A&P I 2015 Exam 2 Name 1) The cuticle around a nail is the A

A&P I 2015 Exam 2 Name __________________________________________________
1) The cuticle around a nail is the
A) eponychium.
B) hyponychium.
C) free edge.
D) perinychium.
E) lunula.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-9
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
2) Which of the following are not components of the skeletal system?
A) tendons
B) bones
C) ligaments
D) cartilage
E) other tissues that connect bones
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
3) The carpal bones are examples of ________ bones.
A) long
B) short
C) flat
D) irregular
E) sesamoid
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
4) Which of the following labels best matches osteocyte?
A) stem cell
B) dissolves matrix
C) mature bone cell
D) secretes organic matrix
E) immature bone cell
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 6-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
5) The type of bone that is adapted to withstand stresses that arrive from many directions is
________ bone.
A) spongy
B) osteon
C) compact
D) lamellar
E) irregular
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
6) Which of the following is a characteristic of bone?
A) The bone matrix is very dense and contains deposits of calcium salts.
B) The matrix of the bone contains osteoclasts and chondroblasts.
C) Narrow channels pass through the matrix to allow for muscle attachment.
D) The matrix of bone is mostly collagen with very little calcium.
E) For strength, compact bone is organized into a meshwork of matrix called trabeculae.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Figure 6-1 The Structure of Compact Bone
Use Figure 6-1 to answer the following questions:
7) Which structure is called an osteon?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
8) Which structure is characteristic of spongy bone?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
9) The structure labeled "3" is the result of which process?
A) bone cells adding matrix between existing osteons
B) surface growth of bone
C) remodeling of compact bone
D) remodeling of spongy bone
E) osteoporosis
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
10) Identify the structures labeled "4."
A) concentric lamellae
B) circumferential lamellae
C) interstitial lamellae
D) trabeculae
E) periosteum
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
11) What lines the structure labeled "7"?
A) the endosteum
B) blood vessels
C) the central canal
D) spongy bone
E) trabeculae
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
12) When stress is applied to a bone,
A) the minerals in the bone produce a weak electrical field that attracts osteoblasts.
B) osteoclast activity increases and osteoblast activity decreases.
C) the bone becomes thin and brittle and ultimately fractures.
D) the bone compensates by becoming thinner in the region of stress.
E) blood supply through the nutrient artery diminishes and thus remodeling proceeds at a much
slower rate.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
13) The hormone calcitonin functions to
A) stimulate osteoclast activity.
B) decrease the rate of calcium excretion.
C) decrease the rate of calcium absorption.
D) decrease the level of calcium ion in the blood.
E) stimulate osteoblasts and inhibit osteoclasts.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 6-8
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
14) A condition in which bone becomes riddled with holes is called
A) osteopenia.
B) osteoporosis.
C) osteomyelitis.
D) osteitis.
E) osteomalacia.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
15) If a tumor secretes high levels of osteoclast-activating factor, which of the following would
you expect to occur as a result of this condition?
A) increases in blood levels of calcium
B) bone fragility
C) decreased bone density
D) increased osteoclast activity
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Application
16) Mary is 50 years old and has entered menopause. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals the
beginnings of osteoporosis. Her physician suggests nutritional therapy. What might she
recommend for Mary?
A) vitamin C
B) vitamin D
C) calcium supplements
D) dairy products
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Application
17) How many bones make up the axial skeleton?
A) 50
B) 60
C) 70
D) 80
E) 90
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 7-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
18) Which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton?
A) provides an attachment for muscles that move the appendicular skeleton
B) provides an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk
C) provides an attachment for muscles involved in respiration
D) provides protection for the brain and spinal cord
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 7-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
19) Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?
A) skull
B) false ribs
C) sternum
D) hyoid
E) pelvic girdle
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 7-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
20) The hard palate of the roof of the mouth is mostly formed by the
A) palatine process of the maxillae.
B) sphenoid bone.
C) nasal bones.
D) zygomatic process.
E) palatine bones.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Figure 7-1 Floor of the Cranial Cavity
Use Figure 7-1 to answer the following questions:
21) Identify the sphenoid bone.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
22) Identify the internal occipital crest.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
23) Which structure encloses the pituitary gland?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
E) 8
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
24) What is the name of the structure labeled "7"?
A) optic canal
B) foramen spinosum
C) foramen rotundum
D) foramen lacerum
E) foramen ovale
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
25) The paranasal sinuses are located in all of the following bones except the
A) frontal.
B) ethmoid.
C) sphenoid.
D) maxillae.
E) zygomatic.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 7-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
26) The role(s) of the sinuses include(s)
A) making the skull lighter.
B) production of mucus that moistens and cleans the air.
C) increasing surface area for gas exchange.
D) extra source of air and increasing surface area for gas exchange.
E) making the skull lighter and production of mucus that moistens and cleans the air.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 7-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
27) The role(s) of the sinuses include(s)
A) making the skull lighter.
B) production of mucus that moistens and cleans the air.
C) increasing surface area for gas exchange.
D) extra source of air and increasing surface area for gas exchange.
E) making the skull lighter and production of mucus that moistens and cleans the air.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 7-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
28) While volunteering in an outpatient clinic for underprivileged families in your neighborhood,
you observe the nurse assessing an infant. The mother had complained about the baby not eating
and having several episodes of diarrhea lasting 3 days. You know the nurse suspects possible
dehydration when she
A) checks the anterior fontanel for depression.
B) points out the dryness of the infant's diaper.
C) checks the infant's reflexes.
D) questions the mother about normal feeding habits.
E) weighs the infant.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 7-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Application
29) The part of the vertebrae that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column is the
A) vertebral arch.
B) vertebral body.
C) articular processes.
D) intervertebral space.
E) transverse process.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 7-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Figure 7-2 Typical Vertebra (inferior view)
Use Figure 7-2 to answer the following questions:
30) Identify the structure labeled "7."
A) transverse process
B) lamina
C) pedicle
D) vertebral body
E) spinous process
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 7-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
31) Identify the structure labeled "3."
A) lateral process
B) spinous process
C) lamina
D) transverse process
E) pedicle
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 7-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
32) The tissue that always has an apical and a basal surface is ________ tissue.
A) epithelial
B) connective
C) muscle
D) basal
E) apical
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 4-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
33) Which tissue lines the small intestine and the stomach?
A) simple squamous epithelium
B) simple cuboidal epithelium
C) simple columnar epithelium
D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
E) stratified squamous epithelium
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
34) Cells that are specialized for secretion
A) have a free surface that is flat.
B) have a small nucleus.
C) are usually squamous.
D) exhibit polarity.
E) are found only in the digestive system.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 4-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
35) Blood is which type of tissue?
A) mesenchyme
B) nerve
C) epithelial
D) muscle
E) connective
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 4-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
36) Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are
A) fibroblasts.
B) macrophages.
C) adipocytes.
D) mast cells.
E) melanocytes.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
37) A tissue with a gel matrix and cells inside lacunae is
A) areolar connective tissue.
B) cartilage.
C) bone.
D) epithelium.
E) dense regular connective tissue.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
38) Microscopic examination of a tissue reveals a loose framework of fibers embedded in a large
volume of fluid ground substance and adipocytes and mast cells fibers. This tissue would most
likely have come from the
A) inner wall of a blood vessel.
B) lungs.
C) spleen.
D) superficial fascia between skin and muscle.
E) bony socket of the eye.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 4-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Application
39) Which of the following refers to the dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle and
blends with the tendon?
A) superficial fascia
B) hypodermis
C) deep fascia
D) subserous fascia
E) subcutaneous layer
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
40) The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle.
A) skeletal
B) cardiac
C) smooth
D) voluntary
E) multinucleated
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-8
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
41) Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue.
A) connective
B) neural
C) areolar
D) osseous
E) epithelial
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-9
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
42) A herniated disc is an injury of the pads of cartilage between the vertebrae in which the
cartilage bulges from normal position. What type of cartilage is affected?
A) mesenchymal
B) fibrous
C) elastic
D) hyaline
E) articular
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
43) The three kinds of formed elements in blood are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and
A) lymphocytes.
B) platelets.
C) phagocytes.
D) plasma cells.
E) mast cells.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
44) The epithelium that lines the body cavities is known as
A) perithelium.
B) myothelium.
C) intrathelium.
D) endothelium.
E) mesothelium.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 4-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
45) ________ support, protect, and nourish nerve cells.
A) Nurse cells
B) Neuroglia
C) Neurons
D) Nurturons
E) Nutrient cells
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-9
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
46) The body's first tissue response to any injury is
A) fever.
B) inflammation.
C) bleeding.
D) shivering.
E) All the above.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
47) Accumulations of fluid within the epidermis or between the epidermis and the dermis is/are
A) keloids.
B) scabs.
C) blisters.
D) scars.
E) pus.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
48) The pigment found in vegetables that can make the skin appear orange or yellow is called
A) cadmium.
B) carotene
C) hemoglobin.
D) keratin.
E) melanin.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
49) Melanin is produced by melanocytes within the stratum
A) corneum.
B) lucidum.
C) granulosum.
D) spinosum.
E) basale.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
50) Four signs useful for determining if a suspicious mark on the skin is melanoma follow the
ABCD mnemonic. Which pairing is incorrect?
A) A - asymmetry
B) B - border
C) C - circumference
D) D - diameter
E) They are all correct
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 5-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
51) Epidermal growth factor exerts which of these effects on the epidermis?
A) promotes cell division
B) stimulates keratin synthesis
C) accelerates tissue repair
D) speeds up glandular function
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
52) The layer of the skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves that are closest to the surface
of the skin is the ________ layer.
A) papillary
B) reticular
C) epidermal
D) subcutaneous
E) hypodermal
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
53) Skin inflammation that primarily involves the papillary layer is termed
A) papillitis.
B) dermatitis.
C) epidermatitis.
D) superficialis.
E) melanocytis.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
54) A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage
A) closes and heals with relatively little scarring.
B) has a tendency to reopen.
C) heals slower than incisions made perpendicular to the lines of cleavage.
D) does not affect the healing process.
E) requires no sutures.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Figure 5-1 The Components of the Integumentary System
Use Figure 5-1 to answer the following questions:
55) From what structure does sensible perspiration occur?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 9
E) 10
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
56) Which layer is the primary barrier against environmental hazards?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
57) Which layer contains most of the accessory structures?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
58) Adipose tissue is a major component of the region labeled
A) 1.
B) 2.
C) 3.
D) 4.
E) 5.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
59) Which tissue is located in the region labeled "2"?
A) stratified squamous epithelium
B) areolar connective tissue
C) adipose tissue
D) cartilage and blood
E) reticular connective tissues
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
60) Variations in hair color reflect differences in the pigment produced by
A) keratinocytes.
B) melanocytes.
C) dermal papillae.
D) soft keratin.
E) carotene cells.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Extra Credit (1 point each)
1) The Pap test for cervical cancer utilizes
A) histology.
B) physiology.
C) anatomy.
D) embryology.
E) exfoliative cytology.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 4-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
2) The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called
A) inflammation.
B) apoptosis.
C) fibrosis.
D) cystosis.
E) necrosis.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
3) A deficiency disease that illustrates the effect of integumentary system function on the
structure of the skeletal system is
A) osteoporosis.
B) seborrheic dermatitis.
C) decubitus ulcers.
D) rickets.
E) beriberi.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
4) While on a school skiing trip in Colorado, Heidi falls and breaks her tibia and fibula in a Pott's
fracture. What would you expect as a prominent part of her clinical assessment several hours
after the fall?
A) hypertension
B) tachycardia
C) erythema
D) hematoma
E) cyanosis
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 6-9
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
5) Your friend Greg is hit in the jaw and when looking at him, his face looks misaligned. You
immediately take him to the emergency room and are not surprised to learn that he has a broken
A) temporal bone.
B) zygomatic bone.
C) mandible.
D) external auditory meatus.
E) clavicle.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 7-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Application