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111 Church Street
P. O. Box 123
Yorktown, Virginia 23690
Church Office 898-3261
Day School 898-7250
Fax 890-2602
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The Rev. Carleton Bakkum, Rector
The Rev. Dr. Connie Jones, Associate Rector
Staff and Adjunct Staff Members
Organist/Choir Director – Suzanne Daniel
Director for Children & Youth Ministries – Cornelia Taylor
Parish Administrator – Carol Romeo
Parish Secretary – Courtney Kelley
Financial Director – Bob Frady
Treasurer – Karen Jackson
Sexton – Kevin James
Resident Spiritual Director – Elsa Bakkum
Nursery Supervisor – Diane Garrison
Nursery Attendant – Joanna Taylor-Wilson
Day School Director – Susan Carter
Parish Nurse – Nancy Sullivan
Our Mission Statement
“For generations to come, Grace Church will be a
beacon on the peninsula of the GOOD NEWS of
Jesus Christ, celebrating the wholeness within and
redeeming what is broken”
Easter Vigil, York River
The Vestry Commission System
Parish Life
Evangelism &
The Commission System supports Grace Church’s Mission and offers considerable
opportunity for personal contributions by parishioners. The principal areas of
parish activity are assigned to separate Commissions – as seen above. Each
Commission is chaired by a vestry member and is composed of committee
chairpersons or a designated representative. Through this system, it is the
vestry’s intention to involve as many people as possible in the planning and work
of the church. Vestry Commission elections are held in September and anyone
age sixteen or older can hold one of these leadership positions.
2014 Vestry
David Stephens, Sr. Warden
Jerry Twigg, Jr. Warden
Karen Jackson, Treasurer
Bob Frady, Financial Director*
Carol Romeo, Register*
• Stewardship – Karen Jackson & Art
• Evangelism & Communication – David
Douglas & Hugh Brownlee
• Outreach – Donna Hines & Lynn
• Parish Life – Nancy Pendleton & Gerry
• Christian Formation – Elizabeth O’Brien
• Worship – Gerry Smelt
* Ex Officio Vestry member
with no voting right
Vestry Leadership
There are many ways to see the Spirit at work at Grace Church. For me,
my second term on the vestry after being off for more than a dozen years
was a real eye opener. Grace is no longer the little church on the banks of
the York River that we knew in the 80’s and 90’s. The number of
ministries and programs, support groups, opportunities for growth and
fellowship, outreach and service have grown to the point where we are
now one of the larger parishes in the Diocese. The growth is particularly
impressive in view of the fact that so many of our churches are struggling
to keep their doors open. Our good fortune derives from many factors
including our beloved clergy, Carleton and Connie, and the extraordinary
gifts that they bring, an energized and hard-working vestry, a superb staff
and most importantly a congregation that is interested in more than just coming to church on Sundays.
If you come by our church on any day or evening (and you can find a parking space) you will often
discover multiple groups devoted to spiritual growth and helping others in our congregation,
community, and beyond. We are truly pursuing our vision: “A beacon on the Peninsula.”
The growth that we are experiencing comes with challenges that will require more good things coming
together – with God’s help. Obvious challenges are posed by our limited worship and meeting spaces
and land to build upon. Many of you remember our struggles to expand or build a new sanctuary only
to have our hopes dashed by obstacles seemingly beyond our control. Not to be defeated in our quest
to meet our facility needs, efforts are currently underway, led by the vestry and volunteers from the
congregation, to examine options for expanding Riverview and the Parish Hall. Choosing among the
various options for growth will require a serious look at our vision for Grace not only in the near term
but far into the future. Toward that end, the clergy and vestry along with Elsa Bakkum and others from
the congregation have drafted a strategic plan which looks at our facility needs in concert with our
ministries and programs going out for the next 30 years.
The realization of this plan will require resources far and above our annual budget. One approach
toward meeting our future needs is the active pursuit of a Planned Giving Program. Gifts from
memorials, gifts by way of a will, and gifts of capital assets may be invested in the Grace Endowment
Fund depending on the wishes of the donor. The Fund is invested and provides an income stream which
will ease the burden of supporting future programs and capital improvements. In our efforts to be
successful in this endeavor, Grace has become a member of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal
Parishes where ideas and help are available to help us become prudent stewards of Gods bounty.
As you read through this report, you will find a virtual banquet for spiritual growth, fellowship, support
and opportunities to guide our hearts and minds to the service of Christ. Jump in and savor! And,
speaking on behalf of myself and the vestry, I want to thank the congregation, clergy and the staff for
their support in helping Grace achieve its vision: “For generations to come, Grace Church will be a
beacon on the Peninsula of the Good News of Jesus Christ, celebrating the wholeness within and
redeeming what is broken.”
David Stephens,
Senior Warden
Properties and Administration
Day School Bath
Pathway to
Parish Hall
Choir room
THE SANCTUARY -Last year’s report spoke about the new roof and the renovation of the steeple as well as the
efforts to address the ceiling cracks. This year’s efforts completed the ceiling work after an inspection by the
engineers to ensure the building is structurally sound. The Grace Historical Church Preservation Committee under
the new leadership of David Miller continues to take a keen interest in maintaining the beauty and condition of the
sanctuary. Of note this year has been the complete renovation of the Sacristy. The choir room has received a
complete face lift with many improvements from a new floor to fresh paint.
THE PARISH HALL - The major focus areas this year has been working on the Parish Hall to provide both upgrades in
capabilities and restoration to the exterior windows.
The Foundation: Last year’s report addressed the status of the Parish Hall foundation. There has been concern
over the last few years about the mortar cracks in the wall on the east end of the building. These cracks suggested
possible settling of the Parish Hall foundation. This past year we continued to monitor the cracks and consulted
with the engineers to review the data and give us some recommendation on the best course of action and the
urgency to take action. The latest reports are positive and the latest measurements continue to show a stabilized
foundation and no action is considered necessary at this time. This situation will require continued monitoring
and the means to monitor the situation into the future are in place. For now we can focus on repairing the cracks.
The Exterior: Work continued throughout the year on performing a thorough restoration of all the parish hall
exterior doors and windows. This effort was begun last year and continued on as weather permitted. The project
involved stripping of the old paint, replacement of rotted wood with better materials and refinishing. The
philosophy has been to replace entire sections of rotted wood vice “patching.” This strategy will reduce the need
for follow on work and increase the life of the windows and doors. While the lions’ share has been completed it
will be next spring before the entire project is complete.
RIVERVIEW - As with last year, this year most efforts at Riverview centered on general maintenance. No major
renovation efforts were undertaken, however, work is underway to provide the Vestry with some preliminary ideas
on future renovations and upgrades to the facility. David Grimsley has volunteered to head up the group for the
coming year and will be providing recommendations.
It has been an enjoyable two years serving as the Junior Warden and again I would be
remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the efforts of our facilities staff and the many volunteers
that have made all the successes possible. This report covers only the high points of this
year’s accomplishments and as I look back I realize there are many other projects that I
wish we could have accomplished. I’ll be passing them on to Vance Field, our new
Junior Warden. It was truly a blessing to have had this opportunity and I ask blessing on
all those who offered a helping hand and were there to support me.
Jerry Twigg,
Junior Warden
During 2014 Grace Church provided a variety of new, energetic, and
engaging opportunities for worship. While there are too many
worship experiences to record here, the following are some of the
Grace Church once again participated in a joint Easter Vigil on the
York River front with churches from the Diocese of Virginia
The Easter Service was again held outside with the beautiful weather
contributing to the joyful celebration shared by the over 300
Grace Church hosted confirmation Sunday where over 30 individuals from
four parishes were confirmed or accepted into the Episcopal Church. Bishop
David C. Jones, retired Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia served as
Another successful church picnic was held at the US Coast Guard Training
Center. The first ever End-of-Summer Service was held on Labor Day
weekend. The service included a relaxed, casual dress service, acolyte
recognition, ministry fair, and brown bag lunch. Although the weather
was cool the warmth of our love for our pets and their love for us were
more than evident at the celebration of St Francis’ feast day and the
Blessing of the Animals. The monthly Celtic continues to grow both in
attendance and in spirit through the various forms and themes of the
worship experience. It has also proven to be popular with attendees who
are not members of Grace Church. During the year we also had several
opportunities to celebrate the multi-national character of the worldwide
Anglican community. At confirmation we were honored to have the Right
Rev. Isaiah Chambala, Bishop of the Diocese of Kiteto in Tanzania in
attendance. On several occasions during the summer, the Rev Barry
Browning, retired Vicar of the Church of England, father of Ruth Harris,
assisted as celebrant. One of these occasions was the Sunday nearest
Independence Day, adding a special meaning to the service.
With Carleton on sabbatical, there were opportunities for the
congregation to hear the word of God from one of their own. At the
church picnic, Jack Tartala, graduating senior and acolyte, delivered the
sermon. During the summer, sermons were delivered by Donna Hines,
Debra Boyce, Cornelia Wilson and the Rev. Lauren McDonald.
Of particular note this year was the retirement of Leslie Viccellio after
many years as the faithful Chair of the Altar Guild. Rose Field has
graciously volunteered as the new Chair. A new Acolyte Handbook was
completed and distributed this year. Finally, a compilation of a Worship
Protocol Manual was completed and will serve as a single-source
information document for all the individual ministries that contribute to
the worship experience at Grace Church.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Watching over God’s little ones in the
Nursery.... First steps towards entering
Sunday School.
Christian Formation flourishes here at Grace Church.
Beginning in Nursery School, through high
school and adult Sunday classes, curriculum and program continue to provide opportunities for fellowship,
learning God’s word and fun. Some examples for 2014 include: Regular Sunday School classes Godly Play,
Grades 1-5, Rite 13(J2A), high school, EYC, and Children’s Chapel. Once a month Grace for Everyone included
a talent show, the Great Bible Quiz, and Advent wreath making. Youth activities were abundant – with two
groups meeting on Friday and Sunday evenings. Beginning with the New Year’s Eve lock-in and continuing
with Super Bowl Hot Wing sale, Annual Council representation, Happening Youth Retreat, Youth Sunday,
creation of beautiful Agape Meal crosses, Easter Egg stuffing, parents group picnic, youth confirmation
retreat, and Rite 13 “Rite of Passage.” In addition, four youth attended Camp Chanco this summer and a
robust Vacation Bible School was once again co-sponsored with Crooks Memorial United Methodist Church.
Movies on the Cemetery Lawn were introduced for all ages with popcorn, drinks and special treats provided.
Other youth activities include the Freezer Ministry which provides home cooked meals to the sick and shut-in,
landscaping at Riverview, and a vegetable garden tended by youth with the harvest donated to Natasha
EYC cleanup of Riverview
Grace Church Day School
This is the fifty-ninth year of operation for Grace
Episcopal Day School. The school has thirty-eight
students enrolled for the 2014 school year. As in the
past, parents made food donations to the York
County Food Closet as part of the school’s
Thanksgiving celebration. The Santa Shop sponsored
by the Parish Book and Gift Shop was a huge success,
and the school donated an educational gift basket to
the Silent Auction.
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a college level
course for lay persons. There are no tests, but
there is reading, homework and once-a-week
seminar group participation. Education for
Ministry continues to be a source of education,
theology, and individual development for
numerous persons in the diocese. Some
graduates have continued into ordination
paths, but many more find their ministry
developed for service within their churches and
communities. It has been described by some as
‘just another Bible study,’ but those who take
part in the four-year study – one year at a time
– know EfM to be much more than that. There
is Bible study, indeed. The first two years
consist of study of the Old Testament and the
New Testament. Then in Years 3 and 4 ‘Church
History’ and ‘Theological Choices’ are covered.
Along with the reading and discussion,
theological reflection takes place, and for most,
this becomes the most important part of the
session each week.
Here at Grace Church, we have three thriving EfM groups that meet weekly. The timing of EfM
continues to follow closely the school year, with an added “kick-off” meeting in August that is open to
anyone interested in learning more. Please contact John Hoppe at or Janet Stephens
at for information.
GROUPS – Grace bustles with activities throughout the week to include the
following groups that meet: Tuesday Night Men’s Group with Carleton, the
Original Men’s Group that meets Wednesdays in Riverview, Taking it to the
Next Level group that meets Thursdays in Riverview, Connie’s book club
meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am., the EiM Group (an offshoot from EfM)
that gathers Wednesday evenings, the Monday Night Readers, Transitions
who meet Thursday mornings, the Knitters who gather Thursday evenings
and AA twice a week. There’s something for everyone and ALL are welcome.
Spiritual Direction with Elsa Bakkum
During 2014 I have met with 14 individuals multiple times for Spiritual Direction. Sometimes these
meetings take place in Riverview, other times over the phone. Only two are currently connected
directly to Grace Church. This ministry reaches far beyond Yorktown to pastors and professors, lay
and clergy. The Enneagram Group continues to meet monthly in Riverview. Faithfulness, creativity,
support, wonder and commitment characterize the territory explored.
Grace Church’s Outreach
commission was busy this
year. Through the gifts of the spirit and led by Donna Hines and
Lynn Grimsley, the following programs were supported:
Angel Tree, Mitten Tree, St. Paul’s 4th Sunday Breakfasts,
Emergency Food Closet and Humane Society Supplies, People
Offering Resources Together (PORT), THRIVE (previously
Denbigh United Christian Outreach), Christmas is Everyday,
Lackey Free Clinic, Meals on Wheels, Cyclists Ministry, Water
The Angel Tree program provided
140 Christmas gifts to children of
incarcerated persons in the local
area. Headed up by Jim and Chris
Giesken and the help of my elves.
Angel Tree
The labyrinth continues to make its
rounds among churches in the area. As
part of our Evangelism Ministry, it is
important that we share this special
resource with the community.
Grace Church hosted its first Stop Hunger Now packaging
event. A new packaging record was established. We packed
10,584 meals in 48 minutes. One hundred and seven people
attended the event. It was such a huge success it has become
an annual outreach event. Thanks to Kathy Michaels for
leading this ministry.
Cyclist Hospitality Ministry
We have now completed twelve years of hosting cyclists
beginning or ending their journey across America on the
TransAmerica bicycle trail. This year we hosted 50+ cyclists
from across the United States and from the United Kingdom
and Australia. Most stayed in Riverview and several in
parishioner homes when Riverview was already occupied. It is
always a pleasure to show them the facilities at Riverview;
common reactions are Wow!.. Really!.. The cyclists ending
their journey are especially appreciative of the facilities we
offer after being on the road for 60+ days. We also offer them
assistance, if needed, with rides to the airport, train and bus
stations, grocery stores, and bike shops. This year we again
hosted a luncheon for 13 cyclist and 4 family members from
the Adventure Cycling Association as they started their guided
TransAmerica tour. If you would like to help with this ministry,
please contact
John Oppenhuizen at 988-1006 or Blessings!
Just an example of inspiring words left in
the cyclist journal:
“We mark the start of our journey today.
We’re seeking to find God on this trail and
understand how to honor the story He’s
gifted us with. We are so grateful to start in
a place filled with His presence and grace.” –
Jeff & Natasha Kleffman, Jersey City, NJ –
Yorktown to Florence, OR
Cyclist luncheon
People Offering ResourcesTogether: PORT
Grace Church served the homeless through our participation
in PORT at First Baptist Church, Chestnut UMC, and
Resurrection Church. Dinner was provided by ten volunteers
each time who made delicious baked ziti and served by eight
volunteers at each church. Other volunteers checked in
guests, stayed overnight and prepared and served hot
breakfasts. Over eighty volunteers from Grace Church
participated in PORT.
Parish Book & Gift Shop
Thanks to the dedication and support of Grace
volunteers, the bookstore was able to use profits from
sales to support the following outreach programs:
Providence Presbyterian Church memoriam, CNU
Campus Ministry, York County Food Closet and the
Associate Rector’s Discretionary Fund. The Parish Book
& Gift Shop board consists of Jean Liberati, Nancy
Henry, Terry Randolph, Vivian Yerby, Myrna Hirv, Karen
Herdy, Merle Burgess and Peggy Bruce
2014 was a milestone year for Beeing Graceful - thriving colonies at
Riverview and at the Williamsburg home of Roger and Lucinda
Gosden produced a first honey harvest! Most of the 25 pounds that
have been extracted were used in a fund-raising raffle, with a few
remaining jars going to supporters of this environmental ministry,
Bishop Hollerith, and friends of the Parish. In addition to honey, the
Riverview hives produced a pair of swarms; these were relocated to
new homes - one at the Gosden's Williamsburg apiary and the other
with neighbors Jim and Carla Rice in Yorktown village. We are looking
forward to caring for the colonies through the winter, and planning
for next year's activities.
Special Thank You
Gardening at Grace
The beautiful gardens on the church property are lovingly
maintained by volunteers headed up by Jean Kirkham.
Many opportunities for weeding, mulching, planting and
other soul-enriching tasks are always available so if tending
God’s earth is your calling, please contact the church office
and we will put you in touch with Jean.
The staff of Grace Church want to
express their deep appreciation to
Chip and Mary Fenno for the many
hours of personal time given to
updating and repairing our
system with unfailing good spirit,
speed and competence.
cheerfully take our frantic calls and
respond immediately to save the
day and we are so very grateful for
their expertise, friendship and
As Christians, we believe that part of our response to God's love
is to support and grow the ministries of our Church. The major
sources of support for Grace Church come from our Annual Giving
Campaign and our Planned Giving Program.
Activities in 2014
2015 Proposed Budget: In the Fall 2014, the Vestry and the Finance, Audit,
and Endowment Committee developed a proposed budget to meet the
requirements of our congregation and our outreach ministries. Salaries and
facility requirements for long-term maintenance were included.
2015 Pledge Campaign: The Stewardship Commission, in conjunction with
the Finance, Audit, and Endowment Committee, established a pledge goal of
$580,000 for 2015. This target represents a modest increase over the
amount received in 2014 and was motivated by the fact that Grace Church
has been growing its ministries and programs in recent years to meet the
needs of the congregation and expanded outreach opportunities.
Planned Giving Program: Gifts to support the future ministries and needs of
Grace Church and its mission. Planned Giving offers church members the
opportunity to make a testament about the importance of their Christian
faith, and can help ensure that resources will be available in the future to do
the important work of Grace Church. In general planned gifts are made
through: (1) Bequest in a will, (2) Life income gift such as a gift annuity, and
(3) Gifts of special assets (real estate or stocks). The donors may direct the
ultimate use of their gifts. Future ministries, capital needs, memorials, grants
and the Grace Endowment Fund are often specified. Gifts to the Endowment
Fund generate earnings that can be used by the Church but the corpus
remains intact providing growth and revenue for years to come.
Includes Sunday,
weekday, and private
The Parish Life Commission encompasses many areas that enrich the
life of the parish. Weekly coffee hours are held between church
services each week. Funeral receptions chaired by Melinda Reed
provide support to families experiencing loss and transition.
Exquisitely decorated tables lovingly set for the Agape Meal, Easter
breakfast, Congregational Breakfast, and Annual Meeting and Burning
of the Greens service, touch the lives of all who attend. Coordinated
by Gerry Lopez and Nancy Pendleton, the life of the parish is full and
complete with organization and thoughtful accomplishment.
The Episcopal Church Women were busy this year with the
following activities: United Thank Offering breakfast, which
raised $692.45 of which (along with funds raised by other
churches) three grants were given to provide dental health
care and oral hygiene to children living in poverty, donatins to
Trinity Episcopal Church, Charlottesville, to provide equipment
for the church’s kitchen for their food outreach ministry and
funds to the Diocese of South Sudan to provide for
transportation in medical emergencies.
The Colonial Pie Sale was held once again the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and raised $435.00 to be used for
Outreach purposes. Toiletries were collected and delivered by John Sim to the girls of Jackson Feild Home,
mittens, hats, gloves and socks were collected and mailed by Sue Gorski and Sue Kidd to children in Appalachia.
The ECW enjoyed two business meetings – the Spring meeting had keynote speaker Nancy Henry provide a
reinactment of the life of women in Civil War times. The Fall business meeting had a pictorial slide show of the
Rev. Bakkum’s sabbatical and was well attended by twenty-three women.
Mardis Gras
Archives and Restoration of the Church
The main focus of the work of our Archives this year has centered on
creating our Accession Book. Not only is an accession book a vital
organizational tool for any collection, it is actually a legal document that
establishes ownership and chain of title for each item in our Archives. This
ongoing, tedious and labor intensive project , will eventually lead to an easily
searchable database.
Brenda Moore
The Grace Church Archives had the privilege to take part in the York County
History Fair on March 23, 2014. Not only did we have
one of the best displays, but we had the very best visual
Grace Historical Church Preservation Foundation
aid in the show. Our Nancy Thomas “Grace Church”
Grace Church was destroyed during the
facade that resides in the stairwell was transported to
Revolutionary War and again during the Civil War.
the Freight Shed by several volunteers. Thanks to Art
Funds had to be raised to restore the building each
Boyce, Gerry Lopez, Jerry Twigg, Kevin James and others
time. Now in the 21st century, it’s our turn. With
who made this possible. Many requests from the public
the help of Kevin James and David Miller, the Grace
resulted in assistance in tracing ancestors. One example
Historical Church Preservation Foundation has been
of this was a referral by the Grace Book & Gift Shop to
actively fulfilling its promise to maintain and
customer, Kenneth Maresco, for information on the
preserve the historic church building. Kevin has
Rev. Francis Fontaine. Since Fontaine was one of our
remodeled the choir room; patching, painting,
early rectors, we had lots of information to share. The
adding shelving, and replacing the floor. New
Archivist responded to multiple requests from our
storm windows and a door were installed. He also
members like Lisa Heuvel who was looking into the
repaired the church ceiling checking to make sure
possibility of an Arcadia book about Grace Church.,
the exterior is weather-tight. Kevin and David plan
Letty Best who had questions about the origins of the
to work on the interior crown molding next, then
Naomi Dozier Circle, and David Miller who was
they will begin repairing the walls. Our 300 year old
interested in the age of the recently replaced church
building has never looked better. The Preservation
Foundation was created in order to assure that the
church where our Founding Fathers worshipped is
maintained for future generations. Contributions to
continue preservation efforts are welcome.
Funerals were conducted for:
Richard Burnett Stacpoole
Margaret Munro Shrader
Don Richard Davey
George Joseph Trombley
John Henry Burcher
Richard Smith Davey
Bernard Joseph Sutton, III
Edward Joseph Raymond
LeRoy Henry Ludi
Jean Williams LaRoche
Walter Milliner
Marie Bird Allen “Birdie” Burcher
Mary Jane Massey
Currently all burial spaces in the cemetery are committed. However, there are spaces available for
inurnments in the columbarium. Please contact a member of the Cemetery Committee for more
information. Cemetery funds are currently invested in the Cemetery Endowment Fund managed by the
Diocese of Southern Virginia. There remains a Cemetery Maintenance Fund available for day-to-day
expenses in the care and improvement of the Cemetery.
Committee Members: Frank Edwards, Chairman, Sandy Swift, Bob Stallings, Al Crane, Jerry Thompson and
Don Washburn
After many years as
Chairman of the
Committee, Frank
Edwards has turned
over this ministry to
Sandy Swift.