // z/ /z
/// zzz /// zzz /// zzz /// zzz // zz // zz /z z/
Help Text
Now that you're worked all your fingers out, we
will be moving back to the index fingers to
learn the B and N keys.
Exercise #5 - Index fingers: B and N
bbb nnn bbb nnn bbb nnn bb nn bbn nnb bbn
nbn bnb
nnn bbb nnn bbb nnn bbb nn bb nnb bbn nnb
bnb nbn
Help Text
Hey that wasn't so bad was it? Now that you've
practiced each finger individually, you will be
practicing all the bottom row keys mixed
Make sure you are keeping any finger that is
not actively reaching for a key on the Home
Row at all times!
Exercise #6 - Back and forth fun
vvv mmm ccc ,,, xxx ... zzz /// bbb nnn vm c, x.
vmc, c,x. x.z/ /z.x .x,c ,cmv mvnb bnbn nbmv
vvmm cc,, xx.. zz// zzxxccvv //..,,mm bbnnvvm
Exercise #7 - Patterns patterns patterns
zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb
Exercise #8 - Left handed fun
Exercise #9 - Right handed fun
Exercise #10 - Again, left handed!
vzx bzxcvx bx czxc bbczxc bczx czxc bcz xcvz
x cbz xcx xcbbvx zx zvx xcvzxv b bbbxc zxvcz
Exercise #11 - And right hand go!
nmn, ,./,, n,n ./., nnmm,,n nnnmm,. //., /.,, nm
nn, ../ .,, nm,n mmn ,.. , nn,m .., nnnmm
Exercise #12 - Why not a little more left hand?
zxcvz bcxzx cbz zxcbz zxcbz zxxxccbbz zxcvb
Exercise #13 - Mixy Drillz!
zc xcvbn, .,nn ,./z x..,nb vm c,x/z.xn bnc ,x z/x
Congratulations Text
You have completed the Bottom
Row lesson. If you are moving
contiguously through the
lessons, then you may still feel a bit shaky on
each of the rows, but that is fine. The next
lesson will begin with the Home Row and
branch out slowly. Hey, these are beginner
lessons after all!
You're doing great.