Energy & Metabolism Energy derived from food we eat Released in chemical reactions (metabolism) Transferred into ATP Energy needed: Keep body alive – Heart beating/ breathing/ maintaining temperature etc. BASAL METABOLIC RATE Activity Growth/ repair Reproduction Energy balance Simple Equation Energy intake > Energy usage = Weight Gain Energy intake < Energy usage = Weight Loss Energy intake = Energy usage = No Weight Change Need to be able to measure energy intake, energy usage Energy measurement Bomb calorimeter allows energy intake to be accurately determined Energy Measurement (Food) Carbohydrate 16 kJ.g-1 Energy content of food Fat Measured in BOMB CALORIMETER 37 kJ.g-1 Well insulated box with a thermometer Food is burned in pure oxygen Protein 17 kJ.g-1 Heat given out determined from temperature rise 29 kJ.g-1 Alcohol Energy content of food expressed in – kJ per gram N.B. 1lb (0.5kg) of body fat contains around 15000KJ (3500 calories) Calorie content of food Stella Baileys Beer Vodka 221 129 182 55 Aero Easter Egg Big Mac Quarter Pounder 1109 492 515 Bomb calorimeter allows energy intake to be accurately determined Energy usage – more difficult Direct Calorimetry All energy used by the body ultimately is lost as heat Measurement of heat production by a subject indicates the energy usage Subject placed in a large insulated box Heat exchanger (water flowing through pipes) allows measurement of temperature change in box Very accurate Very expensive and difficult Indirect Calorimetry Majority of energy (ATP) used by body from aerobic respiration. Measure oxygen consumption indicate energy usage by body Inspired air 20.93% oxygen Measure oxygen in expired air (16-18%) & volume of air expired over a given period of time Calculate oxygen consumption 1l oxygen provides approx. 20kJ energy Calculate energy used over period of time Calculation e.g. 100l air expired over 10min 21% O2 inspired air 18% O2 expired air Vol. O2 in inspired air = 21% of 100l = 21l Vol. O2 in expired air= 18% of 100l = 18l Vol. O2 used in 10 min =21-18l = 3l Vol. O2 used per min = 0.3l 1l O2 provides 20kJ energy Energy expenditure = 20 x 0.3 = 6kJ.min-1 Indirect Calorimetry Still extremely accurate Portable respirometers can be worn Energy expenditure for various activities can be measured Values for activities available in published tables Energy usage diary can give good estimate of energy expenditure through a day Correlating HR and EE Oxygen delivered by CV system Linear relationship between HR and O2 consumption (fitness/activity varies slope) Measure HR As Oxygen needs HR Read oxygen consumption from graph Portable HR monitor (wrist watch) Inexpensive, easy, unobtrusive (no face mask, nose clips etc.) Energy needs Age (yrs) Est. Average Energy needs (male) 11-14 9.27 MJ/day 15-18 2218 kcal/day 1847 kcal/day 11.51 MJ/day 8.83 Mj/day 2754 kcal/day 19-50 Estimated average energy needs (female) 7.72 MJ/day 10.60 MJ/day 2536 kcal/day 2112 kcal/day 8.10 MJ/day 1938 kcal/day Energy balance Simple Equation Two ways to achieve energy balance Reduce intake Increase output Easier to increase usage!!!!!!! Energy intake > Energy usage = Weight Gain Energy intake < Energy usage = Weight Loss Energy intake = Energy usage = No Weight Change Extreme Calorie reduction diets NOT very good when only strategy used Obesity on increase Energy consumption decreasing in diet! Change in dietary mix required Dietary Energy Recommendations Reduce FAT intake Fat – energy dense Reduce from 38% to 30% Food Standards Agency Fat substitute - OLESTRA Increase COMPLEX carbohydrate Increase from 47% to 50% Changing Energy expenditure Energy expenditure depends on: Basal metabolic RATE Thermic effect of FOOD Physical Activity BASAL METABOLIC RATE Regulated by: Body Size Bigger bodies bigger BMR Body Composition Lean tissue uses more energy than adipose (fatty) tissue For a given weight a more muscular individual has a higher BMR than a fatter individual BASAL METABOLIC RATE Regulated by: Age As age increases BMR decreases (2% per decade) Sex BMR higher in males Females have more fat (25-30% c.f. 12-15%), less metabolically active tissue BASAL METABOLIC RATE Regulated by: Nutritional Status BMR decreases on a low energy intake Loss of lean tissue reduces BMR – Survival adaptive mechanism Typically BMR ~50cal per hour (200KJ.h-1) Thermic effect of Food Digestion of food uses energy Fats use 3% of their energy content Carbohydrates use 9% of their energy content Proteins use 17% of their energy content For a high fat diet – most energy is made available to body This energy is stored (fat) or has to be used Reduce fat in diet, increase Carbohydrate & protein and get a double whammy Protein/ CHO – 50% energy content per gram Use up 17%/9% of their energy in digestion Physical activity •Pedal an exercise Easiest of all bike for 13 minutes. •Practice someneeded fast dance steps for 16 minutes. Energy for activity depends on: Individual size •Work in the gardenbody for 18 minutes. – (heavier more energy needed) •Walk briskly for minutes (3.5 mph). Type of 22 activity – See table p34 •Clean the house for 25 minutes Intensity & duration Squash uses 42kJ/min •All use –100 calories (420KJ) – Golf uses 16.7 kJ/min Round GOLF uses more energy then 30 min squash – 3010 kJ c.f 1260 kJ Benefits of Exercise for Energy consumption/body composition Energy expended in activity is used, not stored Following exercise energy consumption remains elevated for some time 20-100kJ additional energy expended Oxygen needed to replenish glycogen stores Duration of EPOC is increased with more intense exercise Exercise may increase BMR for a few days afterwards Post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) Regular exercise is therefore important Change in body composition Lean tissue higher BMR than fatty Body Composition Body mass Poor indicator of patient health (prognosis) Muscle (desirable – heavy), adipose (undesirable – light) Better indicator is body composition Useful to: Assess health risk for patient Monitor weight loss – Diseases/ dieting Monitor training Estimating Body Composition Body mass Index (BMI) BMI=weight / (height)2 Weight (kg), height (m) e.g. Weight = 101kg; Height = 1.82m BMI=101/(1.82)2 BMI=30.5 Overwieght – 25.0-29.9 Obese Class I – 30.0-34.9 BMI Easy, quick Unreliable (for some people) Large muscle bulk classified as obese because heavy, but still low fat Unusual frame – very tall/ small misclassified Measuring Body Composition Body consists of two parts Fat mass (fatty tissues) Fat free mass (muscles, bones, water etc.) DENSITOMETRY Fat mass density= 1.1g/cm3 Fat free mass density = 0.9g/cm3 %fat = 495/density - 450 Body density = body mass/ body volume Body volume obtained by underwater weighing (Archimedes’ principle) Underwater weighing to obtain volume of body Air expelled from lungs Residual lung capacity (unexpired air volume calculated) Body totally submerged, whilst sitting underwater on a seat suspended from a weigh machine – weight underwater (kg) Difference between weight in air and weight underwater = weight of water displaced (Archimedes Principle) Density of water = 1kg/l Volume of water displaced (l) = weight of water displaced (kg) Volume of water displaced = volume of body Correct for residual lung capacity Calculation 60kg person, weighs 2kg underwater Volume of water displaced 58l Density = 60/58 1.0345g/cm3 %fat = 495/density – 450 = 495/1.0345-450 =28.5% Bod Pod Air displacement method Assess body volume by measuring volume of air displaced Comparison BOD POD Expensive Less distressing UNDERWATER weighing Very accurate Expensive Distressing Complex, difficult & time consuming Very accurate Skinfold Thickness Widely used Calipers used to measure thickness of skinfold (pinch skin + subcut. Fat) 4 areas – triceps, subscapular, supra iliac, biceps Sum calculated Tables consulted to indicate % body fat Quick, cheap, relatively easy (but practice required) May not be accurate for unusual individuals Difficult in very lean/ obese Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Fat is an insulator Fat free mass is conductive Electrical conductivity of body will indicate fat content BIA – attach electrodes to feet/ hands Measure conductivity Easy (unskilled), quick Affected by hydration level Inaccurate in lean/ obese Waist/ hip ratio Empirical observation that Android (apple) – at risk of CHD, NIDDM (noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus) Gynoid (pear) – less risk of CHD, NIDDM Measure waist/hipt circumference Hips smaller than waist (android) Suggests extra abdominal fat Hips greater than waist (gynoid) Waist at belly button: Men 37-40in, Equivalent risk as BMI of 25-30; Over 40in, Equivalent risk as BMI >30 OBESITY Obesity = A chronic condition MEN high body characterised14% by excessively fat in relation to lean tissue 17% WOMEN BMI > 30kg/m2 On the increase 20% CHILDREN Desirable 12-15% fat, male 20-30% fat, female OBESITY – Health Risks CHD – coronary heart disease TYPE 2 (non- insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus Cancers (colon, breast) Bone & joint disorders Respiratory problems OBESITY - Causes Reduced physical activity High, energy dense fat in diet Genetic, metabolic & psychological factors also may play a part OBESITY – Treatment Reduce energy intake Increase energy usage Or Or BOTH Recap – Benefits of Exercise for weight Control Calorie reduction more successful if exercise included in weight control programme: Exercise benefits: Increased energy usage More fatty tissue lost, (active) lean tissue augmented BMR maintained (possibly increased), reducing calorie intake decreases BMR Exercise need not be vigorous Long duration, moderate intensity (brisk walk) HEBS – 30min exercise over most days